
blade & soul gold Motorola - WOQ

129749416992187500_36"" Financial report "Germany Court ruled Monday, Motorola (micro-blogging) mobile shall not be mandatory for Apple iPhone and iPad while in Germany prohibiting sales, against any related product sales in violation of antitrust obligation. Germany Karlsruhe higher regional court summary assessment of Apple-based on the earlier lower court rulingLitigation, the lower court had ruled against Apple's iPad and iPhone for a particular product in Germany sales.   Motorola mobile earlier this month sued Apple subsidiaries violate their franchise network communication age of conan gold, requires mandatory temporary prohibition of sales for a particular product. Germany High Court on Monday overturned the lower court's ruling, on the grounds that, Apple provides new for Motorola mobile patentThe enabling clause, which fully take into account the interests of Motorola mobile.   Therefore, Motorola moved the mandatory temporary attempt to prohibit sales of Apple products is a violation of antitrust obligation. Legal battle between Apple and Motorola mobile is only around in all of the major technology companies manufacturing mobile devices involves fighting the latest items. Smartphone sales in recent years flySpeed growth, which also led to a move Apple blade & soul gold, Motorola, Samsung (micro-blogging) Electronics lotro gold, HTC (micro-blog) rise in patent litigation with other companies. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Liu 玥)

