
tera gold both the management of the new company's stock - KCD

129765255575468750_0Cool potatoes integration challenges NetEase technology columnist Yang Ge (micro-blogging) different corporate culture with marriage problems in youku and Tudou market reaction occurs at the beginning of a round of "irrational exuberance" 後, investors became aware of, indeed, of this new merger company was only a small role, but is still an expensive tera gold, role of turmoil. Potato stock 160% premium investorsAnd the company's latest statement difficult to appease outsiders worry, and might suggest that these two distinct anterior instability of the company corporate culture. Merging announcement youku shares pushed higher after investors Wednesday to face a new reality of 27%, youku in New York on Wednesday closed down 8%, at $ 28.79, however this is still higher than before the merge statement announced US $ 25Share prices. Their "marriage" will face numerous obstacles, including slower growth in the advertising market. But perhaps one of the biggest challenges are, how to integrate their different corporate cultures. Youku CEO Victor Koo style under the leadership of more companies and potatoes under the leadership of Wang Wei, founder of more venture capital. Micro-in none of the two companies said the King at your new companyAny level, but I think, he may work in the new company and the potatoes as its own territory, and that's the long run will cause problems. His latest declarations seems to have this effect, Chinese media quoted him as saying that potatoes will not lay off staff after a merge, and all employees will be pay rise. I know, when a similar merger occurs, is swallow staff is expected to worry about "fanBowl "issue, in this case for potatoes, its market value in a merger announcement was cool about one-fourth. But in the final analysis, that the merger is one of the main causes of cost savings, the two companies hope that synergy to achieve similar cost savings, and is one of the most important ways of achieving synergies to reduce redundant work. Micro-statement King despite the good intentions, but announced that theSomeone will pay increase seems very irresponsible, as it is a commitment will further increase the cost of new companies. I suspect that before King micro released this statement to internal message, do not discuss with Victor Koo, but such unilateral action taken to its new boss declared, he is still the potatoes "man of the House". I believe that, as the new company of two different corporate cultures in the futureFor months, both the management of the new company's stock, more this kind of thing will happen. In a word: Tudou founder Wang Wei's statement, indicates difficulties in the integration of the company with a cool, also heralded a new company next year's performance and share price should not be too good. After the merger is still big enough in the congestion of the Internet industry in China, occurring between two listed companies mergeAre rare, so just publish the leading online video site youku (NYSE:YOKU) rival potatoes (Nasdaq:TUDO), combined to create indisputable online video industry leading companies that deal in China, I really don't know how to expand the discussion. And in theory on the deal in the name sounds quite interesting,A marriage of the two largest and second-largest video sharing site very interesting, cool style more to enterprise diablo 3 power leveling, potatoes, under the leadership of its founder Frank Wang Wei more entrepreneurial background. At least for potatoes of the shareholders, the deal is very good. Potatoes in August last year after listing, stock prices continued to decline lead to have fallen in value by about half, there are patient enough to hold its sharesSuch investors will be the company's original offer price 38% a rare premium, and the purchase price was announced the potatoes the day before the closing of 160%, before this agreement. But on the whole, the deal itself small amounts, even if there is such a high premium, potatoes worth just over $ 1 billion. In other words, plus the youku's own market value of 28.5Dollars, after the amalgamation of the entire company value of just under 4 billion dollars � a figure it's hard to get people excited, still lags behind many other Internet companies, such as Sina (Nasdaq:SINA) and NetEase (NTES), and lags far behind the Internet search engine leader Baidu (Nasdaq:BIDU) and Tencent (HKEx: 700)。 Tudou and youku are currently at a loss, the fair helped them rather than as a single independent company turned to profit more quickly. But that is, looming slowdown in Internet advertising as a whole may also be hit, as advertisers spend money to seek the most effective channels might not consider online video options similar to the popular SINABaidu search page of the website and the industry-leading platform for more effective. As the Chinese Internet industry for many years, and I have to say I like this deal, because it represents a date two very friendly merge a maximum of complementary companies. However, from the investor's perspective, and to be honest for this deal, I would not be too excited, because youku and potato in ChinaHuge areas of the Internet after all is just a small company, will soon find a small role and another small role remains the same as in a small role. If I were a gambler, I would bet that the newly-merged company over the next two years will eventually be acquired by a larger company, just like Google (Nasdaq:GOOG) acquisition of Youtube. AWords: youku and potatoes merge worthy of mention is the first precedent of, but in the end the merging company remains a small Internet company, probably in the next two years by acquisitions. (For NetEase technology zhuangao Yang Ge, reprint, please indicate the source. Article only represents the author himself) about the author: Yang Ge (Doug Young) is a veteran financial journalist, former ReutersSocial reporters and editors to China 10 tera power leveling, mainly reported news of China listed companies, now lives in Shanghai. See his blog in English (www.youngchinabiz.com). His column was tailored specifically for Chinese investors and shareholders of online communities, broad participation for retail investors, fund managers and other kinds of people. Blog is not the simple news facts andMarket heat on, but in the wise comments on the mining depth of meaning behind the news. Others:

