
" Cambridge already �� best hardware conditions

129668763061406250_74Jean Tigana CSL visits Cambridge pseudo career CEO Zhu Jun: toilet renovation NetEase sports reported on November 27: arrived in Shanghai Shenhua 2012 candidate for boss Jean Tigana the night of November 25, and then begins a journey to inspection tour in Shanghai. According to the latest Shanghai Shenhua investor CEO Zhu Jun tweets revealed that Jean Tigana the CSL is Cambridge base this morning inspection. Jean Tigana think Cambridge base of many hardware facilities and settings are not professional, CEO Zhu JunSzabo said they even the toilets were renovated, base Guard links and so on will also be required by Jean Tigana rectification and reform. Jean Tigana visits Cambridge base of Shenhua, think CSL is not professional (data) less than 10 points this morning, CEO Zhu Jun spoke at a piece of personal microblogging pedicle Ghana stood at Cambridge latest photos outside the base gym and pedicles are listed after the Cambridge base of GhanaComment: "If you are a professional team, much to rectification and reform. Gym to rectification; canteen to rectification and reform; base guard should be changed; media reception room you want to change; the clinic should be changed; public toilets should be changed ... ... "CEO Zhu Jun quickly responded saying:" today, decorated! Restructuring of base managers! "Of course the old republic power leveling, some Internet users think it's CEO Zhu Jun in a pose. Some Internet usersThe original said, "do you need a professional project management company in Europe and America? "It was also very sarcastically said:" believe Shenhua decoration of talent that is second to none. "Football fans warned France shuaidijiana:" Cambridge already �� best hardware conditions, when you see software be bigger! "It was also stated that:" instead of what is the finished? Infrastructure not changed, even the best seedsAlso being not acclimatized. "Of course star wars the old republic power leveling, the view was expressed that Jean Tigana" pointing "slightly too much place, fans say," when the elder Bush came up did you want to change? As far as I know Cambridge base of hardware condition even into Europe with the small Club also had to not bad. Remember Jorg Albertz to Shenhua also made many improvements in this regard. Shenhua would introduce EuropeChau, the best is Germany players, rather than the style of loose France players. "More fans think, CSL currently is foreign aid reform is needed most, was the team's lineup, fans say" base guard needs improvement? I think is most urgent to get some good Defender, better defense, were so worn the Shenhua this season. "Fans very sensibly said:" the CSLHousehold names have always been many, many of them continue to repeat history, spent only one step at a sustainable development! ��

