
000 or more TERA Gold 000 or more - SMIC

129809336142242500_1178Drop a large Dong Wenbiao, Chairman of the Bank, its 2010 salary reached $ 7.1548 million, in 2011, "sorry high revealed" profit, its sharp decline in pay $ 28% per cent. In addition, most of the Bank's Executive compensation has risen slightly, but shall not exceed 10% per cent, with the banking industry last yearCompared to the profits always, 40%, does not increase too much. However, it should be noted is that while some bankers ' pay decreased significantly, banks to average wages of staff and workers generally have a larger increase. Average pay increase when the number of maximum just attributed to the deep development of the Green Group, the average salary of workers in the same caliber by 2010 2$ 37,600 per cent to $ 352,500 in 2011 SWTOR Power Leveling, upgrading up to 48%. In addition, other banks with an average staff salaries also have varying degrees of promotion, joint-stock Bank employees average pay almost all of 300,000 or more, well above the five-line staff average annual salary of around $ 200,000. Due to staff pay increase, equity in banksIndex compared to 2010, seem more fair. Deep development in 2011 with the worst 2010 equity index 4.94 per cent equity index, is banking on average, other Bank equity indices are in 2-7. Insurance must pay vacancies compared to per cent in 2010, for the first time per cent in 2009Of 15.84 million and per cent in 2007, 2008, 2011, insurance companies no one to pay tens of millions for the first time. Arrange insurance industry pay most Ding Xinmin, Chairman of ping an life insurance, income before taxes of up to $ 9.9228 million, even higher than the annual salary of $ 9.8847 million Ma Mingzhe, Chairman of peace, closely followed by is safeLi Yuanxiang 8.3894 million, Deputy General Manager. For the 2011 executive compensation growth slows the subtle changes, Deloitte Consulting's human capital Advisory consultancy Wang Guanxia think, mainly because of the 2011 economic situation difficult to create high performance, on the other hand also shows pay companies for executive management of more stringent, there are many companies in their annual reportsClear that employ professional firms on executive compensation design. Through statistics 2010, ping, China life insurance, China Pacific Corporation employees per capita income levels, 99,000, 97,000. However, 2011 is about $ 110,000, treatment of employees of the insurance industry as a whole than the small rise in 2010. Broker stock market executives inversePay raise in 2011 in the a-share market ushered in the third year decreases in history, total market value evaporated 5.97 trillion yuan, circulation market value evaporated 2.83 trillion yuan, volume contraction, new shareholder account fell near 20% Diablo 3 power leveling, minimum volumes for nearly three years. 2011, live at the mercy of the elements of the securities company's performance following the a-share market fully bear. But winter does not affectBrokerage management profits full bowl full, even if the last "keliwushou" or even loss of a family, there are some brokers pay for executives. CITIC Securities Vice Chairman Yin Ke is as high as annual salary of HK $ 19.745 million, becoming a share paid for first place. Changjiang securities, for example, 66.1% 2011 net profit fell, but company executives remuneration paidPer cent increase in the total 51%. Data show that in 2011, including independence, Mr Tung, directors of Changjiang securities senior high school, a total of 14 in the listed company's remuneration, the company paid a total of $ 17.6203 million paid. Hong Yuan securities is one example. Company annual report, while Hong Yuan securities 2011 net profit down 50.58%, but executives ' pay60% an increase of the total amount, reaching $ 27.9812 million. Among them, Hu Qiang, General Manager of the company's annual salary from $ per cent in 2010 has ballooned to $ per cent in 2011, a year pay rise 1.226 million. By contrast, securities had to tighten their belts because of losses in the Northeast. Data show that in 2010, netAfter a sharp drop in profits, it listed the first time after losses on 2011. Annual report disclosure according to the Northeast stock plummet 55%, Chairman and CEO of emoluments, the remaining executive pay suffered different degrees of decline. -Bank Executive said banking profits, Chairman of deep development of ultra low xiaosuining said at the annual results announcement, banks actually "usury"Not, super low profits, calculated usury generally refers to the unit of input received in return. Currently yields only banking assets of 1%, only a few years before lingdianji, and general manufacturing industries have 5% this indicator, so the banks both non-profiteering and non-usurious. Bank employees said 200,000 annual salary are still bottom a joint-stock Bank employees complain about, said annual salary of 200 TERA CD-key,000 in BeijingPressure is still very large. In the financial sector as a whole, bank employee income is the bottom. And compared with great working very hard, at the end of each quarter, it is night. Text/reporter Ma Wenting Gao Chen Niu Yinghui Ao Xiaobo (Editor: Cao Lu璠) Others:

