
world of tanks power leveling not only contribute to the construction of a comprehensive - CSE

China Telecom will be part of CCS equity transfer to the mobile and China Unicom, let the co-construction and sharing of more practical significance.Operators in the co-construction and sharing of the fusion level, not only contribute to the construction of a comprehensive, powerful communication network, but also to the true to form effective competition, to avoid inefficient competition meaningful? According to media reports world of tanks power leveling, China Telecom Group's listed companies China Communications Services and CCS announced recently, China Telecom has recently part of CCS equity transfer to China Mobile and China unicom.CCS announced that, in 06 years the prospectus disclosed the equity transfer arrangement, the parent company of telegraphic group has over 8.78% and 4.09% respectively in equity, given China Mobile and China Unicom Group, respectively, for 507000000 shares and 236000000 shares.After the completion of the transfer, China Telecom world of tanks power leveling, China Mobile and China Unicom holdings China Communications Services Corporation respectively of the total share capital of 52.6%, 8.78% and 4.09%.China Telecom approve the transfer to China Mobile and China Unicom in the bulletin of part of the shares behavior have been obtained the SASAC of the State Council approved.Before this, China Telecom 65.47% of total equity, this transfer is consciously increase in mobile and China Unicom shares, although this is helpful for China Telecom financing, but from the industrial development level wot power leveling, no doubt on the advance of operators between the co-construction and sharing of infrastructure into \

