
and successfully held general elections. In the release "stable bond"

129668688754687500_24 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>Commission on issuing euro "stability bond" proposal, causing large dispute in the eurozone, eurozone countries quickly formed two camps. Although the proposal stresses that, Member States need to further consolidate public finances, strengthen financial supervision and the adjustment of economic structure, avoiding highly indebted countries "once and for all" throws a debt burden to countries with higher economic good, credit ratingTo pay for. But "stable bonds" programme is also being Germany and the Netherlands, and Finland, and Austria, such as treasuries of highly-rated euro area Member States resolutely opposed. To give the European Commission's proposals to build momentum, and to persuade Germany, Member of the EU's monetary policy Rennes November 22 visit to Berlin, yet difficult to shake up Germany's position. Germany media generally to "the same old things"And" old wine in a new bottle "to describe the Commission's proposal that, in the case of inconsistent economic and fiscal policy rashly Euro bond issue, not only eurozone Member State debt problem cannot be resolved, even be possible to have a debt problem worse. For European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso make bond recommendations on November 23, Germany ruling coalition has a clear tableAs shown in the "not interested". In Germany, the current discussion on euro bonds out. But Germany's stance as well as room says also "seriously studying the proposal", as well as with France to coordinate their stands. In addition, Austria's Finance Minister, Fei Kete also said that Austria Treasury bond interest rates may be up to one-third interest will increase from EUR 9 billion to 12 billion euroYuan. This would threaten Austria fiscal health. She said that under the current EU and eurozone financial framework, the issue of "stable bonds" will increase the national debt credit AAA Member States ' borrowing costs. In order to eliminate the opposition, the Commission will introduce the euro consolidated bonds at the same time strengthening the supervision and inspection of Member State budgets. If necessary, ouyuanguo first draft budgetTo the European Union, and then to discuss cross-member Parliament. But it still cannot be dismissed German concerns. After all, euro bonds is to Germany, and other core Member States to guarantee the credibility of. Once the debt crisis not to control, and Germany lost the dominance to crisis control, then as a guarantee of major powers, will be reduced to the debts of others in danger. Germany economic expert CommissionLast week proposed the creation of a "European reimbursement fund" which requires all debt levels exceed EU limit (that is, 60% GDP) country, its excess debt from the Fund to take over. The Committee also requests that the beneficiary of the Fund as Germany introduced in the national Constitution as "debt brake mechanism", to rein in debt levels in line with EU rules. It is clear that inResponse to European debt crisis, Germany clearly hopes to "Germany mode" transform euro. Standing behind European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso is Italy, and Greece, and other heavily indebted countries of the eurozone. Obviously, if the introduction of the "stable bonds", they will be the biggest beneficiaries. Italy new Prime Minister Mario Monti said, the introduction of "Eurobonds" helps stabilize the financial markets, consolidation of public finances. AsAs an economist, he supported the proposed joint issue euro bonds in the eurozone, but also said it and other EU leaders to discuss a decision until after the Crown's position. Italy media commented that Italy welcomes the "stable bonds", but also understand not Germany and France support the introduction of the "stable bonds" is tantamount to an idiot's Daydream. Greece the new Prime Minister, PAPajimosi were of the view that "the Euro bond" or a similar tool can provide ways to fend off debt crisis. Clear, Greece need "stable bonds", but the new Government just sworn in May was too busy to, their current top priority is how to implement a new round of aid loans, and successfully held general elections. In the release "stable bond", the current position of micro-Interesting is France. At the beginning of European debt crisis, France is to support the release of "Eurobonds", but only in the summer of this year and Germany come together, but still plays a communication bridge between the two camps. Recently France national debt AAA ratings seem to be at risk, difficult to ensure that France would not rejoin the camp of supporters. France was quoted analysts point of recognitionFor, at present, France the Government has realised that source of European debt crisis is "not under unified European unity", national fiscal policies exacerbated the structural contradiction of Engage at will. To this end, France believes that this stopgap approach compared to the implementation of the European bond, rather than amendment of the EU Treaty comes directly. This will enable the financial, economic and tax policy of the euro-zone countries step by stepConvergence, taking punitive measures against States that do not follow the rules, change the structural problems of the unified financial and economic policies of the euro, so that Europe can really out of the crisis. At the same time, France hopes to lead this process, it expressed the hope that the United Germany with modified EU Treaty. EU Treaty change, not meaning it is unlikely the European bonds swtor power leveling, and there are many ways that can beFor the same purpose.

