
world of tanks power leveling produced many of the profit model - WHG

129742938858906250_198Downward trend, we are investors always has such a puzzle, some fundamentals, stock performance, including better profitability of listed companies, investors dare to hold, but the rebound in the market at a time when performance is very weak. And small-cap stocks in serious decline, and even loss of some listed companies, but falls on the index to rebound their share prices have drawnAnd interpretation of scene after scene of madness. Many investors confused and shook his so-called value investment philosophy directly, and even began to doubt his ability to reflect on their own.   I private institutions, some institutions, particularly some the hype and hype tactics to do some analysis, in order to give investors some inspiration. Floating life internal mechanismIn a rising market, is based on a rise as funds approaching, a lot of investors to participate in this, just have patience, profit is the most. But in a down market, money is a shrinking process of detached, fluctuations in stock prices is basically within the field, stock funds is, therefore, in the context of such a market, some professional investment institutions, their onlyChoice is the use of capital, skilled trader techniques, asymmetry of information resources, as well as on market movements form technology and understanding of market psychology, take certain actions that affect prices, effectively stimulate actively intervene in the market's sentiment, so as to achieve relatively high low intervention show short-term operating mode. This is the more common typical operation approach in the near future. JaneSummarized in the following three categories: the first category: operation oversold shares 6 tips in the case of serious oversold stocks, share prices running to the technical stages in, fly low to attract some institutions, appropriate timing effects side, making market share form induces warehouse financial intervention in outer space, successful profit out of the game. Main points of its operation has the following 6 points: first, the targetStock equity structure and flow. Target stock equity structure, majority within 200 million in circulation, in the case of serious by 70%, a large number of chips being stuck at high levels, 50% against the institutions in low pressure rally does not constitute a large number of solutions. If calculated according to the price around $ 6, low take on 10% chip, probably more than a billion, if aResources in the bodies of more than 200 million, have such capabilities. Second, forms a serious oversold, as well as the distribution of chips. Severely oversold for bodies, a wide range of controlling significance, such as circulation size, rebounding technology space and price advantage. In addition, after a serious oversold, to understand more clearly the distribution of chips and the larger funds orStructure of participation, under normal circumstances, oversold stocks are completely abandoned the main force in early, floating coins out more thorough stock of, involvement of new institutions is avoided in the operation of sudden accidents of other institutions in the process of selling.   To improve the reliability of investment success. Third, the low take chips of skills. Main body low to collect chips must ShunPotential, moderate.   Throw some quick theme pushed collection of chips, a main body to be at a relatively low to collect enough chips within a shorter time, must keep stocks and indices of homeopathy side, appropriate performance characteristics of a weak. IV, making effective market technical forms of attracting foreign capital to follow up, which with the help of foreign funds pushed share prices. In this regard aIs the linkage of market hotspots and subject matter, is considered the second market of the same technical forms of linkage.   For example, a lot of stock in a double negative line quickly after washing up, this time the main operation you can effectively use the technology effectively stimulate the market to follow. V, pushing up the timing and timing of profit out of grasp, mainstay funds can be based on the market at that time State, Select before the index pushed up or success index pushed up or even reverse to push the index higher, which is very subtle, and key agency planning and trader's understanding of marketing. VI, with the help of influential media or analyst recommendations.   Spurned this most investors is one of the most poor practices, this no longer tired State. Second class: hype 7 themes share tips at the appropriate time,Especially after a period of decline in the market when the market downturn, stocks ahead of some agencies in some subject matter a lot to absorb coins, markets rebound slightly amid aggressive pushing practices of forced-air, crazy pull smaller only shares the theme, open the marketing imagination, opportunity to profit on the similar theme unit out. Its main points: first, the theme of mining. AsProfessional investors, their investment research team to have a think tank, but it's not as if that adhere to the dogma of the Fund investment and research methods, master of most of them was after stocks tempered, and has a keen perception of the market, be good at grasping the opportunity and even create market opportunities. Their interpretation by macro-economic data, policy-oriented, concerned about the changes in the international market, from the economic backgroundOr significant opportunities in industry, mining opportunities to market speculation.   Such as the agricultural theme of the early hype, venture capital topics, the Olympic theme of the more successful. Second, the rational distribution of funds. As a larger theme of the hype, the major institutions tend to select similar themes in the large plate stocks positions, take a small amount of crazy pulling the selected subject matter and small-cap "leader"Stocks.   So as to achieve the purpose of obtaining large gains at the expense of smaller. Third, understanding and collaboration between agencies. For groups of subjects the hype, is difficult to successfully promote a bodies only as a market is hot.   There is tacit understanding and collaboration between agencies. IV, lift stock prices when take the form of consecutive daily limit. This time byYu recent market of downturn, dang suddenly appears a sharp of rose of a unit, is easy was market especially short funds of sought after, and these funds participation is a very short of thought participation, participation which has 10% of profit manuals out, and and is market by undertake shares again push high, out funds again participation which, so on caused this only a unit huge of day for handRate, sometimes changed hands that day at 40%. V, the timing of. General themes share the hype, you first need to have macro-background of support, second the need for deep understanding and grasp of the market status. After falling in the market, when the market dull, a large number of short funds in a hurry to look for opportunities to profit when launched wot power leveling, can easily boot capitalSubjects hot drive. VI, media campaigns.   A larger theme of hype and ultimately, media campaigns, but many experts and scholars world of tanks power leveling, commentators, analysts publish their views on this in the public media and may unwittingly becomes a story of hype to build momentum. VII, importance of homeopathy. Promotion to the market, theme unitOften extremely closely and index, launched market tend to be in the market hesitated when elevating tend to be in the bottom of the market clearly when shipments are often in times of market turbulence, often at a time when markets break they also make some short-term opportunities, inducing more out. Theme unit of hype this is we can sense the direction of a market. In other words,When investors see many lure appears when multiple forms, it appears very likely that short-term market fell sharply.   Reduction of body high give up shares, we will have a quick fall after hood. Third class: Insider hype 4 key agencies operating such stocks, because of the timeliness and urgency of the message, often pushing force method of collecting,To the daily limit high strength collection.   Fast washing in key locations, and then shares mad all the way up, and institutional money in a very short period of time to reap huge profits in General and retired. First, select the target unit. This major hype insider, not all agencies are able to do, it not only requires that the institutions have adequate capital, the most important is long-termForm a close relationship with the listed companies, or participation in major events company, chain of interest consistent with the formation of listed companies. Second, the chip collection. Generally take mode gradually pushing up the secondary market of collection, in the period covered by a continuous volume of pushing up the share price, is a long-term hold on the holdings of a large number of historical, and is constantly pushing substantial holdings in lowIntervention of a profit, three were in relatively high continued to undertake technical selling. Even in high intense strong collection practices continue to increase.   When faced with very high level of body control, outside of very few chips case, tend to take the extreme of elevating method, continuous rise sharply, even in continuous daily limit. Third, out of the method. It was early to take extremeRising shares to try for missing change hands in the Middle, so high generally need to take advantage of substantial news, maintain the upward trend of share prices out of a shock, during which transactions are active, rising extreme easy used this technology trend of reduction of outward bound. V, time to market. Speculation of these institutions are generally in the context of a good market, in aA downward trend, due to prudent investments in the market, it's hard to take this method of extreme hype, most of the technical rebound action will be taken. Even if there is a substantive major news world of tanks power leveling, depth of involvement and its strategic intention is not institutional money strategists. Not only affects the background of market expectations of ordinary investors, even if is the Agency expected it is very cautious.On Agency operations above are three of the most common methods, basically outlines some power institutions of the market, with typical of universal significance. Markets there is more small and medium-sized organizations in them according to their different understanding of the market, produced many of the profit model, is very complex, their participation in the market and there is not much difference between ordinary investors. For example,Participation in the secondary market risk-free purchase, pay attention to the technical analysis of the traditional, bottom-feeders, chasing rising stocks, and other general operational means. This description, we ordinary investors to participate in the market, not only to traditional investment methods, but also need to understand the market of CPC in institutions of typical unique personality.

