
world of tanks power leveling triggered a global financial tsunami.After one year - CLK

The Beijing September 14 report (reporter Li Li) in 2008, the United States of America Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, triggered a global financial tsunami.After one year, people.com.cn opinion monitoring room, the securities times network public opinion monitoring room released since the international financial crisis, China enterprises public opinion coping capacity list.Monitoring room integrated hundreds of families both inside and outside the main media, well-known websites and forums, and hundreds of opinion leaders events monitoring results, out of 12 pieces of hot network events of public opinion.From crisis early warning and emergency handling mechanism, enterprise, information transparency, aftercare treatment world of tanks power leveling, for enterprises to develop comprehensive effects of five conventional indicators, and the consumer, customer, supplier relations, the relationship between the internal processing, enterprise the relation with the government, enterprises and industry associations, agencies to deal with the relationship of four special targets on 12 pieces of public opinion, public opinion in the event of enterprises coping ability assessment.Public opinion analyst on the basis of these indexes on enterprise performance evaluation of enterprise performance were made, the better, more appropriate to deal with, then the higher scores, and lower score.Blue, yellow, orange, red alert degree level from low to high, a total of 50 points (including) above the blue alert wot power leveling, enterprises cope with the overall relatively decent; a total of 40 ~ 49.99 is yellow alert, enterprises need to be further strengthened; a total of 30 ~ 39.99 for enterprises to deal with the orange alert, there is an obvious problem; a total of 30 branch (not including) the red alert world of tanks power leveling, enterprises to cope with the serious misconduct, the major defects.Tengzhong to buy Hummer incident on June 3, 2009 morning, Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Company in the company 's website and GM's \

