
NATO helicopters against targets in Pakistan

129668642208593750_15According to Xinhua, Pakistani military officials said that North Atlantic Treaty Organization-led mission in Afghanistan the international security assistance force helicopters, the early morning of 26th Northwest into Pakistan airspace, air raid a military checkpoint, and 25 soldiers were killed and 14 wounded.  Pakistan Government subsequently cut off a NATO transport lines. Transboundary launched air raids on a Pakistani armyParty spokesman confirmed to Reuters, attacks of Northwestern Mohmand Agency in Pakistan diablo 3 power leveling, but did not explain in more detail.  Mohmand Agency near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, is a tribal inhabited areas. "NATO helicopters to the Mohmand Agency, a Pakistani checkpoint without reason and launching air raids," the spokesman said, "there are reports of casualties, fineSection to be verified.  "Two local intelligence officials say the attacks around 26th, was attacked Port Sultan checkpoint, located in the Mohmand Agency thanks to Hamid Karzai, some 2.5 km from the Pakistan border. Mohmand Agency officials say makesude·hasang and hamidehan, Pakistani military checkpoints at the Salala village established not long ago,Aimed at preventing Afghanistan Taliban militants cross-border attacks.  Resulting in many deaths and mixed media pronouncements about air raid casualties.  Reuters quoted Pakistani military officials reported that 25 soldiers were killed in air attack, 14 people were injured. Pakistan live broadcast television, RAID 10 by army reservists killed and 4 wounded. Event occursHou, Mohmand Agency all roads leading to Shab border was blocked. "When the soldiers were killed in his sleep, NATO had no reason to attack our checkpoints will be thrown (the Palestinians) strong reaction.  "Are in Afghanistan capital Kabul morning of 26th NATO officials said that they took note of the incident, will be announced after verification for more information. Protest against the violation of sovereigntyKhyber-masude·kaosaer, Governor of the Pashtun province of Northwest Pakistan strongly condemn NATO for cross-border air raids on the day to protest against NATO violated Pakistan's sovereignty. "Unacceptable and tolerance of such cross-border attacks.  "He said, the Government of Pakistan will take measures, a thorough investigation. 26th air strikes the outside world think of last year with NATO helicopters cross border attacks。 On September 30 last year, NATO helicopters against targets in Pakistan, killing two Pakistani soldiers.  Pakistan Government subsequently cut off NATO a transportation line in protest.  Analysts believe that this cross-border air raids also continued the United States and Pakistan relations regeneration variables. Khyber-Pashtun province officials mutaxier·HouHasib Hussain said on 26th, the Palestinians decided to cut off NATO a transportation line. "After receiving the command of the Central Government, we have cut off NATO transport lines diablo 3 gold, Peshawar trucks carrying supply materials are being returned. "Source: Beijing times

