
tera power leveling foreign investors net buying us debt of nearly US $ 83 billion in January - LSA

129765260878281250_30Stocks stage high on dollar assets into a "safe haven" preferred After another positive economic data, plus the Fed continues to maintain a relaxed tone to promote United States stock markets this week to March all the way. As at the close on Thursday, p 500 even up a four-day, four-year charge for the first time in more than 1400 points. Shadows lingering European debt crisis, show signs of rebound in the near future the United States become the first choice for international money "safe haven". United States TreasuryNewly released data show that in January that the world's United States financial assets such as stocks, bonds, strong growth in demand exceeded expectations. Three main index breaking through the important pass in succession by a batch of positive economic data boosted stocks 15th continued to move up, and continued the good momentum since the beginning of this week. And poor's 500 index was up 0. 60%, the first time in four years at 1400 pointsOn. As at the closing on the day, the Dow Jones industrial average over the previous trading day up 58. 66 o'clock, closing at 13,252. 76 o'clock tera power leveling, up 0. 44%. Higher Dow has seven trading days in a row. Last the index is so strong in February 2011, when the Dow had eight consecutive trading day gains. Poor's 500 index was up 8. 32 pointsPer cent to 1402. 60 o'clock, up 0. 60%. This is the poor's 500 Index closed at over 1400 points for the first time since June 2008. The Nasdaq composite index was up 15. 64 o'clock, at 3,056. 37 o'clock, up 0. 51%. NASDAQ hit its highest close in more than 10 years. Since the beginning of this year, as stocks continue to rise,All three major indexes have this month broke through the key technical barrier. Shortly before the Dow traded above 13,000 points, NASDAQ back in 2000 during the technology bubble above the 3,000-point. Thursday the Dow and standard and poor's 500 index and NASDAQ indices of three at 13,000 points and 1400 points respectively, and for the first time above the 3,000-point. Some investors also worried thatContinuous rise of possible adjustments, since the beginning, p 500 has rallied around 11%. However, so far, the wave adjustment during the rising was very short, only last for a few days at most. Sheng--one of the largest asset managers in the world the United States is very bullish on stocks. Mei sheng believes that from the perspective of history, United States economy from external influence is relatively small, in the eurozoneExports accounted for United States gross domestic product less than 2%, and election year typically bullish New York. The data "to force" the Fed help Mei Sheng pointed out that, from the manufacturing sector, employment, consumer confidence and spending, as well as key areas such as housing swtor credits, United States economy is in "the real road to recovery". In particular the property market, Mei sheng believes that Americans affordable House prices index has reached record levels, 30Year mortgage rates fall to record low points, these are creating favorable conditions for the recovery of the property market. With United States companies flush with cash, cheap valuations, and mergers and acquisitions, Mei Sheng optimistic about the future performance of the small caps stocks in particular. Market participants noted that the recent United States stocks rose has two main support, is a continuous data exceeded expectations, at the same time the Federal Reserve continues to maintain its loosePolicy of the tone. United States Department of labor notice of 15th last week United States initial claims for unemployment benefits by 1. 40,000 to 35. 10,000 people show United States employment situation continues to improve. February jobs report released earlier showed, February United States months before the unemployment rate and the non-agricultural sector was flat at 8. 3%. The current month, United States job new jobs in the non-agricultural sector22. 70,000, and market expectations are similar. As of January of this year, United States non-agricultural sectors has 5 consecutive month of decline in the unemployment rate. Since last August, United States unemployment rate fell by 0. 8%. Manufacturing was in sending a positive signal. 15th New York Fed data shows that manufacturing industry continued to expand in March in New York and the surrounding areas, highest in nearly 2 years newHigher. According to the March New York manufacturing index from February 19. 53, up from 20. 21, its highest level since June 2010. The data is already 4 months in a row, showing New York manufacturing industry continued to expand. The other hand, the Federal Reserve despite the failure to give clear signals in the third round of quantitative easing, but authorities still reiterates the easing of politicalPosition curated. Interest on the meeting in this week, Federal Reserve recognized job market improved in the near future, but expressed concern about the still high unemployment. Authorities also reiterated that is expected by the end of 2014 to maintain interest rates at very low level to boost the United States economy. Global heat-holding United States financial asset if placed in a larger context, dollar assets this year seems to be generally favored by the international investors�� This is to a large extent thanks to European debt help, United States economic data of the "best" also gave investors more confidence in buying dollar assets. According to data from Washington in January, global investors and Government agencies on United States demand for financial assets. According to United States Treasury figures released on Thursday, net purchases totaling $ 101 billion in January foreign investors longStocks and bonds, net buy US $ 19.1 billion in December last year. This data goes far beyond the industry's widely expected. In a Bloomberg survey of economists expected values for January foreign bought long-term dollar may just US $ 38.5 billion in assets. Milan, TD Securities Senior Strategist in New York expressed, foreign to the United States surge in demand for financial assets, highlightsBall for United States portfolio has continued to steadily increase appetite. Milan and some other analysts have noted that the January foreign buying United States increase in financial assets, mainly Government bond demand. "Particularly strong demand for us debt, underlining, even in the context of overall risk appetite tended to be better, US bonds as a safe haven asset for global investors are still bigAttractive. "According to statistics, foreign investors net buying us debt of nearly US $ 83 billion in January tera power leveling, and this figure is only a month ago for $ 14.9 billion. Most active United States Treasury buyers, United Kingdom new purchased US $ 29.9 billion, Japan holdings 20.8 billion dollar us debt. Recent net selling holdings of us debt China again chose. United States Treasury dataAs shown in January China Holdings United States Treasury bonds to 1. 1595 trillion dollars, higher than the previous month's 1. 1519 trillion dollars. China remains the United States largest holders of Treasury bonds, amounting to 1.1595 trillion dollars, followed by Japan with $ 1.079 trillion. (Reporter Zhu Zhouliang) Others:

