
tera power leveling will eventually extend Union pay acceptance network to global - HDA

129773438633906250_218Xu Luode Earl watch Chinese tourists in Las Vegas store brushes UnionPay credit cards shopping few people think, ten years alone, China UnionPay to achieve a financial miracle in the history of the world: starting from scratch to become the world's third-largest bank card brand. At the end of 2011, with independent intellectual property rights of Union pay card (card number begins with 62, face"Union" identifier) release 2.35 billion in total, more than 80% per cent of total domestic bank card issuing from volumes, UnionPay card 21.8% of the total global market share, accepting network extends to 125 countries and regions outside, inside and outside the accepted merchant up to 10 million, nearly 1.3 million ATM sth At a time when UnionPay ten years anniversary, reporterAn interview with Xu Luode, President of China UnionPay, want to hear Cup more of the story, still has a future. ⊙ Reporter Zou Liang Yan Jian 0 edit ten year spans of Shanghai Securities News: China UnionPay was established what results have been achieved in the last decade? Xu Luode: since its inception in March 2002, China Union pay, conform to China's rise and the trend of reform and opening up, seize the opportunity, hard work ahead to achieveUnconventional, and leap-forward development. Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, XI Jinping, Li keqiang, he Guoqiang, and other party and State leaders have visited UnionPay, fully affirmed the work of bank card industry and UnionPay, expressed concern and support for the brand. This is a tremendous encouragement and impetus for us. Reviewing the Cup ten years, supported by the party and the Government, Union and bank card industryRoad, carry out "a mission to" build "a system", created "a brand" and establish the "one network" leading "one" complete "five one" project. First of all, is fulfilled its historical mission of network General. In 1985 the first bank card issuing, but because at that time the bank card issuer, decentralized development model for building their own acceptance network,In 2001, only 18 cities across banks, using the bank card, bank card business development is slow, due to poor people with a card. UnionPay was established later, United World Chinese Commercial Bank, General work for promoting national bank card network. At present, accepted in the territory before the establishment of merchants, POS, ATM respectively is Union pay 17.2 times, 7.6 times, 17.5 times times times. SilverCard not only can be used in sectors such as catering, hotels, Department stores, and in public utilities such as water, electricity, gas, as well as schools, hospitals, airlines, railways, widely used in the field. Cardholders can also be teamed up with UnionPay online payment and silver payments, phone payments, intelligent television paid more diverse and innovative methods of payment, paying the utilities, booking air tickets andHotels, credit card payments, self-service features such as transfer. Migrant workers ' bank cards characteristics of rural financial service to expand to more than more than 90,000 outlets, covering all counties and rural areas of the country. Now you can say "hard-free world". Secondly, the cross-line built with independent intellectual property rights of the bank card transaction settlement system. When the Cup is still in the preparatory period, at that timeEasy system is weak, the low success rate, project construction of the first generation cross-line bank card transaction settlement system. 2004 built the first generation system with independent intellectual property rights, achieve the transaction banking cards across the country focus, before the establishment of cross-line transaction success rates by the Union quickly to 50% not to 99% above, common to promote national bank card network playAn important role. In 2008, to adapt to the internationalization of development of bank card industry and Union in particular and innovative business development, we decided to more constructive to more sophisticated, risk-resistant ability of the second generation of cross-transaction settlement system. New system was fully completed in late 2011, greatly enhanced the Union's domestic and foreign marketing services capability, but also become important banking card industry in ChinaInfrastructure. Third, create a Chinese bank card brand. In 2004, which in the case of its own development has just started, look forward star wars credits, to create independent brand strategy the bank card, created starting from generic to brand specializing in networking and business development. Union United World Chinese Commercial Bank, established and promoted a more perfect Union of independent standards system, covering the bank card industrySupplies, technical, risk, change before the establishment of the Union National Bank adopts standard or customized standard status of transnational corporations. Promoting commercial banks to issue UnionPay cards with independent intellectual property rights of 2.35 billion, more than 80% per cent of total domestic bank card issuing. From the volume, UnionPay card global market 21.8%, which became the world's third-largest bank card brand.IV, the basic build global acceptance network. Is a bank card market with regional characteristics, and market characteristics of globalization. In 2004, the Union put forward the internationalization strategy, the first step to the Hong Kong and Macao as a breakthrough, the second step to strengthen the Asia-Pacific market, carve into markets in Europe and the third step, will eventually extend Union pay acceptance network to global, basically covered the Chinese frequently visited countriesAnd, as the world's largest debit card acceptance network and global network, ATM accepted major credit cards accepted online, "where people go, UnionPay card where" is becoming a reality. V, leading the drive before the establishment of the bank card industry development Union, slow development of the bank card business in China, to the 2001 cross-line bank card only has $ 91.7 billion,Bank card penetration rates of only 2.1%. China UnionPay was established, as the development of bank card "turning point", bank card transactions started to extraordinary growth, 2011 cross-line bank card transactions amounted to $ 15.9 trillion, bank card penetration rates near 40%, close to the level of developed countries. At the same time, and gradually form a chain of bank card industry is clear, complete, embark on a networkGeneral, joint development of roads, China became the world's fastest and most promising emerging bank card power. Cup promoted Parties introduced support for bank card industry development policy for the bank card industry and create a favorable external environment for the development itself. Promoting the universal application bank card, expand the scope of bank cards accepted, active development of Internet payments, mobile payments, such as IC cardPayment innovation, strengthening the Bank, merchant, cardholder services, formed a network based on general business applications, multiple channels, multiple bank card payment system. Bank cards to expand consumption and spur domestic demand, economic growth has played an increasingly large role as significant "livelihood project". International brand in Shanghai Securities News on future global network: you have just talked about silverThe internationalization strategy was proposed in 2004, these years Union pay what achievements have been made in international business? Cup for internationalisation has a role in promoting internationalization? Xu Luode: Cup International is China UnionPay was established one of the major achievements of the past ten years, development paths can be summarized as the "three-step" step, "inside the card issuer, co-branded", "along theChinese outbound routes "international acceptance network; second," overseas issuing, within accepted ", for people outside the business, tourism, study providing payment facilities; the third step," global issue, global acceptance ", meet the needs of global card holders with cards. At present, the UnionPay network extends to Asia, Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Africa and other overseas 125Countries and regions, co-branded businesses reach 7.2 million, ATM reached 930,000 units, basically covered the Chinese regularly visited countries and areas, including emergency cash assistance, cross-border online shopping, UnionPay Platinum lounge for foreign service system of the Union, continue to improve. At the same time, China UnionPay has combined with Singapore, and Japan, and Korea, and Russia, and Germany in 24 countriesAnd foreign institutions have issued more than 13 million Union pay card and cardholder welcome by more and more countries and regions. UnionPay internationalization not only reinforced the Union brand, creating payment convenience for enterprises and residents in China and exit, were also provided to foreign cardholders more payment options. Internationalisation "three-step" process, that medium-term becomes widelyInternational trade currency, medium and long term as an important international investment currency, long term as an international reserve currency. UnionPay cards from two aspects of promoting internationalisation. One is to speed up its currency to become regional or global currency, is the second foreign currency returning can be realized in the future. Shanghai Securities News: Union on general layout of China's payment industry is how to consider? Xu Luode: China UnionPay, to survive in the fierce market competition, and development, we always stick to innovation, to create distinctive products and service system, for cardholders, merchants and cooperation agencies to provide quality, efficient and convenient payment services. First of all is to speed up the bank card product innovation. With Network General deepening, broken down to meet consumer demand, China UnionPay is designed to adapt to different populations, different uses of Union pay card products. Such as farmer-oriented Fortune cards, UnionPay statue Platinum service for high-end customers, and so on. Followed by layout optimization and innovative business. Formation Internet payments, mobile payments, pay TV, IC card system of complementary and innovative business; building covering a number of channels, full-featured card-freePayment transaction processing platforms; explore combination of remote payment and payment of mobile payment business model; into smart TVs with e-commerce, financial services, public services of the integrated payments application platform; IC card to play powerful, high security, "General", "one card" advantage. Also is exploring new business models. With the new payment industryAnd business models are emerging, China UnionPay is also attempts to explore, want to build UnionPay into a comprehensive payment services platform in the future. Enhance our ability to transfer, transfer service at the same time tera power leveling, explore for banks, merchants, cardholders with more diverse value-added services, and enhance brand value. Shanghai Securities News: China UnionPay mobile payment innovations such as online payment and payment fieldsWhat plan? Xu Luode: with the rapid development of e-commerce in China, in fact we have been given to the traditional line of merchants online pay mobile payment service, to build the "Cup on the line". In recent years, we have done some research and attempt to include construction of "Cup online store", can be applied to the development of the Internet and mobile phones of a variety of clients. At present, we areIncreasing investment and promotion of Internet payments and mobile payments, while also promoting another payment channel of continuous innovation. Function is strengthening non-card payment transaction processing platform, provides one-stop access to related bodies. Relying on the existing bank of China UnionPay card transaction settlement system, has been initially built an industry-leading, high security, no card transaction processing platform for open, for the mutualInterconnection payments, mobile payments and provide an important foundation for the development of other innovative payment platform. At present, most of the commercial banks had access to the platform swtor credits, including 18 national banks, a number of regional banks, as well as some foreign banks. Second is to promote "UnionPay online payment", accelerating the development of Cup on the line. "UnionPay online payment" based on non-payment card transaction processing platformDesigned to meet the demand for online payment. We are continuously expanding the UnionPay online payment application scope, speeding up the development of utility payment, transfer payments, online shopping, online travel reservation business. Three silver is to promote joint payment products. Mobile payment market has great potential, through industry leading role of China UnionPay, United Bank, mobile operatorAll parties concerned, promote forming a unified standard system, together to create open, sharing, mobile payments business, the development of mobile payment applications. Four is the smart pay TV business. Digital TV, IPTV pay TV and Internet TV business pilot, establishing smart pay TV industry Alliance. In future, China Union pay will continue to enrich and perfect the system in UnionPay card products and services,And demanding diversity promotes innovation and rapid development. By improving the user experience of the UnionPay innovative payment to realize through a registration or authentication of the cardholder, you can enjoy Cup of innovative payment services through various channels. Financial IC card public and commercial combination of Shanghai Securities News: China UnionPay financial IC card application? In promoting financial IC card application UnionEffort? Xu Luode: high financial IC card security, feature rich application, is the direction of bank card industry upgrading, UnionPay card product and service innovations and important content. Popularization and application of Chinese financial IC card large the time is ripe, the last two or three years will be a golden age of mass development finance IC card. At present, the domestic financial IC card issuing new Trojan nearly 2,300Tens of, above merchant POS terminals and in 90% single contactless payment terminal used. Especially in fields closely related to people's daily lives, financial non-contact IC card small fast payment applied merchant has covered various industries and fields, covering restaurants, supermarkets, Department stores, public transportation, convenience stores and costume shops, pharmacies, hospitals, colleges and universities, and so on. PromotionFinancial IC card is a card-based payment upgrade and important work, and we should see, financial IC card small payment for the convenience functions, such as social security, railways, education, health, public transport and many other industry application, enhances the expansion of bank cards in the area of public services, reflects the Government (social) management capabilities and financial payment function of the public commercial combination。 Deployment of the future will continue to be in accordance with the people's Bank of China UnionPay, implementing financial IC card application working programmes, large-scale application form as soon as possible. Card issuing system in the commercial banks issuing end push, at the receive end as soon as possible to complete all of the POS and ATM terminals IC card accepted reconstruction, and focus on the development of contactless POS terminals and storage terminals.In the area of industrial applications, do the work of social security card to load financial functions to secure health insurance card at the start financial functions, develop industry financial IC card application for the monetary IC card to play a greater role in hosting social functions. Responsibility to be a conscience of the Shanghai Securities News: Union pay what corporate social responsibility? As a bank card organization, which is how to combine industryFeatures promoting the social welfare undertaking? Xu Luode: at the core of the bank card industry of China UnionPay and hub status, plays a fundamental role in the development of bank card industry in China, actively carry out the industrial mission. At the same time, positive take on social responsibilities of China UnionPay. Actively contribute to the public welfare and disaster relief activities on the one hand; on the other hand, the introduction of "Union inspirational" series of live publicMove. In addition to be supported by donated, which is combined with commercial banks and other parties to explore new models of public, proceeding from the bank card industry survey to adding more power to public welfare. Rapid development of bank card industry and the Union need community support and care, China Union pay will continue joint industry parties to promote the development of social welfare services for ChinaCommunity to create greater social value. (Editors: Chen Baolong) Others:

