
aion kinah Urtem " secretion of spider silk genes of the human genome the possibility also exists -

129732029227658750_139Spider silk into a cave is the solid fabric of fiber bioengineering skin able to withstand 4 times times half-speed bullets fired bombardment aion kinah Zikel, but is not protected from the bullets flying at full speed which consists of layers of skin and lab cultivation of spider silk artificial skin and SINA technology hearing Beijing time on February 7, scientists produced by the cultivation of a genetically modified goats milkIs identical to the spider silk protein, using "spider silk in goat" into the fabric strong is the cave of fiber used in bulletproof vests 4 times.  In the laboratory aion kinah, scientists will be goats of silk cultivation and biotechnology means mixed with human skin aion kinah Urtem, so as to get bullet-proof capability of artificial skin. New Scientist magazine reported: "biological skin to withstandHalf-speed bullets fired bombardment aion kinah Thor, however, its impact limit, when the bullet reaches 329 metres per second, a speed aion kinah Israphel, the bullet will penetrate the skin. "The Netherlands jialila-Issaadi, a researcher said the spider silk research project called" 2.6 grams of 329 metres per second ", a 22 calibre rifle bullet weight and velocity of naming. This study aims toSpider silk proteins to replace keratin in human skin. Research on spider silk for use in United States aion money, Utah aion kinah Balder, then in Korea spun into thread and then in Germany woven into fabric. The last step is to grow a real layer of skin around the bullet-proof skin aion kinah Suthran, the whole process took about 5 weeks. Issaadi pointed out that science fiction becomes reality in this study. Silk for war has a longHistory of Genghis Khan all cavalry was paired with silk vests, shot arrows against the enemy. She said: "imagine using one made of spider silk bulletproof vests aion kinah Kromede, able to withstand the impact of bullets and bullet capture--arrows of the modern version of the bullet corresponds to the era of Genghis Khan. Now aion kinah Perento, let us take a step forward aion kinah Siel, why only manufacturing bulletproof vests? Imagine aUnder the silk proteins to replace keratin in the skin. This protein associated with the skin of resilience. "Issaadi:" secretion of spider silk genes of the human genome the possibility also exists, so as to create a bullet-proof one. Sounds of science fiction? Perhaps aion kinah Telemachus, but we think we can let this build the Superman idea become reality aion kinah Vaizel, is to have the anti-elasticSpider silk in conjunction with nurture skin. "Bulletproof vests have decades of history, but bullet-proof skin has been found in science fiction works aion kinah Spatalos, the most famous example of this is the invulnerability of Superman super hero. (Takafumi) Others:

