
"already some Honorato da Silva nilmar team invited to join

129668763153750000_271Rome wants to attack the ills one solutions Primera Liga killer active overtures Red Wolf NetEase sports reported on November 27: United States after the owners bought the Club of Rome, spent heavily over the summer has introduced 10 players, Serie a behind Juventus transfer overhead. High investment, however, did not return good results, this team after 0-2 no match for Udinese, Roman has made only 5 WINS in 12 serie a record of 2-5 defeat. Team shootDoor efficiency is not high is an important cause of the poor results, for which Rome is ready to continue the introduction of striker. Of the Rome sports daily: Honorato da Silva nilmar brokers that Rome was to contact your according to the Rome sports daily reported, Rome has seen the effect in the Primera Liga Villarreal of the Brazil striker Honorato da Silva nilmar. Honorato da Silva nilmar, 27 years old he started in Brazil international team, in 2004 he joined Lyon, butHas not been successful. Until 2009, Honorato da Silva nilmar joined Villarreal after showing his abilities diablo 3 gold, hit 11 balls for the first season, became the teams main strike, which was Brazil national team participated in South Africa World Cup. Rome had been interested in buying this summer actually Honorato da Silva nilmar, but Villarreal snap 24 million euros worth refused to reduce and eventually RomeOnly returned for the second best choice Osvaldo. But Honorato da Silva nilmar Villarreal this season wasn't working very well, is taking part in the 4 Spanish Prime Division into 2 balls, then moved with the right knee meniscus operation and dislocated ankle so far. Villarreal also freefall, UEFA Champions League group stage 5 not only season, and only in 12th place in the Primera Liga League. Honorato da Silva nilmar broker Dacho(Orlando da Hora) has acknowledged that Rome is to contact your, "already some Honorato da Silva nilmar team invited to join, including Rome. Villarreal this summer have rejected Rome's offer, but they are still interested in my players, I will continue and the Rome talks. Return to Brazil League? S?o Paulo have contacted me, but Brazil team impossibleMoney sign Honorato da Silva nilmar, unless they are using one of the players in the Exchange, I think Honorato da Silva nilmar back to Brazil the possibility is very small. "Roman coach Enrique set for the team follow Barcelona's tactics, and Rome in the match ball control and passing success rates are very high, shoot the number as high as 195 serie 20 teams in the first place. But helpless shooting efficiency is not high, only57 shot diablo 3 power leveling, a lot of time is gain no score, such as the current round of Serie a, the audience target goal 11 shot only 1 foot. Want to Rome in the winter transfer period through the introduction of a new striker to tackle the ills plaguing team.

