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129770761441093750_109On January 6, 8 stock gains Super-100%, 4 stock Super 20% new shares will decrease in opportunities, not just high quality, reasonable valuations of the company will market the hot hands, may also have to meet the market's hot spots. January 6 index hit 2,132 points since the low point, market reboundClose to 10%, during which the stock market is "heating".   According to the data, as of March 21, the two cities with 133 stocks rose more than 50%, 8 of which stocks rose more than 100%; however, there are 27 stocks fell more than 10%, 4 stocks decline was more than 20%. 133 stocks upSites more than 50% by Shen Wan level categories, 133 shares rose more than 50% companies mainly in the chemical industry (24), machinery and equipment (18), non-ferrous metals (15), food and beverages (7), mining (7) and medical biology (6). In fact, and this round of a-shares also rebounded plates are basically the same."Second half of 2011 the domestic economic downturn, tightening liquidity, is obviously a downturn in the economic cycle, but since January of this year, while the economy is still in decline, but liquidity has appeared a turning point. "Dong Xing Wang, Director of the Institute of securities in an interview with business news journalist said in an interview with the financial literacy, as the economy entered a recession in the late, many stocks allSuch as nonferrous metals coal in liquidity driven by speculation, appears larger gains. For example, baotou steel rare earth (600,111) (600,111.   SH) and rising non-ferrous (600259) (600259.SH) in the period from January 6 to March 21 per cent has been reached and 97.25%. "FormerLiquidity during the hype after coal nonferrous metals, markets worried about the economic recovery issues.   "Wang points out that, in the case of uncertain economic recovery, some consumer stocks began to receive attention, shifting market speculation of growth and defense sector. That is why, since the market rebound, two or three lines of liquor stands. Like tuopai (60,0702) (600,702. SH) and Qinghai Highland barley wine (002646) (002646. SZ), laobaigan (600,559) (600,559. SH) and Golden seeds of wine (600199) (600199.SH) at around 60% per cent. "Relatively immune to economic cycles affect the food and beverage industry, but also in the economicDepressed circumstances swtor credits, usually two or three line liquors are better.   "Wang pointed out that the high-end liquor market usually appear in the economy is high, overheating of investment case. In addition, the stock from the chemical sector rose more than 50% up. "Chemical industry more, each child has a certain difference. "Wang noted that is part of the chemical unit of coal and non-ferrousStyle is similar, so the gains are considerable. Country Yuan securities (000728) Kang Hongtao, Chief policy analyst pointed out that, according to their statistics, either per cent or a sequential growth rate between 20%~25% in fifth year while still being able to maintain the first industry are chemical fiber industry. "Chemical sector last year in an oversold State, many privateRaised in the four quarters last year began distribution of chemical sector. "" Chemical sector essentially strong cycle industry, usually fill up required in the rally. "Aerial securities chief researcher in Lei Dai told reporters, coal colored after the price increase factor driven by rose, the second round is a manifestation of the real estate sector, the third round was chemical, steel, power, andPlate back up. 8 stocks rose more than 100% of course, in this rally, many stocks are high sent to go positive factors such as significant expansion, restructuring concept, but rose sharply.   According to journalist and statistics, this rose exceed 100% shares belong to such a situation. In all a shares, January 6Today was the most since ST us (600401) (600401.SH), growth of the 256.12%.   After the company had suspended for 3 years in a row, on February 17 this year resumed, declare the successful Merger of hairun photovoltaic technology, shares rose 286.33% the date of resumption. Rose's second run shares (002272) (002272. SZ) announced its 2011 annual interest distribution programme for $ 10 to 10 1. At the same time, expected 2012 1 to may net profit increase of 30%~50% from the previous year, net profit of $ 10.0879 million in the same period a year earlier. Under the influence of this, shares had risen to 168.75%. At the same time,Run shares is also renowned private investment products Ze Ze hee hee, Sun 4 's holdings in the period. Navigation in real estate (000043) (000043. SZ) and spark electric (002298) (002298.SZ) have also outstanding performance and high to go under the catalysis of a cow-share, per cent per cent and 121.09%, respectively.In addition, some companies as "mine-related" or "wine-related" get jumped. For example, CIMIC (002162) (002162.   SZ) and Shandong shares (600300) (600300.SH), their gains and 126.42%, respectively. However, the monster stocks of non-zinc in luoping(002114. SZ) don't be. Companies have fallen sharply, but because restructuring expected concept funds and bought mine fried, rose as high as 135.38%. According to the latest bulletins, luoping 2011 performance representing a large reduction of zinc 1618%. Because of the losses, zinc zinc on March 23 change to *ST in luoping (002114)."On the whole, I think the investor gains a lot of stock in early, should choose to take profits now diablo 3 gold, POT. "Wang pointed out that the market can continue up the most fundamental is to see whether recovery of the economy, for now, although the economy has entered a recession in the late, but signs of economic recovery are not particularly marked. After the decline of markets are likely to chonggao,Into the wide shocks. 27 stocks fell more than 10% in the case of most stock performance this year are quite beautiful, still has 27 stocks fell more than 10%, the largest decline of the Dali technology (002214) (002214. SZ), fell a 27.18%. Involves planning a major reorganization of assets, Dali technology shares on November 10, 2011 to suspend, but this year February 29 announcement was terminated plan, after resumption of share price all the way down. Worthy of note is that fell more than 10% out of 10 units of shares belonging to launch this year, 8 of which only time to market in March this year. March 15-Blue ShieldShares (300,297) (300,297. SZ) and Riyadh (300296) (300296.SZ) has exceeded the decrease in 20%.   In fact, in February, when average after new listings are maintained at around 40%. "The continuous phase of new shares decreased by two main factors. "Kang HongtaoOut, on the one hand is the emotional impact the market tera power leveling, continuous due to the recent market turmoil, some funds raised swing signs, large amounts of capital flight, new stocks were not immune.   The other hand, continuous curbing property speculation introduced a new policy of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges also have some influence. Securities analysts also pointed out that high, main and regulators to curb property speculation of the new shares is related to the new. "Personal, The current fire risk is still very new, but if the new shares dropped to a certain extent, even when significantly below the industry average, may also have build high back at the end of a process. "Kang Hongtao, points out that, if the new shares will occur the chance, and not just high quality, reasonable valuations of the company will market the hot hands, may also have to meet the marketHot spot. "Concept, relating to mineral resources such as media and culture class, combining concepts such as consumer, the mass opportunities may be more obvious. ” Others:

