
tera gold reporter Pan Qing - ZQD

129771661619218750_25Xinhuanet, Shanghai, March 25 (reporter Pan Qing)-approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shanghai Stock Exchange today released the revised index of the Shanghai stock exchange transactions-open of the rules for the implementation of the operations of the Fund.  The rules of business innovation to expand the space for the ETF market, development of ETF is expected to "accelerate". It is understood that the existing Shanghai Stock ExchangeEasy trade exchange-index of the detailed rules for the implementation of the operations of the Fund in 2004, the mainland market ahead of the first ETF listed on the SSE 50ETF released. In recent years, the shangzhengsuo fund market has made rapid development. Shangzhengsuo "building with blue-chip market as the core, the bond market, fund market and the derivatives market development of the tiered market system" in strategic planning,ETF fund market has become the market-building as represented one of the four core objectives. Shangzhengsuo official said, from the perspective of market size, shangzhengsuo has listed 23 Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) with a market value of about $ 50 billion from product line, single wide base Index ETF products in the market has achieved a super market, market, China offers and and small-cap indicesFull coverage, theme, style, class and industry rapid development of such ETF; from the perspective of marketing, ETF overall operating norms of transparency and increasing protection and wind control measures has become increasingly sound.  ETF is gradually becoming investors, especially institutional investors for good tool for asset allocation and investment strategy. The responsible person said, the ETFAcceleration of the pace of product innovation and constantly enriched and improved the mechanism of stock market transactions, especially coming soon under the background of ETF products across markets, part of the original rules and provisions have been adapted to the development needs of the market. In order to better adapt to market demand tera gold, combined with cross-market ETF launches, approved by the SFC, shangzhengsuo in keeping with the framework of rulesUnder the prerequisite of stability, some articles have been adjusted. According to reports, some of the provisions of amendment of the rules of direct cross-border and cross-market, ETF operational differences, such as Shen foreclosure Fund share trading rules, the ETF Fund net worth and net reference (IOPV) calculation, and agency securities related business control requirements and breach of disciplinary measures after the wind. OtherPart of the reservation provision is mainly for business development, such as expanding ETF and the definitions of purchase price, improve the issuance, suspension, and relevant provisions of the information disclosure of the Fund. Trade on the Shanghai and Shenzhen compares two publishing rules, overall structure and most of the provisions of the basic rules there is no difference tera gold, the most obvious difference is the two cross-market ETF fundsShare deals and Shen foreclosure provisions. In accordance with shangzhengsuo of the rules, the existing single market across Market ETF ETF "T+0" trade efficiency, such as buying stocks on the day can be immediately used to purchase, ETF, date of purchase tera power leveling, the share can be sold on the day, buy fund shares can be redeemed immediately on the day. And the Shenzhen Stock Exchange rules require, on purchase of cross-cityETF fund shares cannot be sold prior to the settlement or redemption; buy fund shares on the day, cannot be sold or redeemed on the same day. Industry insiders said, ETF market and rapid development in the Mainland in recent years, but compared to the mainstream international market there is still a big gap. Rules issued for fund companies provided market players, such as product development and business innovationA bigger space, ETF-related product innovation pace is expected to "accelerate". Others:

