
tsw power leveling fighting local scenery. Touch-perpetual fantasy world - RSH

129733686969377500_47Balance is King wow ouro! State of the world monetary system for the first time exposure Click to enter the repository of the world screenshots (39) | Original picture (7) | Wallpaper (5) | Client download vendor feeds, NetEase does not mean freedom of expression by the State to the following full build of the game's first level CG 3DGames of the world tsw power leveling, through a great-looking picture perfect show years ago God demon battle scenes. In the world, has since become a unique monetary system, the monetary system is very special, that besides their get the money in the world, and battleground honor points can be made in the game and family-related consumption. The world of eachCurrency has a different purpose, also because some of the originality of the design, making the balance of the world must be safe. Role of money in the money of the world believe that the player knows, but its consumption is in the most need on career skills learning, besides that is a variety of red, blue, purchase of consumables and equipment items, such as commonCan. However, there are some special equipment, materials and formulations, it is "money can't buy". Battle honours of the so-called "sword presented hero", the strength of heaven and Earth and for some outstanding players to give "special care", designed the battleground honor points, and family, in the next test, can be purchased through the battleground honor points from 35 to 80 advanced package, On the various properties of awards or copy the task to a certain extent more than usual growing, also hard to buy in the store. Family number of the family of the world, mainly relies on a number of family activities WOW золото, tasks and level of accumulation, family points main you can buy some unique recipes, props, and special articles, will give the player in PVE and personal growth processGreat convenience. The height of the world 2011, China myth fantasy, penetrating ancient charm and essence of Xuan octupole, superb scenes screen shows the descent of the God of life, fighting local scenery. Touch-perpetual fantasy world, a decisive battle between heaven, through no limit, 2011 new fantasy through the masterpiece of the worldSummary for your rendering! Others:

