
star wars credits it was blowing fine defensive fouls - ATV

129773214975625000_391! was Dwyane Wade covers two dimensions in the section 9 13 6 only risks damage bad Thunder Yeah sporting March 26: Beijing time on March 26, the Thunder at home with a 103:87 victory over heat, made three consecutive victories. House competitions, Yves Brook deep into foul trouble, play 33 minutes, 16 shots in only 4, Trey 3 shots in 1, contributed 13 points in free throw penalty 4 4 6 assists 3 rebounds 3 tackling as well as 4 errors. The third Festival, Yves in a single section-9 1, all the competitions he has also twice been Dwyane Wade covers humiliation, finished by opponents. In addition, third Festival Victoria tera gold, grabbed the ball right to cause Thunder due to poor offensive, also attracted criticism from us experts. In a forest-Wolf game on, Yves career highs of 45 minutes under the cut, two extra time, he alone was 11, his sharp break VS anti-Be prevention. Today, however, opponents of heat is the dimension of victims in recent years, three times in the past and, dimension fields can only be 15 points, hit just 29.5% (44 shots in 13). Experts before the competition analysis that the heat have Dwyane Wade to suppression and Cha Mosi Weiss speed. Sure enough, once again, the heat played the role of Yves lad. Before the first half of the, Weiss's performance is quite good, complete a tackling. Zhihou, Weiss his speed advantage into full play, bringing competition into the rhythm of your favorite. Rapid breakthroughs in the split ring, in one hand the ball to the Eibar card assists Eibar card corner jump shot, bursting with cover dribble emergency stop after the jump shot, Weiss of the strong heat very uncomfortable. However, the first half, cuttingFound "inappropriate" blow penalty was greatly depressed by Yves, was blowing fine offensive fouls, received after a personal foul for the second time, Weiss was forced to end. At this point, his data for the 3 shots in 1, 2-3 assists 2 errors. Middle of a Festival, Weiss returned to on the field, just one play, stop jumpers successful under Weiss depended on the cover, however, Weiss then excited brain feverTrying to tackling Pos, it was blowing fine defensive fouls, this was his third foul, and now have 7.5 minute from halftime ended! Last resort, Weiss out again, he says of his mouth, very reluctant to return to the bench seats. Fortunately, Thunder is not because of his off-field collapse tera power leveling, instead of more of the Vietnam war, Super offensive firepower of Durant and Marcia gay harden for heat. ShangHalftime star wars credits, Thunder hit close to 70%, their secret is the transfer of more balls, beauty expert Pelton wrote on Twitter: "this is I've seen Thunder transfers the ball do the best game this season. "However, when Weiss get back on the field, t-smooth attack and disappeared. Ball more control in the hands of Weiss, he constantly select singles and strong investment. The result, Yves-9 1And also Dwyane Wade covers shame. Weiss performed Thunder expert Danil-Alan Maybury's dissatisfaction, he believed that Weiss is independence, undermined the Thunder offensive rhythm, he wrote: "Yves have to transfer the ball up, just like the first half in his absence, Thunder, he can't stop ball! "Finger tip game, Weiss's performance change, processBreaking free throws, behind a quarterback passing assists Corison storm button with both hands, into the rhythm of the Yves you stop jump shot three minutes, high ball to look at potential heat defensive vulnerabilities assists Perkins storm buckle masterpiece staged under the basket. Perkins storm buckle after succeeding, heat was suspended, Weiss and Perkins passion hit the chest in celebration. Finally, while Weiss data is far better than average seasonBut Thunder also was in a home victory over. Next fight, Yves that think, how to Wade for his breaking off the drum set. Others:

