
tera gold cleaning treatment of black market network "spring action" for 1.5 months - SUO

129777222368281250_98Figure shows results for the police. Chief Photographer Ning Wu antisense oligonucleotide targeting/photo-Matin (reporters Hao Tao) yesterday, reporters learned from the Beijing police, cleaning treatment of black market network "spring action" for 1.5 months tera gold, involving all types of cases involving NET 1001, 1065 of criminal suspects who were arrested, more than cleaning up illegal information on the Internet more than 208,000, administrative penalty violationsInternet unit over more than 3,100. "Many security systems do not implement Internet company, is also a cause of frequent cases involving network. "Net Corps City Public Security Bureau officials said, and innovation of City Public Security Bureau to establish a" interviews with rectification mechanism ", there is a minor risk, vulnerabilities, network, interviews with primary responsibility for timely and untimely treatment, high incidence of illegal informationFrequent measures such as stopping network site downtime, administrative penalties tera power leveling, including CSDN Internet unit of more than 3,100 companies, warning of the industry has played an effective role. "At present, crime down on black market is very difficult. "Net Corps City Public Security Bureau official said, lost some of the cases from the smashed, most cases are cases of online fraud, Information on many networks trafficking in firearms and drugs are false, suspect's ultimate goal is to get money. Police advise an Internet user after the discovery of illegal information on the Internet, you can report to the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Internet crime report Web site. When Internet users are illegal and criminal activities against the network tera power leveling, to preserve evidence in a timely manner, made a report to the territorial police station. Others:

