

129667889760302892_405After Greece, and Italy, and Spain the successive shocks of the debt crisis, investors psychological ability seems to get more "resistant". So when this week Portugal when the debt crisis highlights, instead, the euro exchange rate fluctuations relative gentle, euro-dollar exchange rate has not decreased significantly. This passivation occurs in the foreign exchange market to highly sensitive information, can be attributed to three mainReason: first, holiday effects, and second, risk aversion, and the third is excessive digestion. We talk about risk aversion. So-called risk aversion refers to when the market suffered large systemic risk, most people in order to avoid greater damage to property and fled a mood of the market. Risk aversion is clearly heating up of the current foreign exchange market, on the one hand from the growing European debt crisis, which made in eurosThe first major non-US dollar currency flexibility reduces; on the other hand, the United States debt crisis made investors lose confidence in the dollar, let alone the United States of quantitative easing monetary policy is inherently negative dollar. In the Forex market, risk aversion, warming will erupted in a or in the currency of a particular property. Massive popularity that is currency, but certainly has currency sold off.In the Forex market in the past the old republic power leveling, the euro and Swiss francs belonging to hedge currency, in other words, once risk aversion rise, euro and Swiss franc will be influenced by investors. But now sold off mainly of currency is the euro, other currencies such as the Swiss franc, pound sterling, although declines, but weak trend. Popular currency exchange rate and market feedback, Yen. Dollar-Yen exchange rateRecord low rates repeatedly in tests. At the same time, recent Japan's Finance Ministry intervened in excessive appreciation in the yen. Yen and Yen assets due to relative safety, became favorite of investors. ����Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! In addition to the yen, risk aversionAnother channel is gold. Despite fluctuations in gold prices, but on the whole has been high.����Active buying high gold prices held steady, reflecting investors ' risk aversion become main factors influencing the decision. In the foreign exchange market next week, the market will pay more attention to economic data in Europe and, to this degree of judgment or analysis of economic deterioration. The other star wars the old republic power leveling, Due this week, Japan's Central Bank officials frequently made remarks on Yen, we can pay attention to Japan's Finance Ministry admission intervention again. Once admission interventions, short to consider homeopathic buying dollars against the yen, then consider buying the yen again.

