
swtor power leveling price down yesterday - WDW

129724958948363094_31From the non-public offering plan was unveiled on January 5, until January 21 the Board of Trustees considered by the "new" non-public offering of shares of stock programmes, Pearl River (002461, unit) (002461), only 16 days. Because the original program has not yet been considered extraordinary general meeting by, so Pearl River beer up increases without "adjustment"Direct" changing faces ". The number up, price down yesterday, Pearl River brand of beer because of "non-public offering of shares of stock being adjusted programmes such as" suspension. At night Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the new programme "launched". And after a day of Hainan Airlines (600,221, unit) will increase plan compared to the adjusted, Pearl River almost "the same": reducing the increasing price increaseNumber issue, fixed the total funds raised. Recommended reading on January 31 illustrations: normal technical adjustments to shocks to a-shares in local rally die auspicious start Outlook cautious rebound pattern of renewal of China a-shares in HKEx offering worry-start a shares opened weaker Outlook was langma several points of thinking on nuggets of information the man higher up "plans break unit"[Twitter] RMB appreciation and the a-share the mysterious relationship [shares] old shareholders to disclose at this location at the end of January 5 swtor power leveling, Pearl River beer announces proposed private placement to no more than 10 specific investors 215 million shares, issuing price is not less than $ 10.37/unit, does not exceed the total funds raised 2.213 billion yuan. Raise money are threefold: SouthernSand Pearl River Brewery phase II annual production capacity of 1 million KL of beer project aims to invest 1.343 billion yuan; 370 million Yuan investment in Hunan Zhujiang brewery project initial annual production capacity of 200,000 KL beer; supplementary liquidity of $ 500 million. Compared to the programme and more than half a month ago, Pearl River brand of beer sell price from $ 8.95/shares lower, release number will increase to not more than 250 shares unchanged. ����In response, the Pearl River brand of beer known as "capital market environment changes". Refinance amount =IPOx5 on August 18, 2010, the Pearl River landing small and medium enterprise Board listed. For the time being, the company's IPO sell 70 million shares, the issue price per share of $ 5.8, total funds raised $ 406 million. Compared toScale of IPO to raise over 1 year ago, Pearl River beer beyond the 2.213 billion yuan is 400%, can be called "demand an exorbitant price." Data show that Pearl River Brewery IPO placement investment projects include Pearl with an annual output of 200,000 KL beer project in Guangxi, Hunan beads with an annual output of 200,000 KL beer project, intends to invest $ 525.12 million respectively, 5,41660,000 yuan, the total investment amounted to $ 1,066,780,000. Since the IPO to raise money (raised $ 378.11 million net) cannot make up for the original investment gap to raise investment projects, Pearl River eliminated Pearl with an annual output of 200,000 KL beer project in Hunan. At the same time, cut beads with an annual output of 200,000 KL beer project of Guangxi investment scale and "planned to importDevices to home-made "investment for the project be reduced to $ 525.12 million million. The industry believes that solving the problem of the cash-strapped, is Pearl River brand of beer in IPO just over a year then reasons for refinancing. On January 13, Pearl River beer has just finished a medium term note issuance, coupons issued to 6.63% for a period of three yearsBond of $ 250 million. Increase planned in secret resignation accompanied by Tung in updating plan released at the same time, Pearl River Brewery announced the cancellation of the original on February 28 was originally considered January 5 additional extraordinary general meeting of the programme, decided on March 9, 2012 first extraordinary general meeting to consider the new plan. Pearl River beer will increase plan "changing faces" fastEven did not go through the procedures of the General Assembly of shareholders, capital markets are rare. It is worth mentioning that, in the process of planning in the Pearl River beer will increase, on January 9, Deputy General Manager of MI-Lin Yuan Tung keep due to "personal reasons" submitted his resignation to the Board. Following the resignation of Lam is not any positions in the Pearl River. According to Pearl River Brewery IPO Prospectus introduction, Lin Yuan deposit, senior managersMaster of business administration, accountant swtor power leveling, Economist, current Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Board and was a financial center of Zhujiang beer Group Chief Accountant, Deputy Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Financial Manager. IPO listing for the company set a secret war exploits of Mr Tung to resign has no effect on Pearl River increased, yesterday urged Pearl River brand of beer. "Secret resignation and Tung will increase withoutRelationship does not affect directional add-issuance. ����"The Ministry said the company's securities. Reporter judefun

