
the old republic commendation power leveling and unfortunately is - UAK

129731621438752500_35Independent recruitment reforms should be to advance in the right direction, otherwise it will mislead the community on evaluation of independent recruitment reforms, increased public anxiety on reform of independent recruitment and even introduced to the reform of college entrance examination on February 5, as Fudan University, Shandong University, and started the independent entrance examination written 2012 College independent enrolment war officially started. Shandong UniversityTest centers, candidates parents admitted, participate in the autonomous entrance examination is increasingly becoming a trend, candidates to be "abducted", "as long as we still have to pass the college entrance examination, pressure on the candidates will not be reduced. "Fudan" study of the thousand ", competition is fierce, like Zhejiang, proportion of students shortlisted for an interview is like 10%. Candidates with "sea election" to describe the now independent recruitment, "Faster harder to catch up with ' super ' ' man '. "Public opinion will issue links to independent recruitment" sea election mode ", as long as the students ' cold, give written test opportunities, many candidates are holding a try, created the autonomous enrollment of false prosperity," hoodwinked "a lot of people, so registrations increased, but the final acceptance rates are very low. For this is low "Hit "autonomous enrollment students around a place where people gather for various purposes, wasted a lot of time. In fact, "sea election mode" is not wrong the old republic commendation power leveling, wrong is wrong in their own independent recruitment written test. From 2010 onwards, autonomous enrollment in colleges and universities have recognised the school independent recruitment written test questions of individual organizations, there have been five school entrance exams in 2011, further development for more than one exam. Joint entrance examinationThere is a problem, including school "Alliance" confrontation, "enclosure" robbed students, exams for study of the subject, time length and degree of difficulty is very high, short after the pilot, on social questions, in this year's independent recruitment, Fudan and South declare exit exams. In fact, enacted in July 2010, the national platform for medium and long term educational reform and development plan,Clearly the spirit of the reform of college entrance examination, "exploring measures for the admission and examination of their relative isolation, the Government macro-management, professional organization, school enrollment independently, student select several times, and gradually form a classification test, evaluation, multiple admission examination admission system". In accordance with the spirit of the platform for, independent recruitment exam development to social examination, is a partyTo the. Joint entrance examination organized by the social institutions, and school association relationship does not exist, independent authorized one or more entrance exams in universities. More to the point is, and won admission eligible students, will not have to participate in the college entrance examination, centralized admission. In recent years, centered on admissions, there were autonomous enrollment is canceled the college entrance examination, independent recruitment would be unfair, unjust, and more questions. GuestView said the old republic Mercenary Commendation power leveling, these questions appeared, because they do not understand the essence of independent recruitment, and unfortunately is, independent recruitment of reform in China's universities, is not to show the public what is truly independent recruitment: a gankao of the fragmentation written to increase the students ' burden, then came the introduction of principals ' real name is recommended but not simultaneously autonomous enrollment information public, then pushOut joint examination is to joint examination variation for "engaged Alliance", more important of is, University has of independent admissions right, is just to students dozens of min of admitted offers, students participate in college entrance examination Hou eventually only got a Zhang admitted notice, and not like abroad students as, can got more Zhang University admitted notice, then under school of running reputation, and admitted professional, and provides of education service for selectedOptional. On February 2, the Ministry of education Announces 2012 points, offered to research on major issues in the reform of college entrance examination, and guide the reform of college entrance examination according to actual exploration throughout the region. According to the spirit of the reforms set out in the platform for the entrance examination in China, independent enrolment in colleges and universities, is the irreversible direction of reform, will also be the core in the reform of college entrance examination. To this end, the independentHealth reform should advance in the correct direction diablo 3 gold, otherwise it will mislead the community on evaluation of independent recruitment reforms, increased public anxiety on reform of independent recruitment and even introduced to the reform of college entrance examination. (Editors: Zhang Renhe)

