
129725029992894344_31 - MIQ

129725029992894344_31Kill somebody night 34 years old handsome stubborn veteran played 32 minutes increase heat hazards NetEase sports reported on January 31: run this has "big three" the heat is the second year, Eric-siboersitelayiran is not modified by some bad habits. More accurately, he was somewhat excessive tendency to use some of the players and refrigerated certain players, like today, in such a game against a clean sweep, battier (microblogging) showed up with time reaches 32 minutes, while the other heat Sharpshooter James-Jones played only in the last two minutes. Battier was 33 years old, and when combined with training camp this season was also injured, so handsome said he had also spoken to "reasonable control battier playing time", but the irony is, he said these words after the game, battier play time reached the 50-minute--Even though that's because with the Eagle that forced three in extra time, but battier joked after the game that "Crespo credit has gone bankrupt." Look at the game, battier began playing to defend is the role of Trevor Ariza, but at the end of garbage time, fate even Trevor Ariza, battier is there anything else needed to stay on the pitch? Conversely, Jones was on iceFor a long time, so why not waste time to let him stand battier, gives badierduo a break and let Jones take the opportunity to find the feel? A similar situation, it was not the first time. Last season, handsome attached to in the first half of the fourth section let Le Blanc leader half sections, even the poor had pulled over more than 20 minutes will never change. You can say that he is to adhere to the original, Or you can say he was given the team has a history of crashes so be careful, but the fact is, this can't rest key players get the recognition they deserve, also reduce the chances of other role players to hone, and led teams there is Le Blanc had suffered collapse precedent. In the fall season, the team member's health situation was the first important for teamsMatter, and the heat race is Union recognised as one of the scariest, they should also pay attention to let players get sufficient rest. Of course none of us know, handsome medicine Hulu sells what, but now we can see the situation, his stubbornness could heat a large risk.

