
diablo 3 power leveling obtaining property to others - PGD

129731361946416727_33Reporter Wei Xu Li Fuwen this newspaper correspondents "skinned, ex-husband Taiwan, after the divorce to qianwanjia.  Seeking sth is heavily "" senior hotel managers, a monthly salary of 30,000, has a more generous cut sth "in Chongqing municipality, people use this kind of" night-grass "set under so many want to send" windfall "man of corrosion in the fiscal deficit. Recently, ChongqingWanzhou district people's Court of first instance adjudged that the defendant Pan guilty of fraud, sentenced to one year and six months, and fined 10,000 yuan, ordered the defendant Pan loss return and compensate the victims.  Judges to undertake the case in the legal daily reporter to disclose such "offered him a child", "high paying jobs" advertisement fraud Insider. Fraud underground, in April 2010Near Sichuan Mianyang Central Hospital, a message posted on the wall of street advertising, attracts the eye.  Ads says: five-star hotels to recruit managers, $ 30,000 per month, there are more attractive for high commissions. In front of this bait, bait. After each other and arrange, through interviews, the hotel decided to hire him, more are deepNo doubt. Then, the other party to pay the deposit, deposit, examination fees, insurance fees, clothing, training, and other original induces the money several times into the named Bank.  One after another after you pay the $ more than 9,300, found that cheated. In June 2010, near the ten mile River station diablo 3 power leveling, Chaoyang District, Beijing, mouxiansheng was a turn on the pole-CantonWill hold.  Approximate content of this ad is that a woman married to a rich, her husband was unable to bear, are seeking a healthy man to have their pregnancy, so that children inherit, conforms to give $ 100,000 in cash for its $ 500,000 again after pregnancy nutrition. Mouxiansheng you want to get true, advertising contactA call in the past. After the call through, a man on the phone said: "I don't believe in what you say, I'm afraid you are a liar, you want to prove your sincerity, will have to pay the security deposit. "Then, who gave mouxiansheng a bank card number. After mouxiansheng in accordance with the specified account remittance of $ 4,000, when contacted, the other phones always answered, muping-RushanOnly to find they have been cheated.  In fact, both "high paying job", or "offered him a child", are under the pan. Pan is who is? Hosting the judges told reporters, was born in August 1981 in pan in kaixian County of Chongqing, lived in Yugan County town of the Jade of Shangrao city in Jiangxi province. Due to fraud committed, was in Chongqing, Yubei District people's Court sentencedA year and three months, and fined $ 3,000.  Before the deception and pan in Sichuan, Beijing, thief hands reaching for a long time in wanzhou, Chongqing. In December 2009 and February 2010, March and June 16, June 27, Pan in Chongqing wanzhou Wuqiao road, xincheng road, Shanghai fuside Plaza, a "heavily prays for a son", "high salary jobs"Means of defrauding victims respectively $ 400 in cash and the victim Mr LEE Choi song and $ 800 in cash for cash $ 3,280, victims, victims of victim cash $ 1480, Mr Wang easily $ 800 in cash, a total of $ 6,760. On November 11, 2011, the Pan again on suspicion of fraud, criminal detention by the police by wanzhou.On December 1, 2011, wanzhou district people's Procuratorate to wanzhou district people's Court for prosecution, accused Pan guilty of fraud. Prosecutors allege that since April 2009, and prepared for a free ID card registration information and purchase phone cards to open bank card on behalf of others, employ others in wanzhou district, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Chengdu city, Sichuan province climbedChinese new year flower fair, Mianyang, Xian City, Shaanxi Province, and other places, to post "high paying jobs" and "offered him a child" published in the newspaper ad and well-paid job information publication of false information, the guise of "high paying jobs" and "offered him a child", to pay the security deposit, fees or hostel device name such as deposit, obtaining property to others, total value of more than $ 20,000. In trialIn the process, pan on the prosecution's allegations without objection. Wanzhou District Court found that the defendant pan to for the purpose of illegal possession, fiction fact means to cheat others money, totalling $ 20,000 tsw gold, larger amounts, their behavior constituted the crime of fraud.  Defendant's honest confession crime facts, gave their voluntary guilty plea may be given a lighter punishment. Recently, the Court of first instance judgments in wanzhou districtWill pan guilty of fraud and sentenced to one year and six months ' imprisonment, and fined 10,000 yuan, ordered the defendant Pan loss return and compensate the victims. Process of fraud revealing how Pan was used "spell", again and again down the victim's trust?  Judges to undertake the case in the legal daily reporter revealed the deception process for this type of fraud. According to the judges introduced, "Gold seeking child "fraud case in the, modus people or in some with porn color of small magazine Shang made advertising, or using some offsite of advertising company in street edge poles posted ad, or using SMS Publishing" heavily seeking child "advertising information, to fake said husband death or reproductive obstacles or out has accident cannot birth, but eager to seeking child for by, wanted to and offsite health man dating pregnant child. As long as the callSatisfaction, speed meeting huge deposit, money and beauty to lure some of the men 's. Subsequently, then to pay the deposit, security deposit, taxes, notary fees, legal fees, deposits, fee, materials fee, fees, insurance premiums, under various names such as money given by the family celebrating some happy events, lure victims again and again the remittance, after they suddenly "disappeared", and can no longer contact. The offender, even with modified softwareHigh-tech tools, such as, will make the phone appear as victims located luxury hotel reception desk phone number, victim that "child-rich woman" really has met with, the more convinced. "Offered him a child" fraud gang often composed by more than one person, at least for someone to make a woman pregnant "rich woman" as "support" tsw power leveling, other people were posing as so-called fiscal deficitAgency, legal representation, etc; criminals through cell phone contact with the victim, leaving no real name, no direct contact met, subtle, low risk of deception.  Undertaking case said, lies under the cover of the beautiful, is deceptive traps, suggest that the masses don't believe text ads. "High paying jobs" deception process, the criminals through a network, Phone, street advertising, including throwing the so-called bait of high returns. Luring job seekers hook, arrange job after meeting, taken after pretending to interview, so that job-seekers took, and then to pay the deposit, deposit, examination fees, insurance, training, clothing, and other causes, lure job seekers who deposited money several times the specified Bank, until the victim found onWhen the deception. For this type of fraud, judge recommends job seekers through the exchange of personnel, should the market or formal channels such as job fair to find a job. Job seekers should beware and learn to identify the various recruitment advertising information true and false, don't believe that recruitment officers arrange interviews, especially when there is no work, hired party is asked to provide large amounts of money to pay the deposit, Deposit, examination fees, insurance, training, clothing and other expenses, more vigilance. Others:

