
wot power leveling closed at 2540.71 points - SXD

129742939272031250_18020th, under the influence of Central Bank reduced reserve requirements message over the weekend, CSI 300 jumps-MarketWatch, but then in the short-term profits of reconciliation dual shock fall under influence of selling pressure, closed at 2540.71 points, compared with the previous day of 3.62, IF1203 Gap to 2,579 points advance intraday plunge in turbulence, and closed at 2552.4 points, Compared with the previous trading day closing price up 2.6 points, contract 299,808, substantially increased warehouse 5,614 hand positions to 46 wot power leveling,436. Central Bank decides to cut deposit reserve rate since February 24, 2012 0.5%. This is a Bank of 2012 for the first time, "drop", the one-time release of about 400 billion yuan of funds. Central Bank's move was intended to furtherFree up liquidity in the banking system, alleviating the current market tension. According to the National Bureau of statistics announced on 18th January, link all of 70 cities in new commercial house price rises. Remain strictly under the situation of government regulation, market an "inflection point" seems to be accelerating, house price correction trend or to continue in the future. Central Bank announced at the weekend reduced deposit0.5% gold rate, stock index jumped today affected by this advance, but then shocks back line has also lost half a year, can delay effective release remains the key to strength in the market. But central banks cut deposit reserve ratio released the future of relatively loose monetary policy steady signal world of tanks power leveling, 5th, 10th and market below average supports strong wot power leveling, middle will still have toStronger conditions. On the operation, can continue to hold in early, continue to uphold the admission is not closed down long. (Zhongzhou futures road days) online statement Gold: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

