
is essential. Tim

129667864517959142_524Pepsi and Master Kang's marriage caused a workers ' collective "vacation". Following the Pepsi and Master Kang's commitment two years does not alter the terms of existing contracts and related staff, and the remuneration at least maintain the level now, the daily economic news reporter by Pepsi officials confirmed yesterday (November 24), Pepsi Meng Keshi, greater China Chairman sent a letter to all PepsiCo employees up-to-dateCommunications letters, Meng Keshi in the letter refers to a "staff programme" "unchanged for two years," "Union prospect" and other issues, and Pepsi are listed first in China to develop "staff programme" a detailed timetable. In the timesheet, Meng Ke Shi pledged this week to work out a comprehensive programme as possible, this programme in the 28th with the heads of regional and bottlers related discussionsOn 30th and explained to the trade unions. However staff pointed out that trade unions were excluded from the scope. Meng Ke official response to "legal effect" question yesterday afternoon, PepsiCo employees Chen Jie (pseudonym) was revealed to the daily economic news reporter Meng Ke Shi issued this letter. Meng Keshi said in his letter, he understood the Pepsi employees have different concerns and expectations, "me to youGuaranteed, PepsiCo's values �C ' respect ' is one of the fundamental principles of this decision staff programme, which is why we need to spend time, ensure that the programme staff was as perfect as possible. "For employees to progress in programme development, Meng Keshi said," we're on widely listen to the related programme proposals, including those relating to all regions and all bottlers with management and staff,Local communication and consultations and the all-China Federation of trade unions. "On November 4, Kang hundred Union after the news, Meng Keshi was through letters to their staff commitment," at least two years will ensure that the two systems operate independently. "Staff has questioned the legal effect to that commitment. Meng Keshi on this responded that "we are ready to reply about these details. ��Pepsi China) will be held early next week at PepsiCo in the domestic online publication, also invited the bottlers of the human resources team will be posted on the notice boards around. "Kang Bai Union prospect, Meng Keshi wrote," I know there is still some uncertainty at this stage, but I am confident that this Alliance would be beneficial to the further development of our people and brands. "In addition, Meng Ke ShiAlso indirectly in response to the "Pepsi to quit China" market rumours, "I believe Pepsi in China (market) the prospect of uncapped. "Within this week worked out programmes PepsiCo employees activist events, schedule of the developed solutions are also announced in a letter:" November 5 ~: we have received and read a lot of letters from all over the Union representatives, and employees, SuperOver 300 text messages replies, as well as thousands of staff feedback messages, Tweets, and intranet. To better understand Members ' views, we further and bottlers of trade unions and employees of the effective face to face communication. "" November 22 ~: we have and are continuing to meet all bottlers with unions and employee representatives, to better understand all the supplementary questionsAnd requirements. During the week (27th), we will work out a comprehensive programme as possible with a view to fair, reasonable and legal principles, taking into account the many demands to the maximum extent. "" November 28 ~: we and the regional and General Manager of bottlers and human resource directors meeting, discussing with them the bottlers and regional workforce solutionCase. "" On November 30: explain to bottlers throughout Union in detail solutions. "Yesterday evening, the Chengdu Pepsi one grassroots managers raised a question on the timetable, it considers 28th seminars excluded the trade unions and employee representatives," only the General Manager and head of HR to attend. (30th) for trade unions is just explanation. "As far as I understand, there are some PepsiEmployee proposed Pepsi MU (bottling plants) level trade union elections, and on behalf of employees in the "staff programme" development. When "CNY holidays" Meng Keshi in letters written to at the end, he "urge" employees continue to focus on the company's business steadily, and be ready to get the season's success. In this regard, Chen Jie explained that PepsiCo through letters of finding replacements are intended toThis appeared, "because the rest of the post-production work was CNY (ChineseNewYear Chinese new year), sales of this period typically accounts for 20% per cent of the year, soft drinks star wars the old republic power leveling, is essential. Tim (Meng Keshi) certainly do not wish at this time the soldier's morale and disorder, claiming the CNY annual medal. "He told the daily economic news reporter formAs shown in the PepsiCo's competitors are the opportunity to squeeze PepsiCo's market space swtor power leveling, "such as your name for terminal display, get your product as few shelves. Channels, have Pepsi distributors have no stock, wait and see. Also urged the company's settlement rebate, and so on. ��

