
world of tanks power leveling 500 - CRU

129756355702656250_5Review: CNN commentary believe that United States declining proportion of manufacturing industries in the national economy wot power leveling, jobs decrease is attributable to the Government's trade, taxation and labour policy.  To achieve the recovery in the manufacturing sector, United States Germany product strategy of excellence, respect for workers ' rights play their creative to achieve harmonious labour relations. Following is the United States economy and thePeace Research Institute (The Institute for Economics and Peace), Deputy Director of Michael Shank and Germany the social democratic party, Thorben Albrecht, head of the Department of strategy and policy reviews nuance: United States manufacturing by 4 million jobs over the past decade,Production has hovered near the 12% per cent of GDP, less than half the proportion in the 1950 of the 20th century. But Germany was also a pair of scenes, the proportion of manufacturing industry in the country is expected to rise to 25%. United States President Barack Obama this week pledged to the manufacturing company's tax rate fell to 25% in January growth in manufacturing employment hit a 7-month high, decline in the manufacturing sector may wish to reverse。 United States current income gap as the biggest since the great depression, mainly trade, taxation and labour policy for thirty or forty years. In the area of trade policy, outsourcing, manufacturing transfer outside destruction weakens the working class. Tax policy and low taxes on capital gains and dividends tax loopholes such as the transfer of wealth to a few, resulting in encouraging non-laodongzhifu. Labour administrationPolicies, minimum wages for most Americans fail to improve.  The inflation-adjusted, the minimum wage is less than income inequality trends started to develop in 1968. United States treat workers has resulted in a highly dangerous socio-economic reality: half of Americans are poor or low-income. Census Bureau data show that approximately 50 million people living below the poverty line,Average annual household income less than $ 22,500; another 100 million Americans belong to low income, average annual household income of less than US $ 45,000. Beginning in 2008 financial crisis has exacerbated income inequalities.  Wealth mainly for common stocks and hit the crowd in the first suite wot power leveling, while the wealthy investment insurance securities, derivatives and credit default swaps. GermanyMaintaining healthy economic development while keeping a strong working class, United States can absorb the experience. And the United States are different, Germany rapid recovery from the recession of 2009, mainly due to the crisis during the Germany have managed to retain skilled workers in the industry. Germany Government supports reduced working hours to avoid layoffs, this only with decent wages, exist only under the premise of harmonious labour relations.Germans trust management and unions are called "social partnership".  Despite the current number of non-Union enterprise growth and increasing income inequality, but Germany export-oriented manufacturing mode of social cooperation remained stable. That unions, higher wages and workers ' rights is the burden on enterprises and people should see Germany's success lies in the manufacturing sector. The past decade Germany exports (mainFor manufactured exports) annual growth of 2.3%, annual growth of the GDP over the period 1.1%. Germany is how to do it?  It is not a cheap product to win world of tanks power leveling, but focusing on high quality products, in other countries of Europe, Japan and the United States lost market share in China while maintaining a share of the growing global market. Product excellence is GermanyStrategic Foundation of the building industry, as Mercedes ad says "we were inventing cars, from 1886 to remain so." This strategy only workers ' skill levels high and highly incentive to work, but also management staff to promote the continuous improvement of products and processes. Reform-oriented management was successful, because the power of trade union representatives to "Working Committee"The presence in the form of the first line of production, Board of supervisors to ensure that the interests of workers has always been taken into account. Contrasts and is Germany's services, services wages and manufacturing is very different from, the Union forces are much smaller, growing more slowly, it is not a coincidence. (Chumo/compilation)

