
the end of the second quarter

129836519457812500_8Li Jing: second half of China's export situation is quite serious MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 interview with Jing Ulrich JPMorgan Managing Director of NetEase finance, June 8-APEC-China business leaders Forum held in Beijing in June 7 diablo iii power leveling, this forum topic to "developmentChallenge ". JPMorgan Chase, Managing Director and Chairman of the global market for China business Li Jing said when interviewed by reporters, JP Morgan expects the second half of 2012 there will be one or two time reserve downgrade, benchmark interest rates again may also be reduced. At the same time, she said, China's export situation is quite serious in the second half, China's export growth over the past several months has fallen toSingle figures, China's exports to Europe and even negative growth, which is China's largest export market in Europe, 22% per cent of total exports, situation will be quite severe in the second half. And the economic growth rate will stabilize in the second half, growth of GDP for the year 2012 will be around 7.7%. Below is the interview record: Li Jing: people's Bank of China last yearThe benchmark lending rate by 0.25%, send a signal to the markets: the Central Government has begun to adjust monetary policy, focusing on the promotion of economic development. Reporter: JP Morgan is also in the second half of this year is expected to be cut? Li Jing: Yes, we predicted that the second half of 2012 would have one or two time reserve downgrade, benchmark interest rates again may also be reduced. However ISay, the end of the second quarter, the economy has begun to stabilize, so we also need to pay close attention to the new situation. I think from the beginning in the second quarter, especially the Chinese economic growth will rebound in the second half. Reporter: my second question China's inflation-related, relevant departments will publish tomorrow May consumer price index (CPI) is expected toHow to? Li Jing: in the past few months, embarked on a down trend in inflation, April CPI-3.4%, we forecast inflation rate will continue to decline in the coming quarter. Partly because of the decline in commodity prices, including crude oil, coal and metals prices have slipped over the past several months, in addition to domestic oil prices could also be reduced within the next few days, so CPIA downward trend, probably fell to 3% in the coming months. For further easing of monetary policy has laid a good foundation, because inflation is no longer a problem worthy of concern. Reporter: you mentioned a possible oil price cut this weekend, your price on China's domestic oil prices change views? Li Jing: oil prices over the past few weeks under the presentTrends, consistent with the prices of other commodities, because of weak global economic trends, Europe, the United States and expected economic growth rate has fallen in some developing countries. Reporter: my question is that you on international oil prices and China's domestic oil price forecast of the trend? Li Jing: oil is a global commodity, oil prices are determined by supply and demand, demandHas slipped in recent months, primarily because of economic weakness in Europe and America, and the United States remains the world's largest consumer of oil �C China is the world's second largest oil consumer, to 9.5 million barrels a day, China's industrial output growth slowed in recent months, this has affected China's oil demand. As oil prices come down, we see the domestic oil product prices have been cut several times, This would stimulate consumption. Of course, other commodities, including metals and agricultural prices have come down, which makes inflation in the next few months will be very mild, the policies of the Central Government can do more to stimulate the economy, and don't be so concerned about inflation problems. Reporter: consideration of China's export situation, how you forecast China's economic growth rate this year will be? Li Jing:Export situation is quite serious in the second half, in the past few months we have seen China's export growth has fallen to single digits, China's exports to Europe and even negative growth, which is China's largest export market in Europe, 22% per cent of total exports, situation will be quite severe in the second half. About export growth forecast for the year to 10%, but I think this oneA very difficult one. Taking into account the State of export, in every way more attention to domestic consumption, because of China's economic development is no longer dependent on export markets. If you are concerned about the recent economic data, you will find that most of China's growth has come from domestic demand. A troika of economic growth, but now is not encouraging the export situation, growth in fixed asset investment in the first quarter ofIs not high, while domestic consumption is strong. It can say is hope �C even if growth slows, domestic consumption is still very strong. We forecast economic growth rates will stabilize in the second half, growth of GDP for the year 2012 will be around 7.7%. Reporter: last question, in promoting economic development, you have suggestions to the Chinese Government? Li Jing: I think it is important in the near future, the Central Government should increase fiscal spending, reduce the tax burden of small and medium enterprises and individuals in order to stimulate demand. Monetary policy, we believe that interest rates are still high, there is a need for further downward www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, as long-term recommendations, we believe that the Central Government should pay attention to social welfare, increase input in health care and education, so that Chinese people enjoy the social benefits significantlyIncrease, this will cause them to spend more and save less.

