
might imply that the real economy slowing faster than expected. Therefore

129836519585000000_248Your review: HSBC advance low down 0.94% Bank shares hit the market NetEase finance, June 8-Hong Kong stocks higher after opening lower shocks today, China's Central Bank share under the influence of asymmetric cuts slump dragged down the market. As of closing, as at the close, the Hang Seng index at 18502.34, down 175.95, or 0.94%; index of State-owned enterprise 9347.36, fallen 126.1 www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, red-chip index 3695.69Point, reverse, up 23.6 points, or 0.64%. Big city close to HK $ 53.451 billion. Hang Seng finance sub-index down 1.65%, Hang Seng utilities sub-index fell 1.08%, Hang Seng Commerce and industry sub-index down 0.17%, the Hang Seng property sub-index fell 0.57%. Hang Seng China AH premium index up 0.51% 116.24Points. Chinese bank stocks fell and dragged down the market. As of closing, ICBC h-shares, China Construction Bank h-shares and h-shares, Bank of communications, CITIC Bank h shares tumbled over 4% of Chongqing rural commercial bank, Bank of China h-shares, agricultural Bank of China h-shares and h-shares, China Merchants Bank Minsheng h-shares declined the Super 3%. Shares in Chinese small decrease in h-shares. Bank financial institutions a one-year loanBenchmark interest rates 0.25%; at the same time, adjust the ceiling on deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions to benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times times, adjust the minimum lending rate floating range to 0.8 times times the benchmark interest rate. Analysis known as Cap floating deposit interest rates http://www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, lower loan interest rates to fall, lending rates are "drop down" form is actually asymmetric cut. There are four mainInsiders, get deposits from the banks had originally been keen competition, after the adjustment of the monetary policy, bank deposit interest may be floating up of 1.1 times. Banking analysts generally believe that Chinese banks ' earnings in the new deal makes coercion. Netherlands Bank believes that China announced interest rate cuts are expected for late. Under asymmetric cutting interest rates, Bank dividends difference narrowed substantially, prospect of hopelessAs Hong Kong's largest stocks, stock movement restrictions in Chinese market increases. Under the seesaw effect, telecommunications, insurance, oil stocks on the big city the positive effects will be enhanced. Constant Pearl securities analyst, said Europe and the United States after the Central Bank Governor's remarks boosted confidence in the market, people's Bank of China announced suddenly cut interest rates later Thursday, the benchmark one-year deposit and lending interest rates were reduced by 0.25%, which is 3.5 years to cut interest rates for the first time, and a little surprised the market on time. Have a positive effect of interest rate cuts on the stock market, however, from another perspective, the complexity seem to face the economic situation, first of all to be sure inflation has been controlled, and is still a down trend, otherwise, the Central Bank cut interest rates cannot be easily using this tool. However, the Central Bank selectIn the CPI, key economic data released before suddenly cutting interest rates, might imply that the real economy slowing faster than expected. Therefore, based on the above analysis, Hong Kong stocks today continued to move up the possibility of a larger, but rate cuts can only bring about short-term stimulus, the Hang Seng index in the 19,000-point location will have resistance.

