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129756341083437500_44On March 6, 2012, in kuitun "Internet online service business premises network security" courses in Conference room floor tera gold, municipal Sports Council opening ceremony. Member of the Standing Committee, Du Yongsheng diablo 3 gold, Minister of the propaganda Department attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Coming from the city's Internet online service business premises of operators, network security managers a total of 35 people attended the training course.Organized the training course is a municipal party Committee propaganda Department, municipal Sports Bureau based in kuitun City Commission on further strengthening the management of virtual community spirit to make arrangements. Designed to thoroughly and autonomous regions, the yili Prefecture CPC Committee and the plots in kuitun City Committee on strengthening management of virtual community a number of policies and arrangements. Training guide Internet cafe operators and network security personnel close to master, a time online counter-And harmful information, safeguard national security, social order and the public interest, creating a healthy network environment, for the leap-forward development in kuitun and long-term peace and stability and create a good social environment. Member of the Standing Committee, the Minister of propaganda Department of Du Yongsheng pointed out in his speech, along with the development and popularity of the Internet, information security has become a growing communityHot topics of concern. Network has a dual nature, it provides services to people at the same time, also become reactionary and harmful information dissemination channels diablo 3 gold, affect national security, disturbing the social order, harm the public interest. For you to create a safe healthy environment network is an Internet online service business owners and network security managers need to takeResponsibilities and obligations of due diligence. In order to guarantee the quality of training, so that we really learn something from, network security Brigade in kuitun City Public Security Bureau training courses specifically invited experts to teach. ����Period, participants learn the system network security knowledge and the Internet online service business premises Management Ordinance. According to statistics, there are Internet cafes in kuitun 37. The city's InternetNearly 100,000 Internet users, Internet users of the two cities of yili Prefecture for eight County 49%.

