
tera gold Upper Lascar row is a rebellious people - RMI

129773928497187500_106Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleColumn: interview with hexun.com comment window on the South of global observations with you weekly issue 2012 > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: South wind window author: Li JunIn modern China, Western civilization brought us a century of humiliation has been integrated into the blood of a nation, recessive gene into society. But now, as the country's economy, such as Magic gives unlimited imagination, when I thought "only you can", "we can", but better than you when reflection on reflection on the past,Hair: we have identified correctly? We have self-assessment is fair?   Why do we so belittling ourselves, masochistic castrate denied our past? History of our self-recognition and evaluation. So, "China" came into being, the "China model" ready, "carrying forward the traditional culture of" busy boiling. China is not onlyA member of the diversity in the world, problems and possible solutions to the problems besetting mankind: where is the world going? Upper Lascar Row, to say the China rose is in the background of this product. Originally, Upper Lascar Row, "China" on logic and the unhappy China, China can say no, not that different from the books of the Chinese dream. Well, this "spiritual warriors"(Qian Liqun language), Mr LU Xun's real successor of Upper Lascar Row, on the evaluation of Lu Xun's disruptive change, brings more than just the shock of recognition, more is the sense of sudden changes. For people who know Upper Lascar Row, shocked not only from its "Wen qi in the vast" (Liang Wendao language) and described in the book of truth, more from the Upper Lascar Row their inner mental qualities, are worth takingTo the enormous changes.   Upper Lascar Row met with overwhelming criticism, name-calling and the arguments, combined with China's contemporary "intellectuals" to power "surrendered", and displayed in the book "spiritual" thrust "offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels," said the rise for a while. Is a pity, in most of the criticism, the "emotional" vent has accounted for the vast majority, hardly a good faith objection. 《China stands up to leave only a moment of "noise and noise", and this was supposed to be a deeply significant cultural events.   Even if it is a "sell" and "surrendered", critics should at least show evidence, Upper Lascar Row, and his book what went wrong? Changes from changes in Lu Xun began talking about Upper Lascar Row, starting from Lu Xun. In the ChineseFourth chapter of stand up in the mystery of luxun and Smith, Upper Lascar Row tried to Lu Xun's criticism of the system, but this was not a long article is coherent: possible, very possible, Li Dongmu guessing, this speculation can be believed, perhaps, if not, my judgment is. With these words, the author skillfully from Lu Xun Lu Xun to become hisLike Lu Xun. The logic is: I think what you like, and then I think of things as real recognition, finally completed the judge criticized the fact itself.   In other words, Upper Lascar Row evaluation of luxun Lu Xun was not objective, but the illusion of Lu Xun. When the object as imagined, and evaluation of imagination, the evaluation is meaningless, notPipe is praise or curse.   For example, on the question of national character, Upper Lascar row is understood as: Lu Xun's thought Chinese people born with depravity, namely: "from the moment of birth was an image on Chinese inherent depravity and Lu Xun's recognition of human nature as an ideal of human nature in the West", and as a frame of reference for criticism. But Lu Xun never before have said: the Chinese peopleWas born with depravity. Lu Xun's thought Chinese people have problems not "person" this body issues, but in the context of the environmental dimension of Chinese people have a problem, namely: Chinese issue not appear in person but appears in the "people" (that is, factors such as the environment) body. Criticism not of the national character of Chinese personality in the negative tera gold, but to the broader dimensions of China under Chinese"Temperament" of criticism. If this critique is not in favour of Lu Xun, Upper Lascar Row temperament should do is to prove that the Chinese do not have problems, or if you have problems, Lu Xun's criticism is wrong, criticism thus pointed out that the correct direction. Upper Lascar row does not do anything, but Lu Xun's reference to the critique of Chinese temperaments are foreigners on China said, but did not indicate what wrongPlace.   Something wrong not because of historical or traditional, not because he is a self assessment or external assessment, but this assessment itself is correct. If on Lu Xun's criticism is because its on this subject do not agree with the Chinese people, then for the main system transformation of CAI Yuan-pei 's, Upper Lascar Row evaluation is: since then, the Chinese students in the education process onlyWest, I do not know, turn on Cai Yuanpei's educational reform all the negative, because "broke Chinese culture." Upper Lascar row does not seem to know of Cai Yuanpei's education reform and there is also the fact that the other side: CAI Yuan-pei's thought of Confucian five five, except for the Emperor and anachronistic outside, the rest of these cults undertake irrational with universal moral values, he is also based on liberty, equality, fraternity, to explain the righteousness of ConfucianismStandards, principles, patriotism. In fact tera power leveling, the "u" intellectuals of the era, taken on the traditional concept of humanistic spirit and life is attitude.   Even Taiwan education system has been the philosophy of Confucianism as a basis, or you can come to the support of. Step back and say, if the inheritance of CAI Yuan-pei's alternative to traditional Chinese resources, Upper Lascar Row, do not accept, then, for todayMore thoroughly to eliminate the traditional resources of education, Upper Lascar Row why such a tolerance? Remember dernon also said: we thought of several generations tera gold, including just now coming into college students, instilling the idea is on the basis of Mao Zedong thought.   (Qian Liqun: refuse to forget No. 342 of the page). So, is worth asking, today China education losing traditionProblems of culture, who is?   When our demanding eye, with their imagination and their value has not explained clearly, and evasive attitude to reality when evaluating history, ever: when people use when evaluating our time in the same way, we do what? Proceeding from the education, Upper Lascar row of Cai Yuanpei and Hu Shi's generation destroyed traditional culture painful diseaseThe first, and Hu Shi's most vicious attacks. So how does Upper Lascar row of Chinese traditional culture? Read through the book, Upper Lascar Row himself didn't have any research, awareness and reflection on traditional Chinese culture, but Liang Qi-chao and Fei Xiao-Tong's perception of attitudes and knowledge of Chinese culture as their own. Reference heavy criticism based on his cognitive, regardless of this, "he"Standards and to be respected, without real self" recognition ", are less reliable. When rebellious towards extreme today, Chinese intellectuals after a series of "cultural self-confidence," "Chinese model", "Chinese characteristics" and other words, most of the buildings on the basis of the so-called economic success, so is undoubtedly Upper Lascar Row, as he said:"I saw the workers and peasants and sweat was pouring in a base of China's rise. "But today China's economic miracle is also not integrated into the world of the results? "Truth is a gun and hegemony of the free market", "the truth about free trade was robbery," and "the truth about free competition is not allowing people to develop" behind these bold words, not as a separateWay do on your negative? Furthermore, since the Upper Lascar Row think that Chinese culture is "u" had effect my generation, then the so-called Chinese economic success today is not Western culture breeds results?   According to this logic, we should be doing is precisely: firmly discarded the traditional Chinese culture. Upper Lascar Row, said: "in 1909, is not visibleCrash in China are blind. In 2009, don't see the trends of China's rise is also blind. "So, what cultural ideology in China in 1909 is, in 2009, what cultural ideology? In accordance with the logic of the Chinese stand up, China's economic rise of Western civilization are alternative direct negation of affirmation and of their past? ThisHow do logical coherence in? Perhaps, Upper Lascar Row mean not logical propositions, and the China rose should also be seen as a book discussion on the cultural strategy, is to express what attitude should be to Anritsu in China from the East. Then this book should at least answer two questions: why State in China? Why State in China? If the former is the traditional Chinese culture, so afterWho is it?   For a truly modern State is, in fact, these two issues are a problem, the answer is also an answer. Because of this sudden and disruptive essay, Upper Lascar Row towards becoming a topic of intellectual heat in recent years. Putting aside "offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels" and "surrendered" was rife with criticism of moral judgment, in the author's view,Luo turned to perhaps have the following two factors. First, knowledge of hollow. Regardless of whether the value orientation of Upper Lascar row changes, which the Chinese stand up and the cry for happiness, the compassion of the Earth, and the humiliation of notes of Upper Lascar Row works share a common characteristic, such as: Wensheng plastic toy industry co in mass. Under superior text support just venting of emotion, a particular value ofJudgments and beliefs may did not integrate into the writer's blood, and became part of its value. Second, because of treason and put upon them. A different way to see life footprint Upper Lascar Row, we will clearly feel, Upper Lascar row is a rebellious people, for a text-dependent people, and treason is not a bad thing, they are increasing the thickness and width of the text. Rebelliousness deepAffect the character of Upper Lascar Row, and articles. When everybody is on a crazy time, Upper Lascar Row saying you are wrong, when the same situation occurs again, Upper Lascar Row, said, you're wrong.   When the rebellion to the extreme, when you become a way of thinking, decided to deny yourself and your thoughts become easier in the past, such denial and reconstruction is thick enough for its one-sided. However,We also understand, every change in Upper Lascar Row, communicates a positive intention behind it: hope this society a better place. That's why dernon able to articulate: the notes of a humiliation and the spirit behind the Chinese stand up the thrust is the same. "China stands up" this title is easily liked, but is also worthy of consideration of the cultural elite in China: How does China stand up? Others:

