
the end of the second quarter

129836519457812500_8Li Jing: second half of China's export situation is quite serious MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 interview with Jing Ulrich JPMorgan Managing Director of NetEase finance, June 8-APEC-China business leaders Forum held in Beijing in June 7 diablo iii power leveling, this forum topic to "developmentChallenge ". JPMorgan Chase, Managing Director and Chairman of the global market for China business Li Jing said when interviewed by reporters, JP Morgan expects the second half of 2012 there will be one or two time reserve downgrade, benchmark interest rates again may also be reduced. At the same time, she said, China's export situation is quite serious in the second half, China's export growth over the past several months has fallen toSingle figures, China's exports to Europe and even negative growth, which is China's largest export market in Europe, 22% per cent of total exports, situation will be quite severe in the second half. And the economic growth rate will stabilize in the second half, growth of GDP for the year 2012 will be around 7.7%. Below is the interview record: Li Jing: people's Bank of China last yearThe benchmark lending rate by 0.25%, send a signal to the markets: the Central Government has begun to adjust monetary policy, focusing on the promotion of economic development. Reporter: JP Morgan is also in the second half of this year is expected to be cut? Li Jing: Yes, we predicted that the second half of 2012 would have one or two time reserve downgrade, benchmark interest rates again may also be reduced. However ISay, the end of the second quarter, the economy has begun to stabilize, so we also need to pay close attention to the new situation. I think from the beginning in the second quarter, especially the Chinese economic growth will rebound in the second half. Reporter: my second question China's inflation-related, relevant departments will publish tomorrow May consumer price index (CPI) is expected toHow to? Li Jing: in the past few months, embarked on a down trend in inflation, April CPI-3.4%, we forecast inflation rate will continue to decline in the coming quarter. Partly because of the decline in commodity prices, including crude oil, coal and metals prices have slipped over the past several months, in addition to domestic oil prices could also be reduced within the next few days, so CPIA downward trend, probably fell to 3% in the coming months. For further easing of monetary policy has laid a good foundation, because inflation is no longer a problem worthy of concern. Reporter: you mentioned a possible oil price cut this weekend, your price on China's domestic oil prices change views? Li Jing: oil prices over the past few weeks under the presentTrends, consistent with the prices of other commodities, because of weak global economic trends, Europe, the United States and expected economic growth rate has fallen in some developing countries. Reporter: my question is that you on international oil prices and China's domestic oil price forecast of the trend? Li Jing: oil is a global commodity, oil prices are determined by supply and demand, demandHas slipped in recent months, primarily because of economic weakness in Europe and America, and the United States remains the world's largest consumer of oil �C China is the world's second largest oil consumer, to 9.5 million barrels a day, China's industrial output growth slowed in recent months, this has affected China's oil demand. As oil prices come down, we see the domestic oil product prices have been cut several times, This would stimulate consumption. Of course, other commodities, including metals and agricultural prices have come down, which makes inflation in the next few months will be very mild, the policies of the Central Government can do more to stimulate the economy, and don't be so concerned about inflation problems. Reporter: consideration of China's export situation, how you forecast China's economic growth rate this year will be? Li Jing:Export situation is quite serious in the second half, in the past few months we have seen China's export growth has fallen to single digits, China's exports to Europe and even negative growth, which is China's largest export market in Europe, 22% per cent of total exports, situation will be quite severe in the second half. About export growth forecast for the year to 10%, but I think this oneA very difficult one. Taking into account the State of export, in every way more attention to domestic consumption, because of China's economic development is no longer dependent on export markets. If you are concerned about the recent economic data, you will find that most of China's growth has come from domestic demand. A troika of economic growth, but now is not encouraging the export situation, growth in fixed asset investment in the first quarter ofIs not high, while domestic consumption is strong. It can say is hope �C even if growth slows, domestic consumption is still very strong. We forecast economic growth rates will stabilize in the second half, growth of GDP for the year 2012 will be around 7.7%. Reporter: last question, in promoting economic development, you have suggestions to the Chinese Government? Li Jing: I think it is important in the near future, the Central Government should increase fiscal spending, reduce the tax burden of small and medium enterprises and individuals in order to stimulate demand. Monetary policy, we believe that interest rates are still high, there is a need for further downward www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, as long-term recommendations, we believe that the Central Government should pay attention to social welfare, increase input in health care and education, so that Chinese people enjoy the social benefits significantlyIncrease, this will cause them to spend more and save less.

[scroll] SFC

129836519468906250_29South building: grow with the city three or four lines to outperform rating Investment real estate long term driver of the changing market towards three or four cities. United States transfer brings the experience industry dominated the region between population gathering and wealth effects of changes in the real estate market trends. Leading developers continue to sink into a two or three-tier cities. Domestic urban built-up area to a halt, three or four lines higher availability of urban land resourcePotential uncertainty. Price contradictions brought about long-term regulation, market structure changes. Represented developer vanke poly evergrande city into three or four lines. South building focused on three or four lines in the city, relying on the exploration of construction industry-wide chain. Company from the initial project development and construction, the ongoing exploration of large construction real estate industry-wide chain. Current scope of business from the urban rail transit (Group business), Developed at the land level, real estate, construction click here, a surname, the repair decoration (Group) to self-property business. Leverage the cost difference, the company focuses on operating lever can be increased, the premium payment flexibility to land three or four cities with a lever, constraint based on resource endowments, companies out of the one surrounded by a rural City Road. FengRich low land cost and competitive advantage. The end of 2011 view my site here, 11.6 million m2 of companies having an interest in clearing of land reserves, reserves of 10.5 million m2 of land available in interest (supporting business accounted for about 24%), meeting the company 5 years development. Land reserves in 70% in three or four cities in Jiangsu Province, low land costs, currently integrated land costFor about $ 1100/square meter, 13% per cent of 2011 average sales. Contractors developers into the transition, the company also has a natural advantage in cost and quality control. Business secondary transition from "shop in front" to "urban operators", profit and then upgrade. Company is gradually trying to industry consolidation of resources, urban operationsChange, extend the chain of profit. Transition from low-end construction link to premium finance links, from ordinary residential development to the commercial complex, and is the company's core business model, and will drive growth in the company's long-term value. Currently operating in Nantong comprehensive operational projects of century city is the first city in the South, 5 future plans urban complex projects: Nantong, Yancheng, Nanchong, DanzhouAnd haimen. Profit forecasts we forecast the company 2012-2013 for $ 1.12 EPS respectively, $ 1.44, PE and 12X respectively, calculation of NAV $ 17.33/shares of the company, its current price discount 21%, outperform rating. Risk tips real estate adjustment and do not relax, is likely to continue to increase company sales pressure.[Scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Bank scroll fell to 6.28 times times forward earnings (06-08) [Scroll] Korea Eximbank urges North Korea to repay loans for food (06-08) [scroll] CDB 109.5 billion in new affordable housing lending last year than hyper-60% (06-08) [scroll] Beijing double Celestial Street longhu May sign $ 3.35 billion revenues exceeded 1 billion (06-08) [scroll] sinolink securities: focus on rating Fund fixed income characteristics (06-08) [scroll] Sinopec: rumors untrue Company Secretary of the General monthly salary of 30,000 (06-08) [scroll] experts are expected in the future in oil prices back to 7 times as much downside were more likely (06-08) [scroll] United States Honorary Chairman of the APEC Centre: China's economy will speed up again next year (06-08) [scroll] interpretation of fund interest rate cuts: enter easing cycle in China a-shares are expected to rebound (06-08) [scroll] Germany's Central Bank raised its 2012 forecast for GDP growth andExpected inflation rate (06-08) [scroll] HSBC: cutting interest rates bullish correction still needs some time (06-08) [scroll] Li Daxiao: oil prices down to benefit transportation stocks good (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates market weak sunshine private careOutlook (06-08) [scroll] Fund initiative to reduce the positions of large companies this week to jiancang main (06-08) [scroll] suning Tesco invested 200 million upgrade price war aimed at cat Jing dong (06-08) [scroll] Everbright PRU us: market deposit and pick up a chance to seeGood real estate brokerages plates (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai China International: methanol market weak shocks relatively unchanged (06-08) [scroll] Boshi: free interest rate cuts steady market growth signal down-space is limited (06-08) [scroll] Ma Guangyuan: oil price distance "to minimize"Long (06-08) [scroll] Niu Li: the fall in oil prices on oil products sales traction co (06-08) [scroll] response to General Secretary sky-high pay Payroll Department of Sinopec forge (06-08) [scroll] Everbright PRU us: market at the lower edge of the box (06-08) [scroll] text record the closing of the Forum (06-08) [scroll] significantly lower fuel prices in China (06-08) [scroll] 2011 County Finance of government revenue of 111.684 billion million (06-08) [Scroll] Audit Commission released the 27 cases of transfer of matter (06-08) [scroll] iron Dragon logistics: raised its price target to $ 10.89 buy rating (06-08) [scroll] Beijing downgraded provident fund interest rates (06-08) [scroll] SFC:Group units involved insider trading suspended reorganization of companies (06-08) [scroll] first two even dropped in July for three years or even dropped three (06-08) [scroll] clippings from: Chinese need to be deeply involved in economic globalization and regional cooperation (06-08) [scroll] Han Xiaoping: SyriaThe volatile situation will not be pushed up international oil prices (06-08) [scroll] Pan gongsheng resignation of Deputy Governor of the agricultural Bank or Bank of assignment (06-08) [scroll] Dong Xiucheng: drop the price of oil for economic analysis may release under the good (06-08) [scroll] China Securities Regulatory Commission on strengthening the restructuring unitChange regulatory notice (06-08) [scroll] weeks of the Earth: oil prices will likely continue downward (06-08) [scroll] China stable power supply pressures eased (06-08) [scroll] business futures company owned tube pilot net official capital of 500 million Yuan (06-08) gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Affecting the sectors and stocks | Successive adjustment | Thematic Lin Bo Qiang: modified by the fall in oil prices high | Oil prices or will continue down | Boost sales limited [] cut 0.25% | Loan limit 0.8 times times | Housing provident fund interest rates | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies ChengduRiot [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial]8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law 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out of Sydney. In April 2004

129838042601250000_181Men's volleyball teams in 28 years never really break through beating selected races equal to Miss Olympics Yeah sporting June 10 report: 2012 Olympic men's volleyball team lost the match, the Chinese team last in a 0-3 defeat to Australia, not London. Since 1984, China seven times to the impact of the Olympic Games, but in 1984 due to specific historical reasons as well as outside the arena of 2008 to take charge of direct entry, never for more than 20 years through its own efforts to enterThe Olympic Games, it has to say is a big regret. 82,260, the Chinese team to the impact of the Olympic Games in Los Angeles, victory Korea and Japan teams competing for Olympic tickets, but consecutive victories after the Council, were rivals and even pull three, directly into the Los Angeles opportunity lost. In January 1984, the Chinese team participate in the consolation game of the Olympic Games, and Korea, andJohanan, and Italy and other top teams compete for only one ticket, results not break through. But then came unexpectedly, because the former Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries resist the Los Angeles Olympic Games, China got the Olympic Games the last bus at the last minute, and finally in Los Angeles in eighth. In October 1987, no match on the Chinese team in the Asian Championship Japan team not to champion status in the region to participate in the Olympic GamesQualifications. 1988 Olympic Games lost the match, China and Italy team competing for the last ticket, results away from home two competing teams each won a game, battle to be held in a third country, strength of slightly superior Chinese team lose out in May 1992 in Seoul, not directly from Asia that includes a Chinese team, participating in the consolation match, beating Egypt and Poland,But defeat to the Netherlands, again out of the Olympics. In April 1996, the Atlanta Olympics men's volleyball qualifiers in Asia, China and Japan, and Korea, and Australia 4 teams by two single-round robin, decides a outlet team. Results team only won 1, failed miserably. In 1997 and 1999, the Chinese team ranked AFC Championship, and 1998 access to Asian Games champion, became the first teams in Asia. The end of 1999, Olympic Games qualification tournament in Shanghai in Asia, has failed to break through the Chinese team of good timing, geographical convenience and good human relations, in June 2000, the Chinese team participate in the consolation game of the Olympic Games, but no match for Spain, out of Sydney. In April 2004, on the Chinese team in the consolation game of the Olympic Games in Athens and the Asia qualifiers tablesAre very good, first 3-0 Wansheng Korea, second 3-2, Lectra Japan team, then 3-1 to defeat Iran, away from the Athens Olympics only one step. Final round to face Australia, hold the initiative was still in the hands of the Chinese team, as long as they can beat Australia, by virtue of the identity of the first outlet in the region. Battle of Australia www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, has never overcome his opponent, Surprise to finish 0-3 defeated the Chinese team, watching the rivals to take Olympic tickets. The 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing view my site here, China to host identity direct access to racing seats. Group IV of the Chinese team with 2 wins 3 negative gain, into the top eight. One-fourth to the finals to face the world strong Brazil team, even the Chinese team lost three games stop, but tied for fifth place, stillCreate best of China men's Volleyball Olympic Games competition history. In June 2012, the Chinese team participate in the consolation game of the Olympic Games in London Japan and the Asia qualifying tournament, after 8 years later once again set out on the journey vying for seats on the Olympic Games. Zhou Jianan helm of China men's volleyball team since shuaiyin, led for the first time participate in the consolation match, but the team's performance has been disappointing, and the four Asian teams in the competition, onlyAgainst the Japan team's victory, the remaining three defeat, eventually ranked fifth, again out of the Olympic Games. Since 1984, China men's volleyball team hit seven times Olympic Games, benefited from the political environment at the time the alternate finalist, one host identity to enter the race, also never break through the preliminary fight, level in the world of volleyball in the world as a whole, is irrefutable tier level.

andHe combined with playing very easily. "In the summer

129838042615000000_216Benzema: enjoy Gerrard fear England do not want to go to Paris Yeah sporting on June 10: in the European Cup Group d first-round match, France and England played out between one peak. At a press conference, France Center Benzema admitted that he admired Gerrard, but France did not fear any opponent. Benzema both pointed out that Iraq does not want to join the balishengrierman. Benzema (data) "our goal,Is the outlet from the group, we do not have to take any pressure group. "Benzema says," If you are always thinking about these, it would be wrong. England are a great team, but we do not fear any opponent. Yes diablo iii power leveling, I really like Gerrard, I like his style of football. "In South Africa in the World Cup, France out early due to civil strife, Gallic roosterHas a new look. "Fortunately, we get along well. We will live together for a month, so the team will become better. "Benzema, says," we are as far as possible to the ideal state of European Cup, for us, times have changed. Entire teams are very good diablo 3 power leveling, Riberg? He is in great condition, is a tacit understanding between us, andHe combined with playing very easily. "In the summer, balishengrierman launched a pursuit like crazy on Iraq. "Iran does not want to join the balishengrierman or any other team," Benzema comes to small opium pipe, "he must have a good rest, he is our important players. ��

while the retail price of most medicines remains high. Dejitang pharmacy calligraphic road

129836519712656250_510End of 37 is expected to drop to $ 300/kg Nearly half a month, 37 wholesale prices have come down, but has not spread to the pharmacy retail Terminal. Industry insiders said, because the 37 main origin Yunnan planted area increased this year, factors such as the downstream demand reduced, 37 60% price is expected to fall this year. This reporter learned from the world network of Chinese herbal medicines, currently produces 120 four spring and seven in the country of Yunnan medicineAverage price of about $ 690/kg, compared with half a month ago, generally has more than $ 30 per kilogram per cent decline. However, compared to April, or even early May, prices remain at high levels. Decline of 37 other varieties have similar trends. With the price dropped 37, tianma, codonopsis pilosula and some primary producing areas of Yunnan medicinal materials prices are more stable and evenCertain varieties of wholesale prices to follow the pace of 37 price, there has been a little down. Retail price: remains stable despite national 37 wholesale prices are down slightly, but the Guangdong market, wholesale prices have not too many changes. Yesterday, reporters in Guangdong Province price index online understand that 37 prices stabilized in Guangdong Province, but did not showed a significant decline. Retail price, Yesterday visited a number of pharmacies, found that 37 of the price did not change, while the retail price of most medicines remains high. Dejitang pharmacy calligraphic road, yuexiu district, the salesman told reporters, 37, now the price depending on the quality of 1.3 $ ~1.5/gram/grams. Shop assistant said www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, "37 prices relatively stable, but compared toLast year's price, 37, still gained a lot, to $ 65 per-paragraph two of the 37 cases, last year the price of about $ 30 every two. "Sales of another pharmacy, haizhu district, told reporters, 37 and little change in price these days. Industry insiders said, according to estimates, current annual demand of about 7 million of the 37 kg, with an average annual gap of 2 million kilograms. Many pharmaceuticalIn the interest of the company, driven by large hoard 37, driving the price of 37 of March all the way. In addition, three years of continuous drought contributed to 37 of 37 origin Yunnan price "high" expectations. However, industry sources said, around 37 areas planted in Yunnan area of 160,000 acres this year, to the highest levels ever, and drought in 2012 than 2010Very small compared to the extraordinarily serious drought affecting, if late favourable, 2012 will be a 2011 increase yields about 2 million ~260 million kg. Drug companies: a reduced demand for production increase and demand reduction. Wenshan official site, Yunnan Academy of 37 Cui Xiuming survey, 37 's biggest drugs included blood products and compound Salvia miltiorrhizaColumn. Xuesaitong series except 3 xuesaitong powder production enterprises, oral preparations with the exception of xuesaitong drop pills and xuesaitong soft capsule outside the two products have a certain profit, almost all oral preparation products loss, manufacturing enterprises only used to ride down production. Salvia profit series with the exception of compound danshen drop pills will last, a traditional price of compound danshen Tablet hung upside down in a very serious, Most of the production enterprises can only be cut off. Therefore, under the influence of super high priced, 37 community needs grew, but real social demand has been declining, 37 in short supply will 2012 end of harvest, 37 price down is the trend. Industry expects the end of 2012, 37 price may come down to 300About Yuan/kg.


now Taiwan the most popular host of the arts

129836375440312500_20Today showing the hero of the island double-hung staged reality version of the male genital organ counter attack NetEase entertainment on June 8 has been called the first pure mainland by outside "male genital organ movies", by the publishers of step "the stolen treasure action comedy" the island double-hung today (June 8) and North American regional theaters in the Mainland. As far as I understand, the Taiwan new Director Zhang Xunwei together family classes to create "the stolen treasure comedy drama" pooled "Dragon Prince" Fang Zu name,Gold horse movie King summer rains (click watch summer rains television works master under), and popular fully mechanized art hosts reign of to has under Chen Handian (click Watch Chen Handian television works later very ominous under, and later very ominous under notice most excellent of Taiwan gang tablets under), and fully mechanized art mobile under like many, and mainland "new four small actress" Jiajia Deng (click Watch Jiajia Deng television works-a surface b surface under, and PandaHeroes) (micro-blogging) and Jolin Tsai (click to see Jolin Tsai film and video of the Hi Working Girl) (micro-blogging) supermodel boyfriend Kam-wing, cute Jessica c, Shoko, members of the vocal group the black Girls and other stars, is considered a part of 2012 new potential of male genital organ designed specifically for younger audiences to create movies. Fang Zu Chan kneelAccept the "barley". Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan Fang Zu platform back on June 5 for the first time, the premiere held in Beijing of the island double-hung, enthusiastic response to his fans. That night, not Jackie Chan's eldest brother would break the practice of leg injuries, Fang Zu new Tablet platform help for his son for the first time, not only that, Jackie big brother at the scene also thumbs up praising her son several times, to Fang Zu sent Yu"Sold" Spike, was thrilled by Fang Zu, on my knees, "Xie Fuen". Jackie Chan said at the scene, his vigorous style of the Fang Zu before friends, the media, and his wife Joan Lin all think a little "heartless", so this time the way he decided to switch to encourage "I think Fang Zu best, sing good, good! "Jackie also jokingly said,After the end of the island double-hung decided to "leave action movie ' little house ' (Fang Zu)", his son is good at romance is modified. It is learnt that the filming of the island double-hung, Fang Zu refused to use a stand-in, Bo life performance, adhere to the experience, not only that, but also across from the Fang Zu air RAP theme song of the movie, the colour is not less. ValueMentioning is that the island double-hung also brought together in Taiwan two generations of Arts, old and new celebrity �C Chang Fei and Chen Handian. As Taiwan senior variety show "Arts mobile" host, Chang Fei resumes film arena 23 years later, by virtue of the treasure island dual male returning to the big screen. It is learnt that the Chang Fei played one in the movie "gangs mobile" diablo iii power leveling, and Fang Zu, summer rain, many who not onlyClever story, a strange combination of circumstances, is also more interesting and Taiwan in the popular entertainment of the Emperor Kangxi to the, rapid g red star Chen Handian drag racing with the auspices of Arts Theater, two people in the same stage for the first time in the island double-hung, "laughs fruit" in full. Chen Handian Jiajia Deng staged joust for a spouse. Back to big screen Chang Fei retire from public life 23 years. Fang Zu and summer rains. Movie EntertainmentSpirit and temperament of male genital organ anastomosis of the island is called the double-hung "this summer to the hanging wire stolen treasure of comedy". According to reports, the island double-hung was known as the Mainland the first genuine "hanging wire films", is primarily a film itself pass a recreation of spirit and temperament of male genital organ anastomosis----is an ordinary little guy, but these nobodies claim looks to the weak,The desire for success, "hang" when they are temporarily hidden inside, most of them eventually after you have gone through all sorts of absurd things hanging wire to complete their most important growth. It has been revealed that the island double-hung in the creative experience male genital organ. Director Deputy Director Zhang Xunwei did eight years, eight years rubs a sword, finally came first in his life in personDirected the movie; "the Dragon Prince" Fang Zu, family distinguished, but under the rings of reluctance over Jackie Chan in father read more, step by step the entertainment in the game, end; in the island of a neurotic speech guide in the double-hung Chen Handian, now Taiwan the most popular host of the arts, before the debut night markets in Taipei had put a stall with goods spread out on the ground for sale sold a stall with goods spread out on the ground for sale. Even the Emperor Kang Xi, Chen Handian initiallyCan only stand behind Dee Hsu, who rubs shoulders pinched back role, not a line sth However they do not underestimate yourself. Fang Zu name, for example, when shooting the island double-hung, all play is his own play, once fell down the fights of the roof, body bruises, and nearly fell out of the concussion. In order to make the film more comic effect, he came up with "Dragon species gone"Bridge, the result for this bridge, "rich white American" super cute Jessica c playing lower body baiyuci, nearly true "Dragon species cannot be secured". And that is, movies can be so life-like effects. Although the island is known as the double-hung male genital organ silk movie, but the rhythm of abundant elements, nervous, did some marvellous impressions of the comedy laugh and fly roadIntense fight scenes, Fang Zu, Chen Handian, Chang Fei, exaggerated comedy stars performing, United States, and Japan of mixed blood of cute sexy appearance, these are very different from the Chinese comedy film ever seen, was refreshing. It is reported that the island double-hung by Zhu Ying Guangdong group film the FarCry mod produced by Beijing Oriental screen movieLimited company, issued in Hong Kong and the Beijing prosperous times map movie company, joint venture production in the Studio. The whole island of Taiwan shot action scenes from Jackie Chan's action team "family class" featuring.

with registered capital of 6 billion yuan

129836519598750000_276Chongqing gas intends to IPO, Chairman of the bribes was sentenced to life imprisonment SFC website recently announced the Chongqing gas group initial public offering prospectus, disclosed the gas group, parent company of Chongqing Chongqing energy investment group (hereinafter referred to as Chongqing investment group) former Chairman Hou Hangzhi during the reporting period, was sentenced to life imprisonment for bribery. Since the beginning of this year diablo iii power leveling, more than intended due to the company's internal control of listed companies "step on mine" are not. ChongqingGas can pass through successfully? Promoting Chongqing gas market, who is reputed to have 6 Hou Hangzhi of one of the three big credit. His place for the past three years, had brought the double Chongqing development enterprise assets of the largest energy investments, at the end of 2011, with total assets amounting to $ 56.7 billion, and promoting Xinjiang coal to Chongqing. In many "benefit" in the eyes of corporate, Hou Hangzhi is helpful "Second brother Hou ", or called" Hau Tung ". On May 29, 2012 Chongqing energy investment group issued its first medium-term notes, intended to raise capital of 1 billion yuan, plans $ 600 million for additional coal sector's working capital of the group. Plans $ 400 million for repayment of bank loans. Chongqing investment group funding gap and the debt is increasing. Shenyin wanguoAccording to the report, within the next two or three years, the Group and proposed projects under construction invested capital of about $ 6 billion. In nearly three years, because of the large swings in the prices of energy, gas and coal sector gross margin dropped year after year, has been a loss of 39 million dollars in net profit in the first quarter of this year. First Chongqing Municipal Intermediate People's Court trial judge considers that, even if the incident before the "contributions" and the healthConditions, lighter penalties aren't enough. In addition together with his son Hou �� soliciting or receiving of property up to more than more than 6.25 million dollars, Hou Hangzhi also to the discipline inspection and supervision organs exiting the other discipline and $ 1.2 million. First intermediate people's Court of Chongqing criminal judgements (hereinafter referred to as "judgement") showed that Hou Hangzhi not only for its child seek illegal interests, as their energy investment group subordinate enterprise of Chongqing"Son" dominate. He used terms, Chairman, during the surge in the price of coal, violations of clean coal in coal mine subsidiary sold to private owners, prejudice to the interests of the State-owned enterprises, also buy official for bribery and mobilization opened the door post. Energy heavy industry such as coal and electric power, cement, "black gold" chain, have also emerged. White Nissan involving bribery case 2004 years in May, one at the end of the night, Wong Nai pound, Jiangbei district, Chongqing, a licence for Yu-A95588 white Nissan FENGSHEN EQ7200 car crashed into a BMW, owner of Hu Xiao was injured. Drink driving accident the owner later gave the injured 200,000 cash to "settle". The person Hou ��, hour double fracture of the leg was broke into, treatment rehabilitation after his father Hou HangKnown. Hou Bo Gen cultured established era industrial development limited (hereinafter referred to as Bo era), the registered capital of 8 million Yuan, engaged in the development of biological products, automobile parts, trade information, advice and property management business. According to the judgement, the white Nissan car accident involving two bribery case. "Second brother Hou told me that his son Hou �� wanted to buy a car, let us support."One day in the second half of 2002, across the Group General Manager of Chongqing Han Qing, Chairman of the company said. Later, Bo Han Qing received from the times account goes over 400,000 yuan in Shenzhen. The bribe of $ 236,800 for Hou �� bought a white Nissan and the rest used as overhead. "Thank you" due to acquisitions of State-owned enterprises bankruptcy with assets�� Hou Hangzhi machinery industrial Bureau of Chongqing municipality at that time person to greet, in November 1997, across the Group and Chongqing machinery holdings for $ 62 million price purchased all assets of the State-owned enterprises in Chongqing iron and steel ball plant. Under the coordination of the Hou Hangzhi, across the group not only from the more than 4.7 million debt due to the financial and Government rent for two departments, the former Chongqing iron and steel ball plant owesBank of more than 19 million worth of debt written off. For the time being, Vice Chairman of the Chongqing Municipal Economic Commission of the Hou Hangzhi. In May 2004, Hou �� after an accident, Oak building material company chairman Wei He received a call from the Hou Hangzhi, want him to show up and help solve part of the compensation. After the incident, Hou �� taken from their bank card with $ 100,000 in cash, plus send Wei He$ 100,000 to money, over to Hu Xiao. $ 100,000 Peter Hessler also thank you. As early as 1996, when cement plant property rights reform of the Yangtze River in Chongqing, cement factories, township enterprises in State-owned enterprise qingmuguan coal mine enterprises in jiangjin Xia Qiang cement plant and oak building material company is interested in buying. In 1996, the then Commission Deputy Director Hou Hangzhi, Chongqing, Sichuan, accepted the Peter HesslerCommit sth. to SB. 's care. Hand of Yangtze River cement plant will soon fall into the oak building material. According to the verdict, 1997, Hou Hangzhi out of energy enterprises. When national plans to indicators of the first listed company in Chongqing. Former General Manager Feng Renli expressed the hope that he represented the Commission in support of the company's listed more than once. After Hou decided, guided by the Chongqing Municipal Economic Commission in charge of Enterprise Manager, As it developed a list of recommendations to the Commission. Electric Road, Kowloon (600292.SH) listed on November 1, 2000. From 1998 to 2001, Feng Renli 6 times gave $ 80,000 to Hou Hangzhi. Responsible person of the Kowloon electricity later confirmed that the money when the Chinese new year or new year's day calls on leadership, corporate hospitality or food such as invoiceReimbursement. In November 2007, Hou Hangzhi transferred to Chongqing investment and Chief leader of the group. Investment group has up to 24 wholly-and majority-owned subsidiaries, joint stock company 15. Includes coal, electricity, gas three plates. Chongqing investment group is funded by the Chongqing Municipal Government set up the State-owned company, with registered capital of 6 billion yuan, with total assets of $ 56.7 billion. According to the above sentencePut the book, Hou Hangzhi open energy group "the door", "the door". Means, for the illegal selling coal to coal boss profit-making. Took office soon after by his son Hou �� pull strings, boss Hao Feng Hou Hangzhi help coal companies from the two largest mining company coal business. Hao Feng before company called Chongqing light industrial limited (Hao Feng sentenced for bribery), The company is mainly engaged in wholesale of coal and its products. This is a main producer of clean coal Wansheng District, Chongqing (now under the qijiang district) registration of private enterprise, in Chongqing is a sales office. First intermediate people's Court of Chongqing identified, 2008, Hao Feng commit sth. to SB. 's care Hou ��, before the light industry from the Chongqing investment group majority-owned subsidiaries in Nantong mining company and foreverMining companies to buy coal shipped out sales help. Hou Hangzhi Hou ��ceng asked, "could help business friends do have preferential terms of clean coal", Hou �� into. According to the judgement, Hou Hangzhi after the promise, that is, to greet Liu Dezhong, Chairman of Nantong mining company's former, for second-level companies, Chairman of the transportation branch coal sales business, head to "attention"Light industry before. So before and light industry in Nantong mining company signed a supply coal purchase contract and full payment violations. According to the judgement, and as such, Hou Hangzhi greets to wing wing before mining General Manager Yang Tianguo. Hou �� even took to the front this time, with real people before in person to buy coal. Similarly, the wing on a distribution company in the supply of miningHeavily skewed, total sales of more than 10,000 tons of coal. 2007-2009, coal prices into a bull market at home and abroad. Light industry will sell a lot in terms of clean coal power before hengtai company, lianyuan iron and steel group, and so on. According to the company's coal operations profit calculation sheet was informed that Hao Feng to thank Hou Hangzhi parent-child, to profits transferred multiple times to Hou �� provide accounts,Nantong mining section of which is $ 1,322,631, Yong Rong business part is $ 503,391. Means of bis, provides help for the enterprises in coal mine. In 2008, Cao Hongwen, Chongqing Wujiang industry group Deputy Chairman, State-owned enterprises through intermediaries to find Hou ��, commit sth. to SB. 's care his father Hou Hangzhi energy development company in Wujiang industry wants stake in two rivers in Chongqing WulongMacros can coal co., Ltd. Cao said after things thanks to 2 million dollars. Two rivers and coal energy and macro are zhongliangshan coal electrical limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Chongqing, Chongqing investment group Sun company. By the end of 2009, the Chongqing Municipal SASAC's reply shows that, Wujiang industry stake in the two companies successfully. How to people such as the $ 2 million into Hou �� account�� Wujiang industry causes a bit of bother. Wujiang industry in Hubei, Chongqing Xin Hui investments limited in advance of Silicon gold mine project name $ 2 million to intermediary account. And intermediary buckle after-tax money to people such as Hou ��, zhongliangshan coal electric limited Jiao Jingli, former Chairman, also get a copy of Hou �� get $ 600,000. In fact, the Hubei gold finished silicon engineering contractTotal myth. Means the third subsidiary coal mine mining, new cement project to provide support in the field. In 2008, the Nantong mining company in Guizhou coal mine construction wood hole, Chairman of Nantong mining given Hou Hangzhi support in setting up projects, fund raising, to $ 50,000, to false after labour claims. The same year, Nantong mining intended to subordinate the Chongqing Tong South specialCement limited liability company technical upgrades, new production lines. In the country to cement under the premise of the new capacity limits, Hou Hangzhi help and received $ 40,000 Commission, after the Nantong mining "handling fee" for their reporting. Means of four, used his powers for coal mine workers ' buying and mobilization. Energy chiefs of the "sons": Hou Hangzhi "black gold" from the chainEnd of second half of 2010, in Nantong mining distribution branch General Manager Yong (sentenced for bribery) by former Chairman of Nantong mining met Hou Hangzhi pull strings. In Yong Hou Hangzhi wife works to mobilize applications signed on, she transferred from the Nantong mining Office in Chongqing Chongqing Hau Tak mining equipment testing company, he Yong to $ 100,000 as a reward. HandSection v, private placement to help power businesses. Kowloon electricity have been on holidays and Hou Hangzhi maintained a "gift giving" habits. Hou Hangzhi after transfer to Chongqing investment group, due to the investment group is the second-largest shareholder of Kowloon electricity 2010, Kowloon power business for private placement program received the Hou Hangzhi investment group stand at the meeting, requirements to investment group in the Kowloon electricityOn board in support of the programme, eventually, pass issuance programme of the Kowloon electricity. Hou Hangzhi can also use investment powers of the Chairman of the group, presided over the meeting several times, for the construction of Chongqing Juneng group contracting second Fuling Wujiang River Bridge connecting route, Wulong dam filling treatment in multiple projects such as facilitating and intercompany loans provided credit guarantees amounted to $ 950 million. Chongqing Juneng constructionGroup for energy investment group subordinate enterprise of Chongqing. End of 2011, the intermediate people's Court of Chongqing to the bribery sentence to life imprisonment, saying that "crime for a long time, frequency, amount of great". [Scroll] on June 8, 2012 financial news list (06-08) [scroll] hengbang share the enjoyment of high-tech enterprisesTax breaks last year performance thickening 12% (06-08) [scroll] United States April trade deficit fell to $ 50.1 billion (06-08) [scroll] experts believe: ASEAN and East Asia are speeding up regional economic integration (06-08) [scroll] sunny accommodation 5,500Million loan will run until December 7 (06-08) [scroll] nine doors to be closed 93 substandard pig slaughtering plant (06-08) [scroll] said the European Commission may at any time and rescue Spain banking (06-08) [scroll] at the end of last year, total assets of the banking sector 15 trillion six eastern provinces account for more than half (06-08) [scroll] resignation of Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree formulation increases raise no more than 1.73 billion yuan on resumption from the 11th (06-08) [scroll]United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected (06-08) [scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll]Catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department responsibilitiesKFC rectification netizens aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends a 178.$ 20,000 in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise not more 120 angang subsidiary purchases assets (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementing robust cargoCurrency policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecastsEconomy will contract in the second quarter by 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points in electric power EnterpriseFinancial costs (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: Chinese rate cut delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price plans (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 |Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures[Financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [share] two citiesOutflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of home loans20 little 36,000 also issued bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

might imply that the real economy slowing faster than expected. Therefore

129836519585000000_248Your review: HSBC advance low down 0.94% Bank shares hit the market NetEase finance, June 8-Hong Kong stocks higher after opening lower shocks today, China's Central Bank share under the influence of asymmetric cuts slump dragged down the market. As of closing, as at the close, the Hang Seng index at 18502.34, down 175.95, or 0.94%; index of State-owned enterprise 9347.36, fallen 126.1 www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, red-chip index 3695.69Point, reverse, up 23.6 points, or 0.64%. Big city close to HK $ 53.451 billion. Hang Seng finance sub-index down 1.65%, Hang Seng utilities sub-index fell 1.08%, Hang Seng Commerce and industry sub-index down 0.17%, the Hang Seng property sub-index fell 0.57%. Hang Seng China AH premium index up 0.51% 116.24Points. Chinese bank stocks fell and dragged down the market. As of closing, ICBC h-shares, China Construction Bank h-shares and h-shares, Bank of communications, CITIC Bank h shares tumbled over 4% of Chongqing rural commercial bank, Bank of China h-shares, agricultural Bank of China h-shares and h-shares, China Merchants Bank Minsheng h-shares declined the Super 3%. Shares in Chinese small decrease in h-shares. Bank financial institutions a one-year loanBenchmark interest rates 0.25%; at the same time, adjust the ceiling on deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions to benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times times, adjust the minimum lending rate floating range to 0.8 times times the benchmark interest rate. Analysis known as Cap floating deposit interest rates http://www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, lower loan interest rates to fall, lending rates are "drop down" form is actually asymmetric cut. There are four mainInsiders, get deposits from the banks had originally been keen competition, after the adjustment of the monetary policy, bank deposit interest may be floating up of 1.1 times. Banking analysts generally believe that Chinese banks ' earnings in the new deal makes coercion. Netherlands Bank believes that China announced interest rate cuts are expected for late. Under asymmetric cutting interest rates, Bank dividends difference narrowed substantially, prospect of hopelessAs Hong Kong's largest stocks, stock movement restrictions in Chinese market increases. Under the seesaw effect, telecommunications, insurance, oil stocks on the big city the positive effects will be enhanced. Constant Pearl securities analyst, said Europe and the United States after the Central Bank Governor's remarks boosted confidence in the market, people's Bank of China announced suddenly cut interest rates later Thursday, the benchmark one-year deposit and lending interest rates were reduced by 0.25%, which is 3.5 years to cut interest rates for the first time, and a little surprised the market on time. Have a positive effect of interest rate cuts on the stock market, however, from another perspective, the complexity seem to face the economic situation, first of all to be sure inflation has been controlled, and is still a down trend, otherwise, the Central Bank cut interest rates cannot be easily using this tool. However, the Central Bank selectIn the CPI, key economic data released before suddenly cutting interest rates, might imply that the real economy slowing faster than expected. Therefore, based on the above analysis, Hong Kong stocks today continued to move up the possibility of a larger, but rate cuts can only bring about short-term stimulus, the Hang Seng index in the 19,000-point location will have resistance.

only the greatest consumers can have a great brand

129833943159687500_294Electricity shortfall this summer's biggest will be 35 million-kilowatt 2012 national electric reliability oversight management work Conference held today and the reliability indexes of power Conference was informed that: "Eleven-Five", our generating unplanned outage number continued to decline, 10,000 volt user power supply reliability rate significantly higher average, annual average number of power outages and time of urban and rural users are falling. Urban, rural electricity and lessITU statistics indicate that, compared with 2006, 10,000 volts in 2011 national cities average of power supply reliability rate from 99.849% to 99.92%, equivalent to the user average time hours reduced to $ 13.191-hour blackout; 10 read more,000 volts average reliability of power supply in rural areas throughout the country from 99.563% to99.79%, equivalent to the user average time drops to 38.3 hours 18.43-hour blackout. Level of reliability of power supply in rural areas is still very unbalanced. Highest levels of reliability of power supply in rural areas in North China, East China region, average power outage time 14.32 hours and six hours, respectively. Reliability of power supply in rural areas is a region in the South of the fastest upgrade, usersPower outage time of 27.69 hours per cent decrease of 2010. Insufficient power supply, weak still insufficient restriction reliable power supply in power supply system in rural power grid, has become a significant cause of power cuts. ITU statistics indicate that in 2011 all regions of the country because the system is low on power, there were varying degrees of power cuts, southern regional low power limitedThe longest average is 52.2 minutes/year, followed by the central region view my site here, for 40 minutes on average per year. From the provinces, 2011 a total of 17 provinces brownouts due to insufficient power supply, power rationing is the longest in Guangxi, average time of rationing of 6.18 hours/year, followed, Shanxi, Hunan, Chongqing and so on. Failure power failure, non-restrictedScheduled power cuts, are two major causes power outages in rural areas. Reflecting the construction of rural distribution network in China to be further strengthened, in rural power grid is still relatively weak, poor contact between the lines and for lack of capacity, overhauling inefficient. "Must strengthen the distribution network and power management to reduce the scheduled power outage. "ITU relating to said. ITU pointed out that due to coal and other rawBecause, compared with 2010, unplanned outage times and time for thermal power units have taken place in some indicators, such as certain fluctuations. 100,000-kilowatt and unplanned outage times more than conventional thermal power units increase of 0.06, but unplanned outage time is still reduced by 0.25 hours. 40,000-kilowatt reduce the number and above non-planned outage for hydropower, 0.19, but non-programmeTotal outage time increases the 3.03 hours. Electricity shortfall this summer is expected to reach about 35 million-kilowatt, Secretary of the leading party group of the Federation of electric power enterprises in China Sun Yucai, said growth slowed, thermal coal for thermal power machine to uncertainty factors such as water supply, electricity and water, is expected this year to meet summer peak about extreme cases will have a 35 million-kilowatt of electricity shortfall, power shortagePotential render the situation more complex, arduous tasks of safe and reliable supply of electricity. Planning studies under the ITU, is expected to "Twelve-Five" the end of national electric power consumption of machine and the entire society will reach 1.463 billion kWh and 6.31 trillion kWh above. During this period, power and power grid construction continued and rapid development, baiwanqianwa ultra-supercritical units,New energy generation technologies, such as next-generation nuclear power equipment, will be the focus of incremental development. In this situation, planning, design, manufacture, installation and operation reliability of the links will lead to severe tests. Electric power reliability Management Center has started with the development of hydropower devices reliability evaluation rules, plans to complete by the end of next year, and the wind power generating equipment reliabilityEvaluation point plan to increase next year for the electric power industry standards. In addition, new energy for solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, fast development, ITU will also build on the full investigation, development of appropriate standards of reliability evaluation. [Scroll] European stocks were mixed sight Greece stock index tumbled 5.09% (06-06) [scroll]China will introduce private investment rules for the new article 36 in the first half (06-05) [scroll] national meeting to discuss solutions to the food crisis in West Africa (06-05) [scroll] shell network CEO Ji Shisan: success is waiting (06-05) [scroll] China investmentFunding remains an important aspect of expanding domestic demand (06-05) [scroll] June 5, 2012 financial news list (06-05) [scroll] China investment is still an important aspect of expanding domestic demand (06-05) [scroll] Li keqiang: biodiversity conservation and strengtheningReasonable utilization (06-05) [rolling]ST United real controller changed Ming Fu (06-05) [scroll] pengling shares in three companies, including on the proposed Venture Board (06-05) [scroll] price war blame to blame the Government subsidies (06-052:14) [scroll] interpretation of NetEase 532: electricity price wars to blame the Government subsidies (06-05) [scroll] Russia not Iran negotiating construction of Bushehr nuclear power plant second unit problem (06-05) [scroll] Taikang life insurance and other misleading sales was ticketed by Insurance Bureau of Chongqing (06-0522:06) [scroll] May national home appliances to the countryside before product sales grew by 4.4% (06-05) [scroll] experts in the eyes of the wage distribution, and employment and social security (06-05) [scroll] Qingdao Beer joint integration Shanghai Suntory brewery business in Jiangsu Province (06-0521:49) [scroll] stocks lower on Tuesday the Dow dropped slightly to 0.09% (06-05) [scroll] regulator: 2.24 trillion last year China Banking factoring (06-05) [scroll] jingneng shareholders injected 9.2 billion coal-asset intended the 1.4 billion of additional shares (06-05) [scroll] sky assets reorganization of business for April, making the purchase of additional 16 billion of assets (06-05) [scroll] fashion changed text record (06-05) [scroll] Zhuhai's hengqin major projects under construction is not affected by external economic trends (06-05:51) [scroll] Indonesian commitment to slash greenhouse gas emissions (06-05) [scroll] Bank level 20 billion debt issued by the people's Bank of China Banking Regulatory Commission and approved (06-05) [scroll] on June 6 bilateral framework of the activities of the agenda of the Summit (06-05) [scroll]Niu Wenxin: China cannot give up the competing capital (06-05) [scroll] the editor in Chief of Vogue COSMO way Xu: fashion requires industrial environmental support (06-05) [scroll] Eaton is expected to 2012 completed acquisition of Cooper industries (06-05) [scroll] East fieldFounder Li Dongtian: boss should not ignore branding to make money (06-05) [scroll] eggs half moon rises near 20% in Hainan price each kilo of 6 or more (06-05) [scroll] party designer Gao Yijing: startups are doing valuable things like (06-05) [rollingFixed] gorgeous: only the greatest consumers can have a great brand (06-05) [scroll] stands on the shoulders of Giants �C grass-roots NGO's venture mentor text record (06-05) [scroll] Wang Lao JI-Guangzhou pharmaceutical red tank receipts exceeded expectations (06-05) [scroll]Russian Investment Fund launched (06-05) [scroll] deliver aircraft will exceed 100 Airbus final assembly line in Tianjin (06-05) [scroll] female executives of corruption more than 42 million dollars in 17 State-owned enterprises were sentenced to life imprisonment (06-05) [scroll] decline in TV air conditioning delisting iceWash the edge of Samsung full rout of China (06-05) [scroll] Shanghai wholesale egg prices up nearly half a month 30% sale by some traders (06-05) emphasized that never waver in upholding the policies | Strict enforcement of the restriction of | Overall in the expected direction of the property market around the tuning frequency synthesizer |54 city commercial House transaction after restriction of high | Developer inventory sold in November [CPI increase forecast]5 months 3.2%| New credit 732.5 billion | PPI drop 1.2%| May consumption increased 14.2% before Spain coal miners strike [financial] stagnation of China vanke: developers enough inventory to sell 11Outlook is not optimistic a month [financial] King disputes along reconstruction progress outside card said it had received a subpoena [financial] State-owned enterprises in Tianjin is aeration for the private-sector debt induced loss of State assets exceeded 2 billion [financial] five senior executives earn more than 1.6 million positive of China insurance regulatory Commission to promote marketing [stock] Xiamen tungsten industry investment of 2 billion out of the 300 billion of the world's largest tungsten mineThe birth of [shares] evaporation 735.7 billion a-shares on the a-share market day, full of the broken end of 998 [commercial] Internet competition: more control out of business school: Regal charging through the [commercial] separation of the top 500 18 woman CEO Maxim Regal 7: nude donated the most ingenious [financial] used car vehicle, bank employee: no deposit resourcesDon't Bank [banking] network pool of monthly income of $ brokerages: brokerage reduced and shareholders independent Xiamen tungsten co found the largest tungsten mine in 2011 United States top ten funds


129836375470000000_91Zhang Qiang appearance of the golden age of the Biological Aerated Liu xiaoqing pool money into the pillow bar Zhang Qiang appearance of the golden age. NetEase entertainment on June 8 at this time, do you still can hear who save money save bank note of one? Who can imagine that those "golden age", as Liu xiaoqing (click to see Liu xiaoqing, film and television work of the young women of the Hill, the river flows East) (micro-blogging) so hot even save five cents in change? 21 tonight:15, Anhui TV Zhang Qiang aeration and Liu xiaoqing in the year of the golden age "actors, singers", make money home how to hide money Liu xiaoqing. Zhang Qiang is the recording industry in China in the last century 80 's the miracle. From 1984-1986, her record sales of over 20 million in three years. So there is this saying: go from the beginning to end of the street, you can learn to Zhang QiangA song. But the music industry used to bear breaking sticks, 20 years later, fans to remember one Cui Jian, Zhang Qiang have become a symbolic figure of the golden age's most ignored. Anhui TV broadcast on 21:15 in the golden age, Zhang Qiang recall that year together with Liu xiaoqing "actors, singers", the "' actors, singers ' don't have much money, but she and I earnIs more of, has a week I both earned has 500, I taught she sing that assorted dish under, home Hou, she when earned of money, are with Pillow sets joint Shang, and dirty has eight Jack to pillow with sleep sth sth "and Zhang Qiang special love clean official site, are to money wash has, she said money are is stink stink of, got money home on bubble in water in, and a Zhang posted to glass Shang, so often people a into she home, on see windowOn the mirror is a five-piece. Zhang XING also exposes the material, film the mysterious Buddha heat map that year, Liu xiaoqing to actors, singers around, "dressed up in the movie, where braided throw, during the performance she was ' play the main role. "Play the main role in that year is also called" xuetou ". Because the talk show, many artists feeling, when the performance was experienced by black. Zhang XING, Many singer encountered had performances finished yihou Knot can't account of things, "performances end had to go, people and does not settlement, that singer on go 's, people said ' you back then to you to money sent to ', actually also on so nothing has, many artist in this things Shang eat had losses, Wei Wei that most bitter has, in Zhejiang performances, check good about diablo iii power leveling, stated first to money then performances, results to thereEntertainment producers does not give money, Wei Wei, they first settled, had to wait more than two hours, the audience does not understand the situation, said the actor's moral poor sth "21:15, Anhui TV of the golden age, stars to decrypt the story for you.


second is to enhance cloud computing demonstration SWTOR Credits second is to enhance cloud comput

129823442354843750_120Ministry: cloud computing will become the next generation of information technology development Vice Minister of the Ministry of industry and information technology, Liu Lihua NetEase tech news on May 24, th China cloud computing Conference was held in Beijing on 23rd, Vice Minister of the Ministry of industry and information technology, Liu Lihua said today at the meeting, the Chinese Government sees cloud computing as the next generation of information technology industry in the future development of key Diablo 3 Gold, and actively guide and promote cloud computing industry healthy and orderly development。 Liu Lihua said in his speech in the General Assembly: development, cloud computing cloud services for all has become the trend of industry development, is the inevitable choice of market competition, the Government also attaches great importance to the development of cloud computing to the competent authorities. Government sees cloud computing as the next generation of information technology industry in the future development SWTOR Credits, and actively guide and promote the healthy and orderly development in the direction of cloud computing industry. China cloud meterComputer technology and industry, President of the Union, the former Ministry of posts and telecommunications, information industry Minister Wu Jichuan, suggested that, in the development of the next generation of information technology, provincial and municipal governments to support cloud computing industry has introduced many policies, Wu believes that cloud computing will usher in a new era of rapid development in the future. Jianping Xu, Deputy Director of national development and Reform Commission high-tech industries, to strengthen the building of cloud computing, isStrengthening key core application development, second is to enhance cloud computing demonstration, three is to strengthen the construction of network infrastructure, four is to strengthen standard system construction. Session of the national people's Congress Standing Committee Vice Chairman Yan Junqi, cloud computing have on existing knowledge, beliefs, habits, social challenges, current industry and opportunity has appeared in the front Diablo 3 power leveling, to seize the opportunity in a timely manner, for cloud-totalIs industrial development and breakthrough for building an innovative country and make new and greater contributions. Others:

129836519632656250_346 wow cd-key 129836519632656250_346 - ROVA

129836519632656250_346 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/wow-cd-key/">wow cd-key</a>Gateway fell this morning spot us-Telegraph 7.7573 Gateway fell this morning Rift CD-key, spot us-Telegraph 7.7573. Others:

with 100GB storage space TERA CD-key with 100GB storage space - GYWE

129828564391718750_101Comparison of Samsung Apple Google music service According to foreign news media wow cd-key, Samsung launch MusicHub music service yesterday, it has a subscription service, provides baiwanshou on songs. You can also scan a user's music library and similar styles of music, with 100GB storage space, convenience store, songs wow power leveling, personal creations, or custom content such as radio. According to Samsung, the music service first to supportThe latest release of the GalaxySIII TERA CD-key, which means Germany, and Spain, and Italy, and France and the United Kingdom of GalaxySIII of Samsung Smartphone smartphones may be the first to enjoy the service. However, Samsung said, this service will soon support more market and other Samsung devices. A lot of people think Samsung MusicHub servicesSamsung iTunes competitor, which now provide 2000duowanshou songs, this service could have on iTunes threat of Samsung, now is too early to talk about, and how user experience is still unclear. But before the final results come out, has a media production compared to a music service, on all musicService comparison of strengths and weaknesses, we watch together. Based on the information icon provides, we know that the Samsung MusicHub is a monthly subscription service fee, users need to pay � 9.99 per month; Apple iTunesMatch the annual service fee of $ 24.99; Google Music subscription service is free of charge.In the music library, Samsung MusicHub now has 19 million songs, and Apple's iTunes has more than 20 million the number of songs. In addition, cloud storage, storage space for 100GB Samsung, Google music support store 20,000 songs. Others:

06-08 Diablo 3 CD-KEY 06-08 - ECZW

129836519537343750_157Zhi Ying: depressed market confidence quotes for stocks Central Bank cut rates for the first time in 3 years, two cities both advance in early trading, bank stocks after killing the index quickly fell under the fallen, speeds faster than yesterday. 10:30, brokerage shares surged Heli real estate led to the market quickly rebounded, the market turned red again, now under way on the trend continues, more yesterday obviously amplified in trading volume. Stocks fell less rose, was 82, most stocks are in reverseBomb. Message on the surface, the Central Bank cut rates for the first time in 3 years, for the stock market should be a major boon, but opened only a dozen points in early trading, and shows confidence is very low Diablo 3 gold, plus advance low shadow of yesterday, the market has is the bow. Watch disc surface can be found, early rapid killed under suspicion of deliberately suppressing the main force. Perimeter yesterday's gains, is today the Central Bank loweringInterest, within two days so much good, shares had no response? Is decline difficult to change is the main force in the next big move? The US does not need to guess, pegged to a plate that is: Bank, so long as the banks really rebound wow power leveling, the market short-term worry-free, if banks still don't bottom out, Outlook will continue to dip down, support in 224Near the 2, the author said that for a long time. No matter how other real estate and brokerage bengda stay out of it. Currently still is a unit, but I need one word of warning, do not see the industry out of the good when hot it, will only buy high, industry can be good as an observation point, but it should be subject to the actual trend. Early authors on ringHealth industry, beer industry, land reform in Shenzhen concept, is based on stock movements does have strength, coupled with the message positive, so that you can accurately grasp the hot spots. For example, today, recent message display the domestic market shortages in supply of lithium carbonate, lithium battery plate, there are a lot of signs of strength in the stock, then this section concerns in the near future; but I have to say todayNot the lithium batteries, but electronic information. The next generation of information technology as one of the seven key strategic industries, please be sure not to forget it, electronic information unit also has another advantage, is very active. Observation on the author side, found a lot of strength in the electronic information unit, although the message has not yet appeared on the surface to benefit, but this plate Diablo 3 CD-KEY, I recently recommended. [Scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] United StatesStocks lower Dow fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll]International oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission explained under oilAdjustable rate lower than the market expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's 5Global same-store sales increase of the month 3.3% (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] lightDairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline in ShanghaiLift to $ 7.58 (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8%Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capitalQuestion and answer session management (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive"Live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, steamDiesel the highest retail price list (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first yearRecord (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-0819:33) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Bank scroll fell to 6.28 times times forward earnings (06-0819:16) gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project |Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [goldThaw] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] venture capital must beAsked 8 questions venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others:

494 SWTOR CD-key 494 - NXRS

129838917374531250_13 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/swtor-cd-key/">SWTOR CD-key</a>Appreciation of fine COS this week: lizard people leading Youna pressurized Look at this soul from the power of 3 lizard people, he is not a sculpture, it cosplay from the player's real people. It's very realistic. From the appearance point of view SWTOR Credits, right arm part was actually fake, wearing his right arm is hidden in a coat, to control the movement of the head. This Cosplay includes other highlights from the the legend of Zelda, Of the Diablo 3, games such as the final fantasy show. Please enjoy the below. 39 Diablo 3 power leveling,494 Others:


with slim design SWTOR CD-key with slim design - BDCO

129833960933702500_21 <a href="http://www.hireleveler.com/star-wars-the-old-republic/credits">SWTOR Credits</a>Rapoo E6300 keyboard was specifically for the Apple Tablet iPad exclusive ordered a Bluetooth keyboard, overall a very Petite, matches iPad 9.7-inch inch size screen is suitable, out of carrying is also very convenient.  Is it descending low design, with slim design Rift CD-key, easy to type but does not look bulky. Rapoo E6300Bluetooth keyboard battery life for up to a month. Machine only has one output interface is USB charging interface, takes only 2 hours per charge, so we do not need to concern the frequent charge gives us unnecessary trouble. Operation is quite simple, just follow the manual instructions, open the Bluetooth interface of iPad and rapoo E6300, enter the PIN code can beLine operations. In addition, rapoo E6300 although body size is small, but up to 80 buttons, and are by no means weaker compared to General keyboard, used to match iPad, there is more to return to the main interface, lock screen, hide display keyboard, copy paste \ \, volume, mute, play, \ suspended Super shortcuts such as addition and subtraction, let you in on the iPad even more conciseIt.  Overall operation SWTOR CD-key, rapoo E6300 way smaller, very suited for entering text on the iPad, a Bluetooth keyboard that is also quite good, and start with Oh! Rapoo (RAPOO) E6300[reference price] $ 299 [contact]010-62680995 Others:

name-calling TERA CD-key name-calling - TWMP

129823466918750000_184Teda Ocean shuaikuze FA even opened 6 tickets for "money" was fined 7 Sports--Xinhua Beijing, May 24 (reporter Zheng Daojin) 24th of the Chinese Football Association Disciplinary Committee on ultra, in the League in the last two rounds of violations set out in 6 ticket TERA CD-key, 5 of them associated with humiliation wow cd-key, name-calling, threatening referees, Teda Kuhse foreign coach by waving banknotes shamed referee fined for behavior such as 1 ban, 6 field not allowed into the benchCommand, and was fined $ 38,000. FA discipline Inspection Commission would point out that, Teda club competition oversight, referees ' reports and statements, Super in the 11th round of Liaoning after the game shipped home and Tianjin Teda, Kuhse due to dissatisfaction with referee, accused the referee into venues. Subsequently, the referee when you exit through the channel, Kuhse handheld money reaching magistrates,With language insulting referee TERA Gold, but he was again at a news conference after the game against the judge made inappropriate comments. Soccer Federation Commission for discipline inspection by the China Football Association disciplinary rules and penalties, the 52nd, 36th, 44th, 78th section provides that decided to ban Kuhse in Super League with the team entering the stadium in the 12th round, and Super in the 13th roundTo 18 rounds of prohibited them from entering the bench commands, in addition to 38,000 yuan fine. In the same game, Teda team Xiao is for entering the venue blamed referee fined for entering the bench 3 field, and was fined $ 15,000. Super event is another focus of concern in the upper whorl of Jiangsu SAINTY and Dalian aerbin home game "flying kick". Football disciplineAuthority, to injury in the game during the second minute of the Bushi, an unidentified man suddenly rushed into the building playing kick the first assistants, Dalian region was given a warning punishment, and to a fine of $ 50,000. Various events Super League referees was happy, and threat occurred in a League referee of the event. Soccer Federation Commission for discipline inspection said, in the 10thRound of Liuyang River and Harbin songbei teams competitions, team members who have spoken earlier in the first half of the Liuyang river rushed at the end pointing and name-calling and threatening referees in the admission and was stopped a penalty into the League in bench 6 courts, and was fined $ 30,000. In the same game, songbei goalkeepers coach Zhu Shan has rushed entry pointing and name-calling in the referee's behavior, so was punished by being banned from enteringLeague bench 3 field, and was fined $ 15,000. Football Association's sixth tickets go to the Nanjing area. Ultra-Jiangsu SAINTY in the 10th round at home to Changchun Yatai team after the game, appears outside of Nanjing Olympic sports center stadium due to lax security organizations, leading to minority audiences containing disputed vehicles and smashing the disputed vehicles. Nanjing arenas so be warned and beA fine of $ 20,000. (End) Others:

by note Hou Shang disc water level began lower Diablo 3 power leveling by note Hou Shang disc wate

129823466908906250_163Bo Eagle 071-opening tray: Sendai Kajima blocked West-Dutch-Portuguese Bo Sheng 1, Switzerland VS Germany Switzerland failed to group in a Euro 2012 qualifier round, team game was entirely with the Germany troops, Germany in recent years with the emergence of young talents, in world football gain first-class status, were outstanding in the qualifiers and friendlies last year, but with many of the key players of Bayern Munich has just finished finals of the UEFA Champions League,This field competition Joachim may select large alternate first, Asia disc General to guest let hemisphere in the water up disc, comparison history disc surface slightly display tuoda, Germany recently 3 times and Switzerland fight all win, by note Hou Shang disc water level began fell, over company variable disc guest let half a pattern, and standard disc trend anastomosis, Switzerland recently 5 a home only lost 1 Council, makers this conducive to avoiding Shang disc heat, this fieldCompetitions promising Germany looked away and win, grade 10. 2, Spain VS Serbia Spain since holding South Africa after the World Cup, coach Maurits c. Boas's commitment to maintain the framework of cases partially replacing, as Barcelona and Bilbao to be the King's Cup finals this weekend, per capita absence this game such as haweiyiniesita, Maurits c. Boas more exercise newMainly, Serbia in last year of European Cup qualifier in the regret out, team performance extremely bad, away performance especially weak, recently 9 a away only win two field, Asia disc General to main let a ball/ball half high water up disc, reasonable of expression has home team advantage, by note Hou Shang disc water level began fell, but standard disc data and no too large changes, makers this has deliberately induced Shang disc confidence of pourTo, this match Spain newcomers more running enough to win difficult, optimistic about their small victory is wonderful, recommendation 3. 3, Netherlands VS Bulgaria Netherlands team strength in recent years by leaps and bounds, Bert van marwijk greatly boosted the team's defensive capability, but for now the team while the front person in Deluxe, but aging tendency of lumbar discitis, and guard,Years of qualifier in the team 10 field competition 9 wins 1 negative, fire full Diablo 3 power leveling, and as Berbatov and petrof, arrested veteran of old to, Bulgaria in recent years strength fell clear, 8 field qualifier win Xia 1 field just playing into 3 ball, attack weak, Asia disc General to main let ball half/two ball in the water up disc, point of expression has home team advantage, by note Hou Shang disc water level began lower,Companies rose two ball pattern, this should be the home team advantage was to transition, Europe lost the primary to win odds is less than 1.2, this match Netherlands win problem is unlikely, recommendation 3. 4, Portugal VS Macedonia Portugal in the European Cup qualifier by virtue of additional game in the adventure to be promoted, the team has ups and downs, and the home arena of combat capabilities and differences obvious, mostNear 8 a home events 7 WINS 1 flat keep does not defeated, home fire visible as evidenced by, and Macedonia belonging to typical of fish belly team, in the events of qualifier in the basic belonging to accompany Prince reading of role, Asia disc General to main let two ball/two ball half in the water up disc, give has home team enough confidence, by note Hou Shang disc water level continues to fell Rift CD-key, standard disc area main WINS data general low to 1.1 around, And Asia disk data match, this match Portugal win without difficulty, recommendation 3. 5, Norway VS England Norway started doing extremely well in the European Cup qualifier, but then one after another away defeat to Denmark and Portugal, the team missed the opportunity of entering the game, the Norway team, although there is no known good players, but the team as a whole to teamwork, the last 10Field events 8 WINS 1 flat 1 negative, war force not small, and England area get cold feet replaced coach, plus Rooney is suspensions 3 field, team this Cup prospects not optimistic, Asia disc General to guest let hemisphere high water up disc, by note Hou Shang disc water level sharp higher, over company variable disc guest let flat half pattern, and standard disc trend consistent, this should is disputed the let ball unable to of real reflected, this field competitionBeware of Norway baoleng, recommendation 30. 6, Czech VS Israel after Czech gradually fading since the golden generation, to lean in the State, there is no young talent for provoking beam, qualifying final teams suddenly punches, ultimately in the additional two rounds out of Montenegro during the match, the resulting game opportunities, while Israel average strength, the team in the absence of the traditional strong teamsOf qualifier f group in the just ranked third bit, respectively is Greece and Croatia main away double killed, Asia disc General to main let half a high water up disc, comparison history disc surface more reasonable, by note Hou Shang disc water level began higher, over company drop disc main let hemisphere pattern, and standard disc data compared to Shang disc water level clear partial high, in home team advantage clear of situation Xia, this deliberately resistance Shang of means does not concentratedAnd more is made may be low on confidence Diablo 3 gold, the game proposes to prevent cold advection, recommending 31. 7, consadole Sapporo VS consadole Sapporo Sanfrecce Hiroshima go up horse performance bleak start to the season, the team failed to adapt to the level of competition intensity, go 12 rounds of League 1 win 1-10 bottom of the rankings, lost a total of 25 balls while playing 8 ball, Defense after full, And Hiroshima three arrow this season was eyes a light, team currently to 7 WINS 1 flat 4 negative of results ranked League 2nd bit, but recent trend has ups and downs, Asia disc General to guest let half a high water up disc, reasonable of expression has disputed the of strength State advantage, by note Hou Shang disc water level has been keep in in the high water pattern, and standard disc data consistent, Europe lost area guest WINS data more condensed, this fieldCompetitions promising Sanfrecce Hiroshima away body back, recommended 10. Others:


compensation for single old lady get $ 25 SWTOR Credits compensation for single old lady get $ 25

129823442341250000_86 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">SWTOR Power Leveling</a>Tripped over old phone line operators lose 20,005 Report from (reporter Wang Qiushi) over seven years old granny accident trip coming up the phone lines SWTOR Credits, resulting in multiple injuries, for failing to phone line all operators agree on compensation, old pique operators sued to court claims. Reporter was informed yesterday, through a cloud of mediation TERA Gold, compensation for single old lady get $ 25,000. Granny Sue said, on August 5Her walk is a large truck cut off the flesh as punishment when broken phone lines tripped, cause of scapular fractures, Hipbone fractures and other injuries, after an investigation was informed that telephone lines to one carrier for all. Because the two sides failed to reach agreement on compensation issues, one old lady will be the operators to court litigation, requested compensation of $ 35,000. Families of the old claims that cannot be satisfactorily resolved, pushing the old one toCarrier Hall to make trouble, contradictions between the two sides is quite sharp. After hosting the judges accepted the case, find the operators to understand the situation, operators recognize that self is the actor. Judges do convincing to both sides, respectively, by moving people with feelings, to boot, the parties reached a consensus, carriers final compensation and old is $ 25,000. Others:

working under the influence of a very serious Diablo 3 power leveling working under the influence

129822607952187500_66British media exposes Sawajiri longhua Poser is satire "dangerous women" British longhua Sawajiri (information) international online reported on May 23 it was Japan media, starring Sawajiri longhua about five years later, British comeback movie Helter Skelter, will be released on July 14, according to Japanese media reported, in the 15th, Sawajiri British longhua due to illness will be canceled after the May interview activities, in fact basically in lockoutState. She does not tie in with the publicity of new practices and then, and cause a big mess. Sawajiri longhua personal service all business lead by the hand of cooperation, British people Office head said: "after the end of photography she (Sawajiri-British long hua) is very tired, and do a lot of interviews and other work, very hard. "For future participation in the film propaganda activities, also depends on British longhua SawajiriPhysical condition to determine. Has begun to preview the movie, compare highly fans. A film industry insiders said: "British longhua Sawajiri as the actors are really very hard, recent open trailer has a great description of the passion play, has become all talk about the topic. Play in cooperation with British Sawajiri longhua Sho Aikawa, ghosts, such as mass graves and the ocean, Ling and wild just cooperate, many stressLove play. Weekly had reported in the modern history of the British that Sawajiri longhua fully demonstrated in the film woman of desire. "Starring Sawajiri longhua attended in September 2007, British film propaganda activities of the dusty notebook, because they do not tie in with the publicity and was accused by the media and fans, working under the influence of a very serious, she is also his tearful public apologyAnd did not think her behavior remains unchanged. A weekly magazine reporter said: "when filming the Helter Skelter, Susumu Terajima had found pregnant at that time, so work very freely. Sometimes they are two people play, Sawajiri British longhua not only late, also dropped shooting both left the field early, Director's Ninagawa real flowersMore pet her SWTOR CD-key, so she would have been more indifferent. And British Sawajiri longhua still did not deal with divorce Diablo 3 power leveling, on the scene on the dasennan expression of their goodwill. "Movies released in a couple of months SWTOR Credits, in the most important publicity times, starring Sawajiri British longhua suddenly go wrong will, of course, caused a great sensation. The industry sources said British Sawajiri longhua finally comeback to make a play, itShould not such a wasted opportunity. Although British Sawajiri longhua acting has been quite high praise, but for making parties and sponsors, is indeed a "dangerous women". Others: