
tera gold KFC China fast-food culture for the first time in the 1970 of the 20th century - GKU

129771807870093560_104You are here: Home > Home > Guide today from: time: March 23, 12 author: font size: large medium small blurbs: "McDonald's is CCTV? "CCTV exposure McDonald's SanLiTun shop 315 party" failed "after the Act, to support McDonald's networkThere, some people choose to "vote with his mouth" support for McDonald 's. There is no denying that exposure by CCTV's "failed" do exist, but hardly by the McDonald's brand total negation of individual staff members.   Starting from entering China, McDonald's has quietly changed China's food and beverage industries. 1 McDonald's brought "standardization"Concept a concept of food production and the standardization of great impact, to make the production compliance ahead of McDonald's French fries 7 years into the cultivation of potato seedlings in 119 countries with China, 33,144, McDonald's is now the world's largest fast-food company. Although founded in 1940, 1967 in the United States other than Canada and Puerto Rico to open stores, But it wasn't until 1990, Shenzhen is the first McDonald's restaurant in the Mainland of China. Follow the, is a standardized management of McDonald 's. In order to ensure "global is a taste", sets strict standards of production and supply of the McDonald 's, Burger, weight, calories are a measure of the thickness. Potato starch and sugar content also has a range of controls: a length of 5 inchesTo reach about 20%, about 3-5 inch reach 50%, 3 inches below the ratio between in-20%. Chinese potato all fist sized, made French fries clearly do not meet length criteria.   As early as 1983, cultivation of potato seedlings for McDonald's to China. McDonald's Pocket Reference Manual, French fries, Chicken wings and burgers in the meat in saved time in the incubator are the relevant provisions, the former is more than 7 minutes, which is 30 minutes, but different types of chicken wings and burgers are different. And over time, in accordance with the regulations must be drained. According to the concept of Chinese traditional diet, fried food and drop a few hours is no security problems, McDonald's high standards in order toKeep food flavor in accordance with internal security specifications.   The standardization of operations, for the Chinese restaurant in the early 90 's, and huge impact are food and beverage concept. B stressed that clean and raise service quality and environment standards, 1975 Hong Kong McDonald's is the first to provide clean toilets in Hong Kong restaurants of McDonald's ownCorporate philosophy and management policy to concentrate "QSCV" (Quality, Service, Clearness and Value), that is, quality, service, clean, good value for money. Defer to quality problems, either the service or the clean, has become a McDonald's being a recognition of important features. Even the pool brush stool and urinePool, divided into strictly a four-step process, first of all, is taking water brush, followed by cleaning liquid brush, followed by disinfection liquid disinfection, then brush with water, temperature and even disinfecting powder use has strict rules. A project known as "� McDonald's golden arches to the East in East Asia" sociological research, praised McDonald's company sparked a revolution in East Asia, improves East Asian consumers to food industryExpectations of public health. When McDonald's opened in Hong Kong in 1975, McDonald's restaurant is also first in Hong Kong and to provide clean toilets.   In Taipei, Beijing, Seoul, local restaurants often have to meet McDonald's new set of standards, from customer to find his Museum. However, today in the restaurant's cleanliness is still far less than McDonald 's. 2010Year United Kingdom independent surveys show, 491 restaurants in more than half of the restaurant did not meet the food safety requirements.   Kitchen is one of the Chinese restaurants restaurant kitchen in the "dirtiest" and most fast food chains McDonald's and Kentucky Fried chicken's health, 84% McDonald scored at more than 4 star (five star perfect score). C Digital food productsQuality quality precision to 0.1 mm, and Chinese restaurants are still only emphasized "promoting the balance of yin and Yang" Quality is the first QSCV, emphasize quality, quality of food, McDonald's has developed a whole series of quality standards and management systems, to investigate digital, calculation or even accurate to 0.1 mm. Such as beef and raw materialsChoose lean meat, beef jianrou and $ 83% choice of pork which, fat content shall not exceed 19%, after the ground, shall be made according to regulations 5.65 mm 98.5 mm in diameter and thick, heavy 47.32 g Minced pork. Standardization of food requirements, both at home and abroad, all branches of food and quality ingredients the same, and to develop aKinds of procedures and details, such as the "fried hamburger must be turned over when not to go parabolic" and so on. After the success of the McDonald 's, Kentucky Fried chicken, Chinese restaurant has an active learning, sparking a "fried chicken fever", but dozens of hundreds of local roast chicken shop, tend to emphasize is "special varieties of homemade chicken", "the precious sauce recipe with medicinal value", "cancer","To promote the body's Yin and Yang balance".   Prior to that tera power leveling, traditional Chinese restaurants may even have heard there is a food calorie calories concept. 2 McDonald's into the business of "foreign material" combine a high degree of centralization and appropriate decentralization, opened a franchise and chain operation in China's business model in the long system of collective and publicAfter the social system, ushered in the reform and opening up in China. The early 90 's, McDonald's chain mode it into China, connections, and balancing centralization and decentralization, to the Chinese restaurant and even the commercial market with new thinking. Currently, the McDonald's there are proprietary, the power of joint ventures and store three operating modes, which stores the 81%. McDonald's stressed that centralization of leadershipTo control costs, but in business promotion will highlight the combination of unity and individuality, encourage restaurant marketing task is completed under the premise of their activities for the promotion, call my store marketing (my restaurant promotion). Now swept the world's "Ronald McDonald" image, is a successful franchise and created by advertising agency,Corporation to enable and promote.   Now, join, chain-like management of business models have sprouted in China. B globalization and localization of the classic textbook, McDonald's does not advocate a McDonald's fast food Chinese social places in addition to adhering to the QSCV global principles of universality, will try to integrate into the local culture, and strive to become whenPart of the landscape. While in the United States home, McDonald's is more of a drive-through (don't get off to buy fast food service), but this does not advocate of fast-food places in China, in order to meet people's demand for public space, it also invented the birthday party, establishing private space means the localization of; in addition, McDonald's also take partHealth function of individual study rooms, public toilets.   Globalization and localization of integrating, McDonald's is a model of China's enterprise learning. Korea strongly resisted tera gold, McDonald's tolerance of the local cooperative, one curve into, all are like McAnn, ShinMc, McKim joint venture with the Mc code or codes; McDonald's is trying to doKorea local products as raw materials to counteract Korea people are exploited. Their active participation in the community, to conduct be good in all the aspects of students ' and teachers ' award in the community. In order to meet the different regional taste preferences and food taboos, McDonald's produced a variety of burgers, Japan and some people even think that their McDonald's there than United States eat much better. In Hong Kong, theCity of ball, McDonald's had already ceased to be an exotic food, but daily consumption the ordinary product.   Even more interesting is that a Scouts of Japan when the children to travel abroad tera power leveling, was surprised to find that Chicago has McDonald 's. 3 McDonald's promoted the consumption of cultural change a folksy "M record" hit in the traditionalHotel official grade of strong color in addition to see food, see consumer culture in McDonald's popular craze in China is changing. In the seventies or eighties of the 20th century, very few hotels used for mass consumption, eating out is very difficult for the ordinary people, when Beijing hotels based on the architecture, features and the quality and type of food provided forA breakdown. Before economic reforms, hotel restaurants are State-owned, architecture and interior decoration had to contend with the hotel itself in official matches determine the location in the hierarchy. The sequence of levels from foreign guest-star hotel to a regular hotel, public-oriented restaurants until the simple Street stalls. Accordingly, a food supply, the price of the hotel as well as the customer type and he is registered in theConsistent, and there are strict rules. Transformation of Western fast food like McDonald's to provide a comfortable and pleasant and the service as well as social interaction, for local consumers will undoubtedly be a new consumer experience. Beijing's first McDonald's restaurant in southern end of Wangfujing Street, opened on April 23, 1992 the day of borrowing more than 40,000 clients. This Western-style fast-food Office in colleges and universitiesManagement of service, fresh food, friendly service, spotless dining environment has continued to be modernization of Beijing media as examples of specific reports. B Western fast food chains such as McDonald 's, KFC China fast-food culture for the first time in the 1970 of the 20th century, appeared in China boxed meal, but it's not exactly Orthodox fast food."Fast food", "eat", "fast food", is in Beijing as Western fast food chains such as McDonald's opened, enter the general consumer's daily lives. For the love of cooking Chinese, "cannot but make people meet" experience of slowly constructed. Entry of McDonald 's, Kentucky Fried chicken, has led a number of imitation of Chinese fast food. Only in Beijing firstMcDonald's opened two weeks later, prestigious wufangzhai hotels near closing, daizhierqi is selling a variety of United States international fast food burgers, fried chicken and ice cream. At that time, a number of Chinese restaurants in Beijing to participate in the "chicken war", imitating the McDonald's KFC development of Chinese-style fast food restaurants, there are dozens of hundreds. Today, Chinese-style fast food is cheaper, more in line with the ChineseTastes, but in twenty or thirty years ago, synonymous with fast food may only be a boxed meal. C Chinese civilians were part of entertainment establishments and a wide range of social space as the United States and modernization of cultural symbols, partly because of the exotic and pleasant environment, McDonald 's, Kentucky Fried chicken and other Western-style fast food attracts all kinds ofConsumers. Different from the traditional hotels, McDonald's provides a wide range of consumer sites. Either store layout design, staff service and interaction, or half-buffet dinner, give the consumer the feeling of equality. Fashionable young men, couples, children, are in demand for McDonald's to achieve one's own experience. More important is that differences inGrand Hotel, there is no concept of American fast-food restaurant in the sense of inferiority or superiority not obvious, even today, is still a lot of vagrant or beggar will break at McDonald's instead of being driven away. Conclusion: McDonald's 315 party were exposed has exposed some of the omissions in its production processes, but its effect on brand by consumers "mouth." Review in ChinaDevelopment course, "high standards" and "normalization" and "populist" label not only deeply rooted in, and unknowingly change the catering industry of China and the Chinese people's views. Others:

