
Lie detector test

129615045137343750_2246Information: comic FBI. According reported the news vertical and horizontal the old republic power leveling, United States movies, apart from high-speed sports cars, super hero outside these elements that "FBI" is often indispensable elements. In the die hard, and the film the silence of the lambs, we see in the last minuteNow, always FBI. FBI, is FBI, it are United States important Intelligence Agency also United States judiciary under the major undercover investigation departments, FBI is quite the movie showing in it, mysterious and faithless people? Want to be a Federal Bureau of investigation officers, is not required as in the filmUltra high IQ, strong physique? Reporter for your reality: what can become a member of the FBI. How the FBI recruit? Sets the threshold for what? FBI in its official online recruitment advertising. There is no our imagination so mysterious, so long as between the ages of 22-37 United States citizenConforms to one or two of the FBI "special professional" conditions, have the opportunity to become an FBI officers. Specific basic recruitment condition is between ages 22-37, had full-time four-years University degree, naked vision reaches twenty-twentieths (is 1) must United States citizens. Of course, FBICandidates are specifically set out several "major articles", as long as you comply with one or more of these, it is possible to enter the next selection. After you have the basic conditions, you will be able to post FBI resumes, interview. Interview part is usually conducted in two parts, the first part include: for officer positions and personalA simple questionnaire; a 3-hour test on cognition, behavior and logic; language proficiency test. Through these 3 tests, FBI if you feel that you "have sufficient competitiveness", will arrange for you to enter the second phase of the interview: written examination 90 minutes; 1 hour oral interview; physical fitness tests;Lie detector test; the background investigation. These specialized conditions although not high, but it's not easy targets. Through an interview are meant to become a member of the FBI? What are the challenges? Adopted above all tests you can officially became a FBI trainees. As one of the officers, of course, needs cultureTraining and induction. New FBI trainee require the FBI Academy in Virginia for up to 20 weeks, a total of 850 hours of training. Including basic knowledge and handling of knowledge, the knowledge of firearms, as well as physical training. Above basic training, FBI also has one called "emergency tacticsVehicle operations centre "(TEVOC) Training Department. The Department's role is to train trick cycling, but trick cycling is not stopping here, Pak mega gear down or something. It's like catching bad guys in the movie police training Drifting parking, high-speed lane changing or something like that, are commonplace. 20 weeks training after theWill be sent to the FBI's 56 local stations (including overseas) of any one work 50 hours a week, 24-hour on-call, and at any time may be required to use a deadly weapon. Remuneration of the FBI? A new entry for FBI officers from Washington, DC, his annual salaryIs made up of the following sections: law enforcement civil service basic annual salary of $ 43,441, regional subsidies of $ $ 12,761 swtor power leveling, law enforcement officials in handling cases subsidies, US $ 63,804 (if mobilized, there will be a one-time grant, the amount of us $ 22,000), such as the grass-roots levelCollecting evidence of technical staff, annual salary was only $ 42,960 to $. Although this value with the United States about 25 years old, the level of Bachelor males average annual income of 52,265 m par, but relative to the nature of the work and skill request, FBI wages are not countedHigher. Promotion will raise. Officers promoted to when the highest, basic annual salary averaged $ 71,674. FBI supervisor basic annual salary averaged $ 99,628 head of highest salary can also achieve US $ 105,211. Like the FBI hiring electrical engineers of the year, yearsSalary reached $ 123,758 per cent.

