
tera power leveling condolence - LHQ

129770904193750000_216For complex funeral fees in some areas, the price of higher status, yesterday, the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the guidance on issues related to further strengthen the management of funeral services, make the body for receiving, storage, basic funeral and cremation services to implement Government pricing, body cosmetic, corrosion-resistant extension services on a non-profit basis tera power leveling, such as implementation of government guidancePricing.  Priced basic services on a non-profit basis under the funeral service needs, funeral service into the opinions, basic services and extension services.  Basic services include body for receiving, storing, cremated, the ashes of hosting and other necessary services. Basic service fees to implement Government pricing, prices in conjunction with the departments concerned to the competent authorities in all parts costsOn the basis of the costs of supervision and examination or investigation, taking into account the financial subsidies, non-profit principle strictly in accordance with the approved. Extended service Government price guarantees under the scale and the quality of the supply of basic services, funeral services according to the actual situation, appropriate development of extension service. Extended service means in addition to the basic services, for people to choose special services, packagesEnclosed body cosmetic, body corrosion, condolence, such as facilities and equipment rental.  Extension service, depending on the local government around price guide.  Taking into account the funeral home selling funeral supplies has a lower selectivity, the opinions requested on sale cinerary casket, laid a wreath at the funeral parlour, a shroud and other funeral goods Government price or take other necessary management according to the law. PublicPricing price is on the high intervention according to the specifications of the Tomb cemetery price, require all the opinions, strengthen guidelines for managing cemetery pricing specifications: price is significantly higher, if necessary, intervention and management according to law.  On public fees and stringent Government standards management of cemeteries, low fares policy, meeting the basic needs of the masses. Of the opinion of theParticularly stressed that the funeral service units provide when you hold the ashes, funeral supplies, you want to focus on meeting the needs of low-income people.  Enjoy the Ministry of relief of Urban and rural residents with financial difficulties, persons receiving a State pension benefit payments on a regular basis and other disadvantaged groups, all local governments to study and formulate the basic service fee waiver policy and government compensation. Supervision measuresProject fees shall be public opinion demands around the home sector to establish standards of funeral services and funeral products price announcement system, known to the public funeral service units should be strictly implemented and charges system, service projects, publication of the establishments have a prominent position charging standards, file based, cuts, such as telephone hotlines and service processes and service standards tera gold, widely accepted socialSupervision. Price departments around in conjunction with the Civil Affairs Department take on funeral service charge policy in the region comprehensively and cancel unreasonable fees, reduce the high standards of charges, further regulating the behavior of funeral services and fees.  Again after cleaning up around the development of funeral service charge policy, to be made public. The opinion pointed out that price departmentsTo open "12,358" price telephone hotlines and severely deal with funeral services without authorization fees, increased fees tera power leveling, expanding the scope of charges and forced acts of service charges and fees, bad nature, typical cases of serious public exposure. Others:

