
tera power leveling enterprises payBefore tax of enterprises - OME

129773932920781250_86Review: Reuters Breakingviews founder and edit the Dickson (HUGO DIXON) wrote in the New York Times, inadequate banking tax was one of the key structural causes of the financial crisis, and now States are considering new ways to change this fact. Following Dixon's comment on the text of the article: RobertBingham tax to say goodbye, but has paved the way for new, hot money must be controlled. EU plans to financial transaction fee plan is dead. They had intended to charge fees, and is called the so-called "Robin Hood tax" is called, is because it is based on some form of money from the bank where the money, and to other poor people。 This principle is a good thing. This idea is occupied by campaigns and gates (Bill Gates) proposed by the famous philanthropist, but in fact, this idea has its social significance, but it doesn't make economic sense to speak of. Count on such charges levied to prevent too many banks rely on leverage means that rely on hot money, thereby preventing possible financialThe crisis is like fish, and instead can only be forced to transfer the business to foreign financial institutions. From the beginning, United Kingdom opposed such a move, which also means the European Union as a whole to adopt this approach, has no chance. Now, the Netherlands also stand up against, therefore concerted action to the eurozone, has also come to naught. Germany Finance Minister Shuo uble(Wolfgang Sch?uble) has stated that implementation of such a tax "the smallest unit that can be considered" euro, the Robin Hood tax is completely buried only had time for. This week, EU Finance Ministers in Denmark Copenhagen Conference to discuss choice of taxing the financial sector. Guidelines is, of course, they wantControl in the industry, so that the latter do not take on too much risk, while avoiding distortions in economic activity. Taking into account the foregoing, Europe – or you can now be included elsewhere in the world – there are three things that have to get done. First of all, States should be the so-called hot money tax on banks. A project like this is for the Bank's overall lending.In the ideal case, short-term borrowing and especially is a heavy duty, because on this low cost, easy financing of excessive reliance on it is leading to the Royal Bank of Scotland and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, among others, one of the important reasons. Hot money taxes will force banks to appear more to borrow long-term debt or trying to attract relatively more stable retail deposits. This sameAlso means that, if the Government had to rescue banks again in the future, at least the industry also must pay for their own abilities. Information provided by KPMG showed that so far tera power leveling, including the United Kingdom, and France and Germany including 27 EU members already have 11 in the implementation of such a tax. Other members of the European Union will follow, there are United States, too, whichBrewing of the Obama administration's so-called "financial crisis responsibility fee". Although the United States has been impossible before the presidential election in November, and then what's the big, but in the final analysis, a sum of money the tax range can still help the United States reduce the fiscal deficit. Secondly, States should reform their tax systems, reversing the tendency to support borrowing. In most places, enterprises payBefore tax of enterprises, their interest payments can be deducted from the profits. Equivalent would be tantamount to encouraging enterprises to take radical means of leverage. In this case, not only banks, but the economy as a whole will be affected, but there is no doubt that those borrowing risks in particular. They not only their very dependence on leverage means and theirCustomers also frequently appears excessive liabilities, in this respect, real estate developer and debt buyer is a case in point. Third, financial services should no longer be exempted from VAT treatment. Sales tax is a consumption tax applied to all aspects of production. Companies must pay VAT when selling products to other companies, but their own procurement can beTax concessions. This means that, in the final analysis tera gold, is in fact the end consumer of paying this tax. However, in the EU and in other places, banks are exempt from this tax. The services they provide to consumers does not apply to sales tax and their own items or does not have the appropriate discount. A number of distorting the results of this special. Financial services for the end consumerPay less, meaning that they are excessive consumption. Accordingly, customers bear the heavy burden of enterprises, because they didn't find sales tax money is paid to the Bank offers. Sales tax exemption may also cost to government revenue. In this respect, there is no exact data, but the United Kingdom financial Institute of Mirrlees Review issued last yearHas been the subject of a heuristic evaluation, it turns out, United Kingdom, the annual loss of income of GBP 10 billion, about US $ 15.87 billion. In light of the above issues, financial services continue to enjoy tax exemptions, appear to be very unreasonable tera power leveling, but it actually has its own explanation. Most of the services are not search non-banking,Reverse, their income is mainly from the loan interest rate differential. In a variety of customer on the price differential to split in order to ensure that the purposes of value added tax, and indeed was too cumbersome and complex. In General, there are two feasible solution is. First is through the complex of technical means, while the second is called the "financial activities tax", this tax is for Bank profitsAnd they granted to staff salaries, in theory, this provides another way to assess the added value of the two methods. Financial activities tax embodies a potentially populist appeal, this is not just because the name's sake. After all, in the current environment, who are opposed to bankers ' Bank of income and profit taxation? However, there is still one obstacle requiredTo overcome, namely tax concessions granted to corporate customers and financial activities. It is obvious that you want to change the Bank's tax regulations and policies applicable, is a very complex matter. However, taking into account the financial crisis they caused havoc, given their lack of tax facts, taking into account the current system does not conducive macroeconomic activity, all these efforts are to be made. The Robin Hood taxNear death, in fact, is also providing a new opportunity. (Jin) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

