
participating in Group competition after Malone lost to Niwa xiaoxi in Hong Kong Diablo 3 gold par

129823466896718750_137Three campaign highlighting the ping deeper crisis myths in London will be broken? Female ping small dingningmalong worry zhongxinwang, May 24 (Liu Tong) looking into the Olympics the Chinese army "dream team", the ping is undoubtedly one of the most glittering stars. The gold dengshen, honors numerous team will hit a brilliant in London? But compared to the problem, fans around the world seem to be more concerned about "accidentally lose" news. In the last weekEnded in the late ITTF Korea open, country harvest ping no suspense in all four champions. However, being prepared for the Olympic team to the main men's doubles Wang Hao and Zhang Jike, but not in the final game, swept their teammates Malone/Xu Xin. In addition, participating in Group competition after Malone lost to Niwa xiaoxi in Hong Kong, and lost to Korea rookie Li Xiangxiu, worry。 China's table tennis team taking care of "myth", there are none in London may be broken? Neiyou: three campaign 2011 table tennis highlights the deep crisis Group table tennis Asian Championship, World Cup and 2012 years 51st Dortmund world table tennis championship--this is the ping of the country before the Olympic Games, three battle experience is more important. Despite the record of a brilliant, but has also exposed a lot of teamsDeep problems in the wood. Teams without a core of veteran status decline from the current situation, lack of core leader of the Ping wants to continue at the London Olympics glory I'm afraid is not easy. From the project said, average ping body strength Diablo 3 gold, normal play Championship should be LEGO. At present, the singles event are still a potential crisis by baoleng. After the Beijing Olympic Games, international table tennis FederationOlympic entry quota provision has been amended, each representing the three streamlined to two people, and the singles will be arranged before the team. Ping the first problem you face is: veteran State fall Championship to lose "patron". In 2011 World Cup table tennis organizations, double line defending the Chinese team is successful. But ping veteran Wang liqin and Ma Lin are hard eyes twinkle with pleasure. The former in the firstWar against Russia even lost two points in the game, then the whole were "snow accumulation", didn't get the chance to play again. Wang liqin is only temporary displacement into the lineup because Zhang Jike were injured, but did not get the opportunity to play in three games, completely reduced to the "sauce" role. Chinese women ping, after the decommissioning of two generations of the absolute heart of Wang Nan and Zhang Yining successively, "doubleChild star of "Guo Yue and Li Xiaoxia always sick constantly, it is difficult to gain a foothold. Although Li Xiaoxia in the outstanding group performance in the World Cup, but lost to Guo Yan on Asian Championship 1-4, again coaching groups difficult to assure. Small Jim dinning while winning the world table tennis championships singles champion, but when Liu Shiwen won the Korea Open tennis champion, female ping coach Shi Zhihao said publicly: Grace Ting Ning now "also does not have a leadingPing women's qualifications ". Lord ups and downs race ordeal last year statistics, Chinese men and ping were even during the five open singles first, but the foreign wars losing matches at an impressive eight. Along with "Mesozoic" Wang Hao in a downturn, small States up and down a large, male winner of the ping is always up in the air. Noteworthy is Malone. He in the Asian Championship menIn the singles final, 4-0 win over teammate Zhang Jike perennial champion, thus following the match of table tennis and 10 09 Asia Guangzhou Asian Games after winning the Asia Championship men's Singles Champion for the third time in a row, he won by half a year the eighth singles champions. But recently, Malone unexpectedly lost to Korea, and Japan new star, frequently are baoleng before the war. In response, Liu Guoliang concludes, this is tenDanger signal. "In one month, he appeared such problems SWTOR Credits, suddenly out of the years there have been many times. Always inexplicably lost to third-line player, needed careful consideration. This is a very serious arrhythmias. Olympic Games he has no singles Diablo 3 gold, no warm up, once the case is terrible. "Liu Guoliang also worry that there are doubles. He said,Following the General and Wang Hao in torsion, strain of poor in adversity, not much. The other hand, female ping zhej IANG Zhongwei power is about the same, then there may be ups and downs. This ping feather Center Director Liu fengyan said in an interview: "(leader) is required to play out. Now girls, who do not have stable like Deng yaping and Wang Nan and Zhang YiningAnd arrogance. They have a certain strength, stronger overall strength, but who is hard to determine what will become of a person. "Selecting opaque disputed Guo Yan was forced to abandon the Olympics? Chinese table tennis talent Corps, each country list of Olympic Games are concerned. Outstanding strength in you member of choice is a difficult thing, but for the outside worldThis opaque Olympic selection mechanism is difficult to understand. Ping also under a lot of pressure from the media and the fans. Recently, ping women veterans Jim dinning replace Guo Yan country London aroused hot. Ping feather Center's explanation is: Guo Yan was replaced because of injuries. But at the same time, CCTV professional journalists always follow ping Li Wujun (micro-Bo) Is said in Twitter, Jim dinning for Guo Yan "feel lack of basis", "ping missing Olympic selection mechanisms more transparent". In addition, it was discovered through Twitter "clues". Allegedly, Guo Yan was declared lost the day before yesterday morning to practice physical training room. Netizens said, a man who tore a ligament "was able to move heavy equipment, real or fake? "According to the rules of the Olympic Games, the first entry list is a list of singles. Unless the players have had injuries, otherwise can not be replaced or transferred from the singles group. Due to recent years Jim dinning enjoying great popularity, under the condition without losing one out war, she followed the harvest World Championship and World Cup champion. The junior sister apprentice with the younger, more powerful, and Guo Yan only but gives way. Foreign aggression: "Wolf "thousand daily saying" yangbingqianri, yongbingyishi ", for opponents of the Chinese table tennis team, as well. From the spring of 2009 the Chinese team made the table tennis circles "Wolf" to date, 3 years have passed. This year on the London Olympic Games, various "hungry Wolf" are threatening with war, ready to seize coveted Gold Medal taken from Ping. In recent years, pingMain rival level increase rapidly. In 2010 at the world table tennis championships in Moscow, Chinese female ping lost the kaobilun Cup. 2012 on the Asian Championship, Chinese men and ping baoleng not men's doubles final. Taken together, Singapore and Germany will be the China Team in two of the strongest opponents of the Olympic Games. After the system reform, Olympic table tennis competition more fierce, baolengGreater chance of. Once the foreign players played well in the match, winning medals is relatively easier. Chinese team only two players, provided that where a person depressed state, it would lead to collapse. Female ping, Singapore has the most mature of the "Foreign Legion". Playing solid, familiar with the Chinese team in technology, training together for many years on the basis of, Singapore team also developed theFeng Tianwei for the stability of the core team. Despite the large players age, but still higher than that of the Chinese team on the hard experiences of war. On the men's project, established teams in Europe Germany team has been gradually catch up with Asia's Japan and the Korea traditional rivals. Particularly in Dortmund after World table tennis championship, Germany men's team a good test of their strength, and commemoration of the one man project of goldLicensing. And excellent backhand, defending the small airless Luo Fu performance, eye-catching. In addition, Japan, and Korea in recent years excellent quality new horizons are endless. Their target is at least to win medals on the Olympic Games. Others:

